Hello all players of Midgård!



Well since I am new to this realm i have no clue of where to hunt and where to go to get myself weapons :(

I have an lvl 14 Skald 14Battle songs rest on Axe.
Going 2 hand axe that i got from friend. But it has turned green now so I need a new one. Where can i find new 2 hand axes ?
And where do i hunt at my lvl ?

Thx for answering

Old Nicodemus

Hi Kezel,

I think for your level you should start looking at hunting around Gna Faste. If you need 2 handed weapons then Galplen (across the lake from Gna) has a number of Troll merchants selling weapons.

When you get to level 20 odd then potter off to Musphleheim and you can level there for a good period of time.

Spiritmaster :m00:
CEO of the Old Spirits Home.


Take a trip to Gna Faste. The horse stops at a hut and there are always crafters there and they will probably make you a weapon of your liking. There are often exp grps forming there for hunts in the area, for your lvl it may be a trip behind Askheim to hunt shrieking willows or similiar. If you are forced to solo make sure to get buffs from the crafters that wont go anywhere soon...remember to ask nicely hehe.


willows are good solo for a skald. either that or vendo's near svasud until you hit 15 then go to Vendo caverns.

Vendo is very fast xp if you can get a group and Skalds tend to be very welcome in a group :)

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