Healer spec


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Been thinking about making a healer...Im a bit tired of standing at mtk in emain for hours without getting a grp with my warrior :(

So now im thinking about making a healer.The spec is a longshot,but been thinking a about 48 mending for the best spread heal,then i could throw some nice heals around,and 100% res,wich i havent seen many healers have..

48 mending would leave some points for either 24 pac or aug.

Plz discuss this :)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 11, 2004
IMO there are only 3 different ways you can spec a healer
1 : Pac healer 44pac 30mend
2 : Pac Mend healer 40mend 36pac
3 : Aug Mend healer 40mend 36aug or 39mend and 37aug


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
gp_beatrice said:
IMO there are only 3 different ways you can spec a healer
1 : Pac healer 44pac 30mend
2 : Pac Mend healer 40mend 36pac
3 : Aug Mend healer 40mend 36aug or 39mend and 37aug

Why only these ?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 10, 2004
well over 40 mend is abit overkill, sure u gona heal very good whit that spec, if u like pve i can thick that spec is good but not for rvr.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
What Beatrice said.
48mend is a waste of skillpoints. The benefit of having last spread is outweighted by drawback of it's power cost

Actually, if your guild runs pbaoe groups with 3 healers,
you can spec your healer 48p/24m, but this is a rare case. So, nvm.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 7, 2004
Fiver said:
Why only these ?

coz all others suck :eek:

aug healer needed for resists, so 48 mend and only 20 aug or something will not give u good resist. and backup pac with 20 pac :ppppppp


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
gp_beatrice said:
IMO there are only 3 different ways you can spec a healer
1 : Pac healer 44pac 30mend
2 : Pac Mend healer 40mend 36pac
3 : Aug Mend healer 40mend 36aug or 39mend and 37aug

I don't know how it fits with your view of viable specs but there's plenty of healers out there who go 48 pac for the second AE insta stun (and AE insta mezz at 47) as well as POM5.

Fiver, I think the reason people don't generally spec above 40 mend is that of the key spells you "lose" doing that (45 spec group 100% instal heal and 48 spec top spread heal), the next level down in each spell type is basically just as useful - 75% group insta should do just as well / buy you as much time as a 100% one, and the top spread heal chews through your mana at a horrible rate, from what I've read the lower level ones are more efficient on hits healed per mana (someone confirm?).

There are a good selection of ways to spec a healer depending on what you want to do - primary CCer, secondary CCer + spread healer, celerity/haste/resists giver with ability to solo etc. That's one of the nice things about the class in my opinion, lots of choice in which way to go.

I went with the 44pac 30mend spec because it means you can do decent CC and still have a spread heal, so you can fit into groups as the primary CCer or the secondary CCer + spread healer, depending on what other healers are in your group. No regrets so far, had a lot of fun with it.

Teh FnoRd

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
My pac healer: 48 pac/24 mend/6aug
My aug healer (on the way to 50): 4pac/28mend/46aug
My mend healer (yet to be born): 28pac/46mend/4aug

ONly thing I might change is IF i win a respecstone is to take down my pachealers pac to 46, but I'm quite happy with it as it is atm. :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Sounds about right :) But what about 45 pac for last power regen/29 mend (no spread tho) ?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Fiver said:
Sounds about right :) But what about 45 pac for last power regen/29 mend (no spread tho) ?

It depends what you're comparing this to, but if you're comparing it to the 48pac 24mend spec then here's what you get/lose;


Gain 25 Single target major heal
Gain 26 Group heal (cast)


Lose 46 Single target root
Lose 47 AE insta mezz 300 radius
Lose 48 AE insta stun 300 radius

In my opinion it's pretty clear that what you gain in Mend in no way makes up for what you lose in Pac. The two larger radius AE instas are way better than a large single target heal (lower ones will do just as well to be fair) and the cast group heal (never use it, spread heal is just better).


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 16, 2004
Some of this has been said already, but some viable specs (imo) are :

- 40 pac / 30 mend = fotm pac spec
- 48 pac / 24 mend = old school pac spec ^^
- 40 mend/36 pac = secondary pac healer spec (mend/pac, if you will)
- 40 mend/36 aug = mend/aug healer I
- 39 mend/37 aug = mend aug healer II
- 44 aug / 31 mend = aug/mend healer

You just gotta figure out what role you like to play, if you like mezzing/stunning; choose 1-3, if you like healing/rezzing go for 3-5, if you like to cast celerity/heal go 5-6.

The reason for not going over 40 mend is indeed 1) Power usage = teh drain and 2) you loose out on lots of needed goodies in the other line(s) you choose.

Personally I think the above specs are all viable, although I would only spec 48 pac/24 mend for lair pl bot or pbae set grps, and I would not spec 40 mend/36 aug due to missing out on the - imo - important +8% spirit resist (although you get 100% rezz - use PR instead when you get it) and some people would probably object to spec no 6 too, although I like it (you get red Celerity, but only 1st spread heals and instas.. which in my world ain't a problem due to nice TOA +healing effectiveness stuff ^^)...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Thx all,nice of you to share the info :)

I think ill try 48 pac :)

But nerf GOA sub pages down :( so i can start before next week :puke:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
Klonk said:
Personally I think the above specs are all viable, although I would only spec 48 pac/24 mend for lair pl bot or pbae set grps, and I would not spec 40 mend/36 aug due to missing out on the - imo - important +8% spirit resist (although you get 100% rezz - use PR instead when you get it) and some people would probably object to spec no 6 too, although I like it (you get red Celerity, but only 1st spread heals and instas.. which in my world ain't a problem due to nice TOA +healing effectiveness stuff ^^)...
+8% energy resist (hib PBAE;)) not spirit
yes, the +healing bonus might seem to do great vs the second spread without + healing, but it's still an enormous difference if u compare to second spread with + healing :)

The spec comes all down to what you like to play and what groups you normaly run with.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
The difference between Pom4 and 5 is minimal, the difference between spread heal and no spread heal is huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Blah Blah nerf the <insert spec> is the only one viable attitude imo :twak:

My healer is 42 pac, 31 mend and 13 Aug, doesnt fit any of the spec advice given above and is perfectly viable (rr3 and rising fast).

Think people forget that in RvR few of the duration based spells in the pac line ever get to last for their entire length thanks to purge, interrupts and the average fight lasting less time than the average mezz.

Sure many of you can come up with a hundred reasons why theres something wrong with the above spec, but I'd like to think its living proof that you can spec how you want and do well with a healer.

Good luck Fiver and hope you find a spec that you like. Welcome to Healer world :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Naugi said:
Blah Blah nerf the <insert spec> is the only one viable attitude imo :twak:

My healer is 42 pac, 31 mend and 13 Aug, doesnt fit any of the spec advice given above and is perfectly viable (rr3 and rising fast).

Think people forget that in RvR few of the duration based spells in the pac line ever get to last for their entire length thanks to purge, interrupts and the average fight lasting less time than the average mezz.

Sure many of you can come up with a hundred reasons why theres something wrong with the above spec, but I'd like to think its living proof that you can spec how you want and do well with a healer.

Good luck Fiver and hope you find a spec that you like. Welcome to Healer world :cheers:



Fledgling Freddie
Apr 11, 2004
Still if you geto chose betwen 2 specs
one suckyone or one thats really good with high group utility
wich one would you pick?
Fiver if you want to become a Pac healer i advice you to go 44pac and 31 mend or 36pac and 40mend.
Heals with 48pac kind of suck couse you really need Spreads in todays RvR.

I play pac healer for Girl Power :eek: wich is a pbae guild and my spec is 40mend 36 pac and i cant really see why you want to go higher pac, couse most fights normally start by inst mezzing their leader then casting aoe mezz so they get Boxed up.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
Yeah, I did play to RR6 or something with a totally gimped spec, something like 22mend, 38aug 31cave.

After I respecced to 42 aug back then I didnt feel bad for a minute. Actually I felt bad cause I hadnt done it earlier. :(

The thing why people say that there is those 3 specs are because they support each other. Mids use 3 Healers in group.

So, One will CC, best castable mezz with 44pac, and he can also heal with the 31 mend. The Augger will give resists and heal, and the backup pac is between these two.

Proven to be working.


Fledgling Freddie
May 8, 2004
i did rr7 with 20m 33p and rest aug, it was the best specc ever, especially if your new to RvR.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 30, 2004
some bad points about goign all mend:

1. if someone needs a 100% heal then they must be dead, 50% heal is enough to do the job
2. the spreadheals over the 1st one consume too much power for the HP they restore
3. you limit yourself to just 1 role and that is pure healer, this effects your overall effectivness and thus group-ability

good points:
1. you can heal a few more HP than other healers


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Kalba said:
The thing why people say that there is those 3 specs are because they support each other. Mids use 3 Healers in group.
I get why people say that but its very narrow minded imo, and often totally unrealistic, the 3 Healers complimenting each other situation doesnt occur very often in my experience. Its an 'ideal world' scenario.

Spent 6 hours in Emain last night, group make up changed constantly and at times I was the only Healer, doing all the CC and healing. Later we had 2 Healers but both were pac. Only once did we have an aug/mend to compliment my mend/pac and we never had 3 Healers.

But then again we run with Spiritmasters and Thanes so I guess we are an odd bunch. ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
Naugi said:
Blah Blah nerf the <insert spec> is the only one viable attitude imo :twak:

My healer is 42 pac, 31 mend and 13 Aug, doesnt fit any of the spec advice given above and is perfectly viable (rr3 and rising fast).

Think people forget that in RvR few of the duration based spells in the pac line ever get to last for their entire length thanks to purge, interrupts and the average fight lasting less time than the average mezz.

Sure many of you can come up with a hundred reasons why theres something wrong with the above spec, but I'd like to think its living proof that you can spec how you want and do well with a healer.

Good luck Fiver and hope you find a spec that you like. Welcome to Healer world :cheers:
well cus your spec is gimp, you get speed 2 witch is fine but u use 36 points to get useless dmg add and gimped self str/con + dmg shield witch is just in your way if you would ever buff it instead of more healing where you would get better singel insta heal for it, and with 42 pac instead of 36 or 44 witch is fotm u gain from 36 root at 37 ae mezz 38 witch is kinda crap ae stun(nice) and asd witch don't do anything different with higher spec, when it comes to rvr and with less then 44 u loose last ae mezz, witch is the most important for pac healers (imo).
anyway with 25% healing bonuses and 3 healers as standard level 30 spreadheal can be even more effective then level 39 when it comes to power/hp ratio


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 16, 2004
Denisée said:
+8% energy resist (hib PBAE;)) not spirit.

Doh, nerf me posting from work, I was thinking hib PBAE tho :)

Denisée said:
and yes, the +healing bonus might seem to do great vs the second spread without + healing, but it's still an enormous difference if u compare to second spread with + healing :)

The spec comes all down to what you like to play and what groups you normaly run with.

/amen =)

Naugi said:
I get why people say that but its very narrow minded imo, and often totally unrealistic, the 3 Healers complimenting each other situation doesnt occur very often in my experience. Its an 'ideal world' scenario.

Welcome to the world of balanced, everyday guild groups/set groups, m8 :) I can count on 5-10 fingers the times I have run without 3 healers in one group, with my healer, that is... With my warrior, who is older, I have ran in my share of non-optimized groups in the old days, but as Kalba said: proven to be working.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Thx all :) i think ill try 44 pac 31 mend :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Z^^ said:
well cus your spec is gimp
But it isnt and its sad that people like you come along and suggest that is. :twak:

Its so easy to read 42 pac and say 'but if you had more you could do this' without considering for a moment what can be done with 42 pac.

I can assure you I run in groups where I am the main CCer and I can insta aoe stun and cast aoe mezz as well as anyone. Durations may be shorter than with 44 pac but as I mentioned before, mezz rarely gets to last for its entire length anyway and my groups win fights.

And I have 31 mend so there's nothing wrong with my healing spec at all. People say 31 mend is fine but because I have some points in Aug Im suddenly a gimp even tho I heal exactly the same as every other 31 mend healer. :rolleyes:

You just have a really lame attitude imo. I'm sure you wouldnt group with any of the people I do anyway. Thanes, Runemasters without pbt, Spiritmasters, Bonedancers and even stealthers. We are probably the people you leave behind as you roll out of the portal keep in your perfect group.

But I sense I am standing on the edge of a cliff and another step forward will see me plunge into the depths of fotm uber leet hell where you live, so I will leave you to your nice opinions.

We have fun so you can :kissit:

Raar for gimps! :worthy:


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
yeah m8 lol spec how u want and run around in gimp grps but dont tell other ppl to spec like gimps km8


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004

I think naugi the only thing naugi said is spec how you want. Cant really find where he says that everyone should spec like him. Seriously mate dont get so aggro. I liked this thread before the usual page 2 of strong hating. Maybe renew the spirit of love on page 3? Someone? Help me!


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 16, 2004
Snikch said:
Maybe renew the spirit of love on page 3? Someone? Help me!



/agree, ofc you can spec any way you want, but I know I always like to know the most popular or common specs. Then I can go to Catacombs and play with their char builder, based on those common specs. Hell, my healer is specced 44 aug/31 mend, which is kinda uncommon and considered by most rvr'ers to be more or less gimped, but it works for me and in our guild groups. Just as it is possible with 42 pac, it may work fine. But it's not a common spec, nor is mine one.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
i was once thinking to spec 44aug 31 mend myself, it aint THAT gimped afterall 39/37 is better tho

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