Help please anyone :)



ok peeps a little help if ya dont mind ;)

Ping Problems in Q3 Arena

Connection 128k ISDN

PC =

P3 800
512meg 133 ram
32meg Voodoo 4500 AGP
SB Live
O/S Windows 2000 Pro

Right here we go latest point release for Game 1.30
Enter server at a nice ping of 60ish can play for about a min then it all goes Pete Tong :( ping hits 999 laggs out then Disconects , people have told me to /com_maxfps i have tryed it but its still the same , conclusion back to UT :rolleyes: BUT comming from the OLD QuakeWorld scene i would like to get a grip of this game so any help in resolveing but most anouying problem would be a great help




999's are likely to be

a) your isp
b) the server you are on

try settings of

/rate 6000
/snaps 20
/cl_packetdup 2
/com_maxfps (10-20 lower than your fps in a timedemo)
/cl_maxpackets 30


btw one thing i've seen a lot of people caught upon, even experienced gamers in Gamespy3d..if you are using this, the default rate setting for quake3 is actually 3000...obv may well not be your problem, but if u use gamespy3d check the quake3 toold options (or in game just type /rate and see what it shows its set at in game) :)

Otherwise I would follow Ch@ms post and tweak from their upwards, or sounds like maybe try testing a diff ISP.


hold on idsoftware said that fps is now not linked to network updates as qw was . have you turned on you netgraph - lagometer to check you connection


Originally posted by Ch@meleon
999's are likely to be

a) your isp
b) the server you are on

try settings of

/rate 6000
/snaps 20
/cl_packetdup 2
/com_maxfps (10-20 lower than your fps in a timedemo)
/cl_maxpackets 30

OK ISP is 0800dial business package i play Unreal Tournament and QuakeWorld on this ISP and its a Steady Ping of 70 :)

This tweeks you have stated i know i have to copy and paste somewhere but where lol

Net meter ?? Lagograph lol
Never heard of the above

But i dont use Gamespy i use the All Seeing Eye for my server browser and the only Servers i play on are the BarrysWorld and BlueYonder servers


just pull down the console (the key below escape) whilst on a server and type them in

to look at your 'lagometer', again, pull down the console and type /cg_lagometer 1

you sure your isdn card is ok ?

erm if u play qw surely u know where your q3 config might be ? its in baseq3



There may be particularly bad routing from your isp to the server you are trying to use.

Try going to START -----> RUN -----> then type COMMAND and press ENTER, then type .......


where xxx is the server ip. DON'T include the :27960 (for example) port number.

At each HOP you will get a response time in 'ms'. This should be around about 50 ish maybe on isdn. If you get a hop where it goes bad (and usually at every hop after this), there may be a problem at some point where your isp routes it's traffic.

I dunno what OS you are using, but if you have trouble with the tracert command, do a search at for 'visual traceroute' and download an evaluation version.


Originally posted by Ch@meleon
I dunno what OS you are using......

Originally posted by GravelPIT
O/S Windows 2000 Pro

Doh! :)

Btw, you can do a timedemo (to work out what to set your com_maxfps to) by doing the following from the q3 console ...

/cg_drawfps 1
/timedemo 1
/demo four

when it finishes, it will give you an fps rating. If it says 100 (for example), set com_maxfps to something like 85.

Have you had any success yet? Tbh, 999's really seem to suggest your isp or the server ..... but it cant help to get your q3 settings right I spose.


Done all the settings set out above and guess what !!! Wait for it

Still the fucking same :( even tryed a local rate ISP and it still done it

Think i gonna give up and give the Q3 disc to me dog to eat

Only seems to be this game :eek:(

Christ nows what it is , personal its beginning to anouy me

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