Healer speccing.


Hit ^_^

im making a healer and want to be pac monstly.
is there any good template's or tips for a Noob healer ?

im allso intrested in buying low lvl healer stuff if someone happen to have some.


My healer has 47 pac, 21 Mend and 16 aug, I think thats best if u want a pac healer as you get both instaheals, all but the best insta mezz and the 2nd run buff. If u like you can put less in aug maybe and more in mend if u want to be more heal friendly, but I find that 21 mend is perfectly adequate.

Tha Shade

Just as last replyer.
21 mend , 47 pac , 5 aug
Rest on Aug or Mending


48 pac is a most if yo go that high .. get the insta ae stun

old.Trine Aquavit

Short answer: life is about options :)

Long answer:

Pac specced

Pac 48 Mend 23 Aug 9

All the mezzing you'll ever need. Though with 'nerfs' (mez/stun timers, RA Purge/Group Purge + castable 'purges' in 1.52) mez won't rule in quite the way it once did.

I think better insta AE stun + better insta heal + better greater heal is more valuable than the 2nd run speed buff and 2nd attack speed debuff (ie. 47/23/15)

Balanced Pac/Mend

Pac 38 Mend 35 Aug 15

Trades the top-line mez/stun for better healing. Various changes resulting in increases to the length of battle is making in-battle healing more viable and this spec gives better insta heal/insta group heals (75%) at the cost (principally) of the radius of effect of the insta AE stun and mezzes.

Balanced Aug

Pac 29 Mend 32 Aug 32

Single target insta stun/mezz, good healing and some decent Aug. The Aug will become more useful after 1.52 with resistence buffs, str/con dual buffs, damage shields and, most importantly, Celerity. Celerity is a short duration, castable attack speed buff that can (apparently) turn a tank into a whirling dervish for a short duration (though cast time is considered too long and duration too short, this may change).

Aug specced (the 'I picked the wrong class' spec ;) )

Pac 29 Mend 21 Aug 40

I wouldn't ever go below 29 in Pac or 21 in Mend (cos of the instas), but if you ever want to try to be a tank without style (literally) then this is the route to take. You'll be able to take a lot of damage and deal a lot of damage (eventually). Fights will take a long time, though, and results aren't guaranteed as losing the style is a huge hit in melee.

Buff Bot

Pac 35 Mend 3 Aug 41

If you don't get Pac to at least 35 for PoC then you should have made a Shaman buff bot :)

Just IMHO, of course, but I hope it all helps.


Trine probably says it all. That's how I'd spec (probably the one with 38 pac).


Trine, what do you mean "picked the wrong class"? I'm gonna rock in the next patch... or two... maybe... :p

Caeron Auger...


one more option

I've been toying with going mend/aug at 27 and pac at 38. There are no new spells for 27 mend/aug but there is also no 39 pac spell either.


Warriors of the Mist

old.Trine Aquavit

Apologies to Quemine (and all the other Auger's out there) for being cheeky. I will say that Pac 29 Mend 21 Aug 40 will be a very nice spec for a small team (i.e a Healer and one or two tanks working as a small unit). I say small team as (a) All those juicy buffs won't stretch that far, (b) It'll be tough to get Celerity on more than one or two tanks in the course of a battle. It'll be interesting to see how much loving tanks get in 1.53 - if their overall effectiveness increases then this might be a very nice spec indeed.

Zardoz, another Aug alternative is Pac 36 Mend 22 Aug 33. You get the insta AE mez, but not the stun and good Aug (including Celerity 3 and resists). Worth thinking about :)


One of the most popular Healer specs these days includes deleting your char and start an assassin instead, worth to think about...

Caeron will be all aug when respec avaliable, Quemine will be mr NerfMehPacSomeMorePleaze as usual... :)


Say in a spec like Pac 48 Mend 23 Aug 9

How would you do it thru the levels?

Max mend first? Work on Pac for ages, adding some mend every now and then?

What would you aim for at say level 20, 30, etc :)

old.Ozird Rinfut

Thats what I have now... and I must say that I feel the mending is to low.

Getting mending to 21 is essential.

On the what to have earlier stages...

Pac6 gives you AE mez, and its very useful, by then you have all the spells that come in your pac-spec line. If i remember correctly the first "baffing" mobs you really encounter, is in Askheim, and thats level 14-15 isnt it? So have your AE mez ready by then imo.

Getting Aug to 5 is also nice, gives you the first runbuff. 8 in aug is enough, as there is no aug9 spell, 8 is the smallest self str/con buff.

12 in mending is also very useful, gives you the first "single target" insta. Group insta comes at mend21. Cure disease and cure poison are also useful, you get them at 6 and 7.

As you can see, there is no "real progresspath" for the healer, getting bigger PoM's is very useful, both for you and your fellow power-users (Runie/skald).

AT lvl 21 a setup like this: 12/5/15 is good imo.
Lvl 30 could look like this: 21/5/20 and adding pac every level after this one.

IMO mend 21 is to low esp in RvR, there you mostly rely on your instants, and 33% heal isnt very much...

Im gonna respec to 36/15/37 or 35/15/38 havent really decided yet if I want 2nd group heal (instant) or AE stun (instant). You cant have both usless you put aug down a big, but then you loose 2nd run speed and damage shield and end up with 36/12/38.


Have you considered 24 mending, it's a nice improvement, with the 50% rezz, and also 2nd single target insta.

Lets you get a bit more pac without worries, or maybe even more aug...

old.The McScrooges

I'm aiming for the leisurely stroll approach. I haven't set my final spec in stone and with the system changing every 5 minutes probably for the best.

Which ever spec you go for I'd advice getting your Mend up high first. At level 21 my mend is at 17, which means if I get a group with the bigger boys I can hold my own. Get the first PoM to make you more group friendly and away you go.

My Aug is 5 and my Pac 6 and I have a nice support class template for PvE and PvP BGs.

I'd also advise on the taking of illegal grade C drugs too, because its a stressful life. And I apologise to all those players that have become victims of my Healer Rage.


How about this one: -

Mend 36
Aug 18
Pac 35

For mending you get the 2nd insta grp heal and the 3rd casted grp heal

Aug you get 1st celerity (its low but shamans are better buffers IMO)

Pac you get the obligatory PoC and the 5th casted AoE Mezz


Warriors Of the Mist (Pry/Mid)
"We Rock"

old.Trine Aquavit

My approach to levelling with a particular spec in mind is to isolate the big, most important spell lines and to base levelling on getting those important spell lines to the next level - these key spells will 'support' you while you level to get the next one. When the next level is achieved in one line, hit the next.

It's also generally more important to get the first in a line than to get to the next level. I would focus on getting the following spec at level 15 (regardless of spec you were going for) : Mend 12 Pac 6 Aug 5. This will give you the first in the line of most major spells

For a Healer, the key spells in each spec line are (I think):


Major Healing (most power efficient specced heal)
Insta Heal
Insta Group Heal


Insta stun
Insta mez


Haste buff?

After the first 15 or so levels, I focussed on mend for a while to get it to 14 to give me a good all-purpose specced heal which would help me level while I went for my next target, which was PoT. I then went o 18 for the next specced heal before whacking up the pac to get PoI, insta stun and insta mez. The progression was something like:

At 15: Mend 12 Pac 6 Aug 5 <Base spells>
At 17: Mend 14 Pac 6 Aug 5 <For specced heal 4>
At 22: Mend 14 Pac 15 Aug 5 <for PoT>
At 25: Mend 18 Pac 16 Aug 5 <for specced heal 5>
At 32: Mend 18 Pac 25 Aug 5 <for PoI>
At 34: Mend 18 Pac 28 Aug 5 <for insta stun>
At 35: Mend 18 Pac 29 Aug 5 <for insta mez>
At 37: Mend 22 Pac 29 Aug 5 <for insta group heal & insta heal 2>

This progression gets you all four instas at level 37. I went to get the insta stun and mez before the insta group heal, but that was more for RvR than for levelling. You might want to get group insta and insta 2 first.


Thankyou again for a well thought out post :)

All noted, mmm, healer making time soon :D

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