Heated debate for Infils out there need your input



Ok its been driving me mad but I don't know whether to max out Thrust or CS

I know what ur thinking ur thinking ARE U MAD Dragon Fang, but personally I think its overrated I mean when we are hitting people we hit with our creeping death anyhowand that stuns 7secs and then dragonfang is useless because we can't use stun for another minute :(

So dragon fang is only really useful if ya miss creeping death which is really a rare occurence!

You maybe thinking why CS to 50? Well there are not many items that bring it up much I mean I only have one item at the moment that brings it up by 2

Yeah yeah I know the styles are shit after 39 but I am more looking towards the maximum dmg factor here, as with 50 in CS ur maximum dmg will be alot higher

And thrust is only used to determine ur lowest hit factor

Now some people will be saying but the thrust move at 47 I think it is is as good as garrotte yeah but garrotte hits with two swords the thrust with only one, so both poisons would not hit with it, plus achilles heel slows them down

Heeeeeeeeeeelp me plsssssssss!

- Pathfinder -

Garotte hits with two swords? Uh, DW isn't dependent on what style you use :p You'll dual wield as much using Crit styles as with DW or Thrust.

Secondly, what bloody 47 Thrust style? :p


Ninja said summin about a high lvl thrust skill which hits as hard as garrotte a little while ago

Guess he is talking rubbish then, thanks mate

Oh and I though only certain styles allowed u too hit with two hands?

DW Styles and CS styles

So ur telling me if I use say the Dragon Fang skill or Pierce skill with thrust I can land with both weapons?


i never talk rubbish, u just need to listen more carefully if someone gives u advice

what i said to u before was that its better to use 39 thrust style Basiliskfang in group becuz it uses 3 times less end then garotte and does equal damage.
it has NOTHING to do with rvr since its side positional, so only good for in pve

i know a perfectly good answer to your questions but i wont post it, seeing what u already said in your previous posts and this one...getting a bit tired of u dissing ppl


If you know the answer, Ninjastyle, I think you should post it.
There are more infiltrators than Light around that could use the info you know.


Get dragonfang, unless you're going to kill just solo casters. Can't count the times it'd have saved my ass already ;)


K and Ninja i wasn't dissing u?

U never said anything about it being positional nor anything about it being only good in groups?

And sorry if it came across like I was dissing you, still can't seem to get it right

Think I am gonna leave these boards alone for a while everyone seems to take everything so literal like I am standing right in front of them screaming that they are rubbish or summin

Oh and sorry again :(



Yeh, Dragonfang is for when things go pearshaped and someone starts hitting back ;)


Everyone must carefully read through everything they write to be absolutely sure they aren't going to get misunderstood... Or soften everything up so it's 100% clear what you are saying.. sad that people only read... they should think and read.
The only styles of writing left is flame or cheering.. nothing inbetween.


Originally posted by -Light-

Think I am gonna leave these boards alone for a while everyone seems to take everything so literal like I am standing right in front of them screaming that they are rubbish or summin

light, maybe it has a little something to do with u calling me a bum in ur other post ? quite hard not to take that literal...


Sheesh I just finished University last year did it for 4yrs so if anyone should know what a bum is it is me

If I wanted to insult u I would call u an utter wanker!

Point made?

Lighten up man ur way too uptight, I thought us females were suppose to be real bitchy?

Wait a minute I AM HAHAAH


but anywayz, here goes

first, PA fails sometimes, doesnt matter how good u are. All it takes is ur target to move a split second before u PA them.
No PA means no CD stun.
second, even if PA is succesful, most players start to run around like mad or just move a little towards u wich makes u miss your CD, so again, no stun.

why have 50 thrust ?
with dragonfang its possible to PA that caster and melee down the tank standing next to him
with a succesful dragonfang stun, 9 secs, u can do a dragonfang style again right after that and a garotte-achilles combo and let the poison do its work
also u'll hit harder in general

why u shouldnt go for 50 CS
definetly not for the styles.
also, you're not a shadowblade, forget about oneshotting yellow casters, especially with thrust, its not gonna happen.
even if u can pull it off with buffs, oneshotting is gone in 1.50

imo, the strenght of an infiltrator lies the fact that a PA is a sure win, but even if u cant land PA u still have a pretty good chance in pure melee with ur evades and dragonfang and poison.


Lovely u know I love u and 50 thrust it is

Plsssssssssssssss forgive me u know I wub u really!


Hes gonna slap me I see it in his eyes :)

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