Help needed to determine exact lvl ranges for con-colors


Bedroc the Hero

Hi b00bs!

On my everlasting tourist expeditions to make my PvE guides ( Legends of Camelot, click on zone guides ) I want to decide the lvls for the mobs in different areas. To do this successfully I need to know the exact lvl ranges for different con colors ( Yellos, Orange, Red, Purple ) etc.

I found a lil help at this link : Weapons and "Con", stating that:

lvl range per color = (lvl/10)+1

i.e. if you are lvl 50
50/10 = 5
5+1 = 6
50-6 = 44
44 to 50 con yellow to you if you are 50
37 to 43 con blue

But some questions need to be answered and thus I hope for your valued input guys and gals:

  • How do you round the division? 50/10=5 yielding a 5+1=6 range np..
    But if your lvl 35? 35/10=3.5+1=4.5 , does that give a 4 or 5 lvl range for each con color?
    Lvl 33? 37?
  • Does always one lvl higher con Orange? So even at 49 a lvl 50 will con Orange?
  • Is con ranges the same for objects, mobs and invaders? Ive heard that objects might be different.

Does anyone know? Thank you kindly!


Um well thats a dificult 1 .. it might stay constant in RvR as to who concs what colour.

But for exapmle Parths con yellow at 17? but still conned green at about 27

So i don't see how u can range a mobs lvl only through estimates i suppose.

Tank Init

not actually 100% sure what u getting at but

lvl 01-09 1 lvl per con either way
lvl 10-19 2 lvl per con either way
lvl 20-29 3 lvl per con either way
lvl 30-39 4 lvl per con either way
lvl 40-49 5 lvl per con either way
lvl 50 6 lvl per con either way

for players 1 level higher always cons orange, for items its 2 levels higher to con orange, not sure with mobs tho

Bedroc the Hero

Thanks Tank. Ill use your estimate.

Anu youll bracket the mobs lvlsby using tanks ranges with con color from different lvl members of the group. If 3 people 32,35, 38 note their max and min cons for a mob youll get their range very close to the truth.


I only know about higher levels since those are most interesting when you are that level yourself, anyway, this I am 100% sure of:

<lvl 35 con grey to 50
36-40 con green to 50
41-45 con blue to 50
46-50 con yellow to 50

at lvl 44, a lvl 50 cons red to you and lvl 45-49 con orange
at lvl 45, lvl 46-50 con orange

Tank Init

looks like i was out by 1 then so its 1-10, 11-20 etc wasnt 100% sure but now u know :)



Motorheadii LOL

Was wondering if Motorhead had made another dr00d :)

But now I know :)



Mobs 1 level higher con orange.

Thanks to charm I can find out the exact level of charmable mobs, so can any mentalist who can charm them.

This only works up to orange (and even at orange death follows shortly after the charming processs, but it could be helpful for getting level ranges of things yellow or less, as long as they are charmable).


Download this bro

Its an excel sheet that gives u all the con colours for your level compared to your targets level.

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