HELP: Cabalist Pet Question



I just started a cabalist. Mainly cuz noone else plays it, so why not try something new. Migth gimp myself - and then again maybee discover a new uberclass. Anyway Oxz is great fun to play


I a bit confused about the buffs of my pet. Can someone help me. Maybee give me a run down of the different buffs - and in the process answer the following:

- why does my pet start with a +life buff on it?
- why cant I see on the pet when buffed with Earthen Burst from wiz or theu?
- how does the focus shield work?

Any help is appreciated.

Dina L615 Tailor
Mawina L35 Minst
Oxz L6 Matter-list


Amber pet:
Self buffs his Con (and therefore HP). Procs a 2 second stun on whatever he attacks.
(Some people choose to use this one in RvR)

Ruby Pet:
Reduced HPs. Procs a fire (reasonably strong) dd once in a blue moon.

Sapphire Pet:
Procs a lifetap, about 1 in every 3 hits!
(best PvE pet no question)

Emerald Pet:
Procs Disease and dot
(some people like to use it in RvR)

Jade Pet
Self buffs a damage shield - believed to be the same one as the Earth wizard gets from spec.

Best site I've found for Cabby info:

Arindrey Ramas <Shadowlord's Society> (not-high-enough Cabalist)


- why cant I see on the pet when buffed with Earthen Burst from wiz or theu?

Because the pet window is bugged.

The buff still works though :) .

- why does my pet start with a +life buff on it?

Because it's amber that you summoned. They always do that.

- how does the focus shield work?

Once you cast it, it stays on your pet until either...

1) You move.
2) You attempt to cast.
3) The mob your pet is hitting dies.
4) You get hit

Note that if the focus shield goes down due to 2, 3 or 4, you have to wait 6 seconds before you can cast again. For some reason there is no delay if you break focus by moving. So if you want to break it to cast a dot or something, make sure you move before casting.

Other things to remember about the focus shield...

It's a damage shield, so it does damage whenever some someone hits it *in melee*. It therefore does nothing if your pet does not not keep aggro.

Whenever an enemy hits it, the damage done will break root.

Damage done counts as pet damage for aggro tallying and for xp tallying.

If you keep matter at almost 100% of your level the shield will do damage at a rate which will allow a typical pet to solo a high yellow/low orange (depending on level, specific mob resist bonuses, your level in spirit (for buffs), not guaranteed on every mob, yadda yadda yadda)

The shield drains your power everytime it is hit.

No, you can't cast it on group-mates :( .


  • [lvl5] Amber: Stun proc(about a 1-2 second stun fairly often) and that +life buff
  • [lvl 8] Ruby: some type of fire dmg proc(fairly strong but rare)
  • [lvl 12] Sapphire: procs a lifetap
  • [lvl 20] Emerald: procs a disease and a DoT(which stacks with your own DoTs)
  • [lvl 30] Jade: Procs a weak damage shield

About the buffs for your pet, the one with <something> spirit gives your simu strenght, and <something> dexterity, well gives dex :p

i think its just a display bug that you cant see the earthbuff on your pet, as it is clearly there( tested with greater earthen fury :))

For everytime your damage shield gets updated in the matter line the dps of it increase

so when you cast it on your pet, you cant move or cast any other spell(on a 5 sec timer if you wanna heal etc..) When something hits your pet now, they get hit back with the dps on the shield, last one is 33,6 dps btw :p

hope this helps some, ask more if im unclear on something :)


Re: Re: HELP: Cabalist Pet Question

Originally posted by Exinferis
so when you cast it on your pet, you cant move or cast any other spell(on a 5 sec timer if you wanna heal etc..) When something hits your pet now, they get hit back with the dps on the shield, last one is 33,6 dps btw :p

Euh, that's GOTTA hurt!


The damage shield is the perfect PvE tool...

send in pet, put on damage shield, let pet get monster to half hp..

heal the pet,
Dot the monster
throw in some DDs if you're partial specced in body...

splat :)

Can kill oranges and sometimes reds.. or groups of about 5 blues if yer feeling like it.

If you can group with a healer-type you can do this on harder monsters (or with less risk), having the healer heal your pet whilst you focus on the damage shield.

Again at low monster hp (for fighting a single monster) sidestep and cast a dot on the thing...

Check out as was said above... great site.


yes i am not 100% matter spec but still with 30 spirit, 15 body and 24 matter the focus damage shield rocks.

I just summon sapphire simmy buff him up and put focus shield on. then i send him into a full camp of green/blue monsters and watch them die like flies. I often make more xp this way than i do on 2 solo orange kills.

Focus shield does not break when your pet kills his target. It stops when your target gets killed so thats why i always target my simmy when fighting to avoid focus shield getting broken.

when respec gets here i will be 0 spirit, 15 body and rest in matter :)

the AE dots are mighty when attacking keeps and relics. Also when defending but it is a bit more risky to stand on walls casting.


Re: Re: Re: HELP: Cabalist Pet Question

Originally posted by old.Belthazor

Euh, that's GOTTA hurt!

Its that damage shield they used and spanked all the epic mobs exept mordred with :)


Originally posted by old.Ramas


Once you cast it, it stays on your pet until either...

1) You move.
2) You attempt to cast.
3) The mob your pet is hitting dies.
4) You get hit

Note that if the focus shield goes down due to 2, 3 or 4, you have to wait 6 seconds before you can cast again. For some reason there is no delay if you break focus by moving. So if you want to break it to cast a dot or something, make sure you move before casting.


The shield drains your power everytime it is hit.

* When you get hit, while having DS (damage shield) active, it's a standard spell interruption roll, wether the DS gets interrupted or not.

* You have to strafe to break the DS Focus, without being unable to cast another spell for 1-6 seconds - moving forward/backward should therefore be avoided.

* DS is a Focus spell, and as such, drains power while it's active, wether or not it's having an effect on the surroundings - your mana will be drained all the time, with no exceptionª, as long as you're Focussing on the DS.

ª) There has been some claims that it's possibly to bug the DS, so that it doesn't require your Focus nor drains mana, on the vgn boards.


Started a Cabalist myself for the same reason. Almost no Cabas and I do think they are important in RvR. So for the sake of Albion im now leveling 2 alts. Trickshot Tricky (Scout) and Beholder (Cabalist)


As regards having to strafe to avoid focus loss delay...

I find moving forward works every time, strafing works most (but not all) of the time, and moving backward rarely works.

I've seen others post with other combinations.

Suggesting to me that the bug is weirder than just forgetting about strafe when they wrote the delay into the game.

But whatever works for you I guess....

Incidently I wouldn't be surprised if this gets 'fixed' when/if cabbies are ever 'finished'. The same way the infil one-hit-kill-stay-stealthed bug was 'fixed' when the class became more viable.

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