Help m with my dilema plz...



My dilema is to be friar or to be minstrel... I´ve got both char at lvl 9 and 10... using the popular templates and both have got mez and self haste (friar) which I tnk r the best skills both char has at low lvl to test.

My friar kicks asses, my pal´s slash armsman (not kalam) and me can equall our dmg with self haste and I can´t imagine with all those nice enh I´ll get at 45 (+ abs, - end cost, self haste, + af, etc) and staff I´ll get at 44 (low parry so 50 style useless anyway) basically suzie´s template.

On the other hand, mez´s wot I luv doing, even got a sorc but I´ve heard from higher sorc in pyd that it´s a bit frustrating to play sb (main mezzer) who´ll be killed in 3 hit w/o good protection, with mid´s predominance in pyd I don´t tnk I can survive a lot with my mage, though I luv sorcs... (a bit OT) Atm I´m happy mezzing in mithra, wot appeals me most is that I can mez while moving, and can insta anything while mezzing, of course a well played 2 sec stun + mez can still solve quite a lot of problems at my lvl, template´s 44/44/rest over, another popular one. I know how overpowered a minstrel is (4 others balanced but anyway...) and I´d luv to be a force to be reckoned, I trust quite a lot my ability of mezzing and just wanna know wot ya tnk about all this...

Atm it´s quite easy and amusing pulling with my minstrel, start touch my flute mezzing and .5 sec later pull the mob with weakest DD, and go back a bit, voila, mob mezzed, and if my pal faile on his first hit, since I´ve got the song turned on, a bit later the mob´ll be mezzed again.

Oh here I´ve got a big question, since my mez´s a type of SONG, when I change my target to other mobs (too close to us and need to know the con) and so, my notes appeals at it´s head! Dunno if this is the way of minstrel mezzing... since I´ll stop my song if I press the button of mez on my qb once and restart it once again...
So if this is the way then mez with a minstrel is as easy as swithing targets?! Sorry I´m still n00b in alb, forgot my life during BETA there :p

So basically I´m asking 2 things:

1. Friar or minstrel (I know how uber a minstrel is and how hard is 4 friar to r vs r)

2. Way of the mez of minstrel, is it permanent song so I can mez as much as I wish just holding the flute and walking around finding targets? (so with 2 minstrels in ya team, u can out run anybody but a 2 bard team with end song, while mezzing em since u can mez while moving? mmm overpowered indeed, luv it :D )

3. Any page dedicated to minstrels? (if possible up to date so I´d know how see hidden will affect minstrels)

4. Is a sorc viable? I mean atm r vs r, my main´s a caster too and I know it´s waaaaaaaay easy to kill any caster and since albs got no stun, it´s V hard to kill an enemy close to ya w/o kitting, and kite´s not that easy...

Ok they r 4 things... anyway looking 4ward to ya reply ^_-


Be a friar, we don't have many ;)

I don't really know many friars, so can't really answer the RvR bit, but I reckon they will face the same problems as every other melee class, but they can also heal/buff/res etc, so will be a bit more useful, as they can fit other roles.
As for sorcerors, I think they are a good class for RvR, although like you say they can be killed quite quick, but so does any class until you get to about lvl 45+, and they have a longer mez, and I think they get an AE mez, which can be extremely useful. For example, you have a mob of trolls charging oyu, all you need is 2-3 sorcerors to use AE mez, and they are stopped dead in their tracks, and I think this is one of Albions main weaknesses at the moment..we don't have enough mezzers, the mids charge straight through us without anyone stopping them, whereas we are mezzed before we get anywhere near.


I took a friar to lv24... the first char I started with. Can you believe how sad it was to kill her to start an inf :(

But my inf is doing me proud and I'm sure Justice(the friar) would approve :)

Although my friar was waiting for the battlegrounds... during her later days in Keltoi, I saw the problem with friars aswell. You're right, they hit very hard, but that pulls agro. You hang back to heal and again, you pull agro.

No matter which way you look at it, Agro + leather armour = bad.

Friars have style, but you don't look so hot as a corpse.

I haven't played a minstrel, but from what I've seen, they seem to have more potential in RvR and you can't argue with the speed song :D


Tnx all!

That´s my main concern about a friar, how to not pull aggro, so I´ll need to heal, jump in a throw a bit of hits and then a bit of de taunts and then step out and heal? Friars r EXTREMLY good hitting and if they use their haste insta they r god. But again in r vs r they r even weaker, due to the fact that any slash ARROW user can kick the crap out of him, but any trust assesain´ll know wot´s the pain means if they face him... though if anybody RUNS friar´s pretty more useless there... no points charse >,<

The end game´s r vs r, and p vs e´s that it is, with a lvl 50 and helping dudes I´ve got already enough of p vs e... I´d like challenges, a sorc seems to be ok to me, but again, I´ve got a lvl 50 caster, and I know how WEAK they r, u can try mez ppl, but it´s R R R hard to survive with that weak armor (ok.. so if I´m naked I won´t suffer penalty against slash wearers.. weee), beside, NO stun´s a disadvantage if u were asking.

There r V few sorcs even in exc/alb, at least I´ve faced V few of em, but I´m sure they r pretty useful, but again, u will need always to pray to be not INSTAed, insta > all... I´m fed up when I c minstrel running up to me, doing ALL exactly rite (/face, as soon as he entered in 1500 range qc+mez) and he can still insta stun me and then again I´m useless, only V few bad played minstrel haven´t stunned me, and I remember when I were lower lvl (45-), I killed a grey infil, then mezzed kalam (orange) and a yellow con minstrel and step in, stun minstrel and 3 pbaoed him to death, kalam killed me, but hei, doing that against 3 players (if a stealther can be count... at least he wasted my mana and time and attention) all because that poor minstrel though a hib caster´s easy and didn´t stunned me hehehe... oh therefor that´s the same vs a skald, and I´m sure there r LOAD of em running around >.<

Just let´s go and c, I hope my minstrel can be useful, coz I know they can and be V V nasty (old alpha, and some others in my server, ppl just gave up finding em or charsing em, and they did well against my pal´s lvl 50 enchanter, DD DD + MEZ, stun+mez the pet, and wait and DD DD stun and kill, I doubt seriously that any caster can survive through that since u CAN´t c em and u CAN´T do anything all time mezzed/stunned but maybe 1 sec and when u qc+mez/stun u got stunned or mezzed argh!!! Vs me, I won´t even bother, I´m died, doing exactly the same but forget about pet part, more relaxing :eek: )

And plz again, some minstrel provide m some mez xp and how to multimez, and if it´s true about mez song, then it´ll be just powerful V powerful! (btw I´ve got both page already, but tnx a lot 4 providing em again ^_^)


Oh btw Faith

Plz tell m how u feel now r vs r, wot´s u mostly doing (rezzing I´m afraid but anyway), ur spec and if u r happy with ur char, since he´s got NO ranged attack till 1.51... tnx again 4 ya input ^_^

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