now, as a crafter you meet alotta strange/wierd people and I'm one of them myself, but in a chat, I suddenly got told the truth, in Aegirshamn....
this was said by Isabellah (sorry if I misspelled your name)
Maevah: **If there is a dog heaven, there must be a solarpuppy heaven.... and see, the Lord made BW and he saw that it was good and he invited all the solarpuppies to BW.... but one got lost and ended up in a dark and strange place**...
can anyone give me the directions to Solarppuppy heaven? I feel so lonely down here, without other puppies
Solarpuppy MinigiantSpaceHamster, level 33 Master fletcherer and siege engineer
this was said by Isabellah (sorry if I misspelled your name)
Maevah: **If there is a dog heaven, there must be a solarpuppy heaven.... and see, the Lord made BW and he saw that it was good and he invited all the solarpuppies to BW.... but one got lost and ended up in a dark and strange place**...
can anyone give me the directions to Solarppuppy heaven? I feel so lonely down here, without other puppies
Solarpuppy MinigiantSpaceHamster, level 33 Master fletcherer and siege engineer