HELP packetloss! :(



am experiencing massive packetloss (P on the perf meter) going red every few seconds, mobs/players etc all warping about and becoming invisible etc, i have tried reformatting 5 times, in 2 different OS, tried 2 diff connections (BT 576k adsl and Pipex 576 adsl) in diff areas of the country (UK) a friend on the same network as me does not experience any of the same problems.
I have disabled my firewall etc updated all drivers etc, pc spec:

1 AMD Athlon XP 2600
Asus, nforce2 chipset mobo,
geforce fx5900ultra
1024mb ddr...

with most recent drivers etc.. anyone got any clue whats wrong or any way to fix? after reading some other posts a few ppl suggested using tracer ip, but i have been on 2 different connections.. ANY help would be extremely helpfull thanks..



tried a traceroute?

prolly in the network


had same yesterday, running again pingplotter to see if continue.
goa had ~20-30% pl.
hope this not continue


Mine too reports packet loss, im on NTL, however this onyl started when i installed my GF5600.

It also only happens to me in certain places, like i cannot enter Iarnwood at all.

Both my Packet and GFX meters turn red if i try, and eventually if i dont manage to reverse out, I LD. Yet run on my laptop, no problem at all.

So dont think its just your con, seems the new NVidia chipset can be to blame too. Even with the latest drivers.

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