Take a look ;) Karl
S sorusi Guest Sep 10, 2002 Thread starter #4 ROFL!! HAHA GREAT one!! hahahahahaha They forgot the 60% determination etc, so they wouldnt get the time to chat after the mezzed him
ROFL!! HAHA GREAT one!! hahahahahaha They forgot the 60% determination etc, so they wouldnt get the time to chat after the mezzed him
O old.Arnor Guest Sep 10, 2002 Thread starter #5 WOHOOOOOOOOOO! That was GREAT fun! even if they were albs
C Cerverloc Guest Sep 10, 2002 Thread starter #13 Yup link doesn't work anymore GIMME SOMETHING TO LAUGH!!!!
O old.Arnor Guest Sep 11, 2002 Thread starter #14 It does take a long while to load, even on my 100mbit connection