Next time, don't pull up on a parking curb and your bumper will probably be fine.
My, my, harsh.
Harsh my ass. It's about time some of you fucking retards became responsible for your own actions.
Go fuck your mother you goatrimmer.
What's a goa?
Goat-rimmer was the exact terminology I meant, but Dog-reamer or plain old fashioned cunt would have done.
Be an equal opportunity offender, don't be a misogynist. The first two terms are fine, not the third.
OK, he's a he-cunt ?? I always offend with impunity, anyone is welcome to be offended by *anything* I say!!
> Harsh my ass. It's about time some of you fucking retards became responsible for your own actions.
Gosh, if Mommy catches you using that sort of language, you are going to lose your computer for a week. I paid for my own fix, moron. And BTW, a truly effective Usenet insult would be a bit more graceful than yours. Combining the words "fucking" and "retard" is one of the more advanced possibilities. For example: "JPF is a fucktard." You see it just flows off the tongue and has the added benefit of being demonstrably true.
Another good one is Mongo Cheesetard, flows like runny shit over blankets & means bog all!!
I caught this at alt.autos.audi, a simple request about a bumper recall descended into anarchy. I love newsgroups