hello! Im your new TFC liason officer



I've volunteered my services to look after the TFC servers and to propose any changes you would want to do to the servers.

ie :- map changes, class limitations etc...

I usually play on the servers so say "hi!"

someone suggested a limit of 2 snipers and 2 HWguys in each team...comments please.

oh...and a custom map rotation for BW4.



[This message has been edited by bee (edited 19 June 2000).]


Hi Bee,

Some suggestions:

sv_gravity 50

thats all ;p

But seriously, I think limiting the snipers/HW's is a good idea. It'll make TF1.5 less DMey and more teamy (?)

Atomic Rammer

I'm presuming this wont have an effect on say hunted where u get 5 snipers on a team.

But apart from hunted I can think of one map dustbowl the off vs def map where u really need lots of one class like hwg or sniper.

On the last cap point u need as much destructive power as u can muster firing at the enemy, or 3+ sg's etc.

Its not even unfair on this map having your whole team as hwg's but on say rock u just stick 3 in the yard and youre pretty much safe from anything.

I think general class limits are a bad idea but map specific ones would be good for the game. Dont ask me what they should be!

Actually yes, untill valve get the message and rebalance the classes out a bit, class limiting is the way to go!


Yep i like the idea of class limitations, but there is a big downside to this, eg there are many people who play TFC who ain't so clued up on the game, EG, you get 2 snipers who can't hit crap, and have no idea what there doing, the same goes for HW guys. Both the sniper and HW are very good defenders, IF used in the right places, trust me, iv'e defended MANY a flag room as both of them, from my perch next to the lifts on the well, my sniper tower on the rock and my hammer them all with the auto cannon on 2forts :). If i were forced to play as a demo man or a solider i would be well pissed to constantly hear 'the nme has your flag' ect ect, because i can't do any of my defending tactics, PS your right about the snipers though, sinse the new 'CODE'(cough), games have become anoying as hell when half or most of your team, or the other team are playing as dam snipers :(


oh dear...the class limits effect hunted..so its not possible.

so its either...

1. a class limit
2. get rid of hunted

Atomic Rammer

Ooops The class restrictions also apply to hunted as we just found out hehe. And when u change them back to normal it dont work until the map restarts.

hopefully the hunted.cfg runs b4 map actually starts so that they take effect immediately and cr_class variables can be placed in here.

Then u would need a cr_class 0 for all classes in mapdefault.cfg which is executed every map (hopefully b4 hunted.cfg etc.) to reset them. then have cr_class vars in each map config where needed, since restriction are not needed some maps.

I would suggest (but this is just a quick stab)

cr_sniper 2
cr_hwg 2-3

cr_hwg 1-2
cr_sniper 2

cr_sniper 2

cr_sniper 2

crossover, dustbowl and the rest.

as for kurts point about newbies taking up valuable classes, well I think its a good one but I would rather have them doing that than all being snipers as is the case at present sometimes. Its just the same as if u want to be a sniper on hunted, you'll just have to ask someone if u can swap. Thats not too bad is it?


Hehe, well thinking about it, im nearly allways get in the game first anyway, eg i get to pick what class i play as anyway :), But i don't mine playing as another class, Hey i even managed to last the full 20 mins once as the prez on the hunted, and i don't mind playing as a BG either, PLZ though BEE, don't get rid of the hunted, i realy like it, which ever team i get dicked on. :)

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