My dilema is to be friar or to be minstrel... I´ve got both char at lvl 9 and 10... using the popular templates and both have got mez and self haste (friar) which I tnk r the best skills both char has at low lvl to test.
My friar kicks asses, my pal´s slash armsman (not kalam) and me can equall our dmg with self haste and I can´t imagine with all those nice enh I´ll get at 45 (+ abs, - end cost, self haste, + af, etc) and staff I´ll get at 44 (low parry so 50 style useless anyway) basically suzie´s template.
On the other hand, mez´s wot I luv doing, even got a sorc but I´ve heard from higher sorc in pyd that it´s a bit frustrating to play sb (main mezzer) who´ll be killed in 3 hit w/o good protection, with mid´s predominance in pyd I don´t tnk I can survive a lot with my mage, though I luv sorcs... (a bit OT) Atm I´m happy mezzing in mithra, wot appeals me most is that I can mez while moving, and can insta anything while mezzing, of course a well played 2 sec stun + mez can still solve quite a lot of problems at my lvl, template´s 44/44/rest over, another popular one. I know how overpowered a minstrel is (4 others balanced but anyway...) and I´d luv to be a force to be reckoned, I trust quite a lot my ability of mezzing and just wanna know wot ya tnk about all this...
Atm it´s quite easy and amusing pulling with my minstrel, start touch my flute mezzing and .5 sec later pull the mob with weakest DD, and go back a bit, voila, mob mezzed, and if my pal faile on his first hit, since I´ve got the song turned on, a bit later the mob´ll be mezzed again.
Oh here I´ve got a big question, since my mez´s a type of SONG, when I change my target to other mobs (too close to us and need to know the con) and so, my notes appeals at it´s head! Dunno if this is the way of minstrel mezzing... since I´ll stop my song if I press the button of mez on my qb once and restart it once again...
So if this is the way then mez with a minstrel is as easy as swithing targets?! Sorry I´m still n00b in alb, forgot my life during BETA there
So basically I´m asking 2 things:
1. Friar or minstrel (I know how uber a minstrel is and how hard is 4 friar to r vs r)
2. Way of the mez of minstrel, is it permanent song so I can mez as much as I wish just holding the flute and walking around finding targets? (so with 2 minstrels in ya team, u can out run anybody but a 2 bard team with end song, while mezzing em since u can mez while moving? mmm overpowered indeed, luv it
3. Any page dedicated to minstrels? (if possible up to date so I´d know how see hidden will affect minstrels)
4. Is a sorc viable? I mean atm r vs r, my main´s a caster too and I know it´s waaaaaaaay easy to kill any caster and since albs got no stun, it´s V hard to kill an enemy close to ya w/o kitting, and kite´s not that easy...
Ok they r 4 things... anyway looking 4ward to ya reply ^_-
My friar kicks asses, my pal´s slash armsman (not kalam) and me can equall our dmg with self haste and I can´t imagine with all those nice enh I´ll get at 45 (+ abs, - end cost, self haste, + af, etc) and staff I´ll get at 44 (low parry so 50 style useless anyway) basically suzie´s template.
On the other hand, mez´s wot I luv doing, even got a sorc but I´ve heard from higher sorc in pyd that it´s a bit frustrating to play sb (main mezzer) who´ll be killed in 3 hit w/o good protection, with mid´s predominance in pyd I don´t tnk I can survive a lot with my mage, though I luv sorcs... (a bit OT) Atm I´m happy mezzing in mithra, wot appeals me most is that I can mez while moving, and can insta anything while mezzing, of course a well played 2 sec stun + mez can still solve quite a lot of problems at my lvl, template´s 44/44/rest over, another popular one. I know how overpowered a minstrel is (4 others balanced but anyway...) and I´d luv to be a force to be reckoned, I trust quite a lot my ability of mezzing and just wanna know wot ya tnk about all this...
Atm it´s quite easy and amusing pulling with my minstrel, start touch my flute mezzing and .5 sec later pull the mob with weakest DD, and go back a bit, voila, mob mezzed, and if my pal faile on his first hit, since I´ve got the song turned on, a bit later the mob´ll be mezzed again.
Oh here I´ve got a big question, since my mez´s a type of SONG, when I change my target to other mobs (too close to us and need to know the con) and so, my notes appeals at it´s head! Dunno if this is the way of minstrel mezzing... since I´ll stop my song if I press the button of mez on my qb once and restart it once again...
So if this is the way then mez with a minstrel is as easy as swithing targets?! Sorry I´m still n00b in alb, forgot my life during BETA there
So basically I´m asking 2 things:
1. Friar or minstrel (I know how uber a minstrel is and how hard is 4 friar to r vs r)
2. Way of the mez of minstrel, is it permanent song so I can mez as much as I wish just holding the flute and walking around finding targets? (so with 2 minstrels in ya team, u can out run anybody but a 2 bard team with end song, while mezzing em since u can mez while moving? mmm overpowered indeed, luv it
3. Any page dedicated to minstrels? (if possible up to date so I´d know how see hidden will affect minstrels)
4. Is a sorc viable? I mean atm r vs r, my main´s a caster too and I know it´s waaaaaaaay easy to kill any caster and since albs got no stun, it´s V hard to kill an enemy close to ya w/o kitting, and kite´s not that easy...
Ok they r 4 things... anyway looking 4ward to ya reply ^_-