Healer spec help...



I deleted 3 chars in Hib last night to visit Midguard :)

I've rolled a Healer, and she is now Lvl 4. I'd like to know what lines to spec, and how to spec in order to become a truely superb rejuv/mez character?

If I should spec one line up to a certain level please let me know which...ideally as high as BG 1 if you can be bothered :)

TIA :)


Well my spec at the moment is 38 Pacification, 19 Augmentation and 33 Mending, i wouldnt suggest speccing more than 5 Augmentation tho!


My specc on my healer will be 48 pac 24 mend 5 aug, pretty nice if you wanna do CC =)


But the upcoming CC nerfs are rather bad, with high Spirit resist, and Determination your mez's only last about 10-20 sec, if that.


Well it´s allready been nerfed badly, just group purge makes it pretty pointless, but then i got the aoe stunn to and that´s a nice combo with some casters =)


10-20 sec is a lifetime in most rvr situations.


Well iv found since i respecced my group lives 80% of the time, cause of ALOT better healing, With my old spec i could only stand there and stun/mez and do a little bit of healing, the best team iv seen so far is mend healer and pac healer, you just cant beat it :p


Hmmm...well, I have never been happy splitting myself more than one way, but in this instance I cannot get away without it really...

I guess I'll go Pacification and Mending alternate levels until they reach Lvl 30 then reappraise.

Thanks to all for the helpful posts :)


respec at lvl 40 is whats its there for untill lvl 40 all u need to do is heal theres no challenging social mobs except a few WWs and u can root them its not important at all.

im making ahealer now and ill be alot of mending until 40 then maybe pac or mend depending on the situation

old.Trine Aquavit

Don't neglect Pac while levelling. You can heal just as well with two smaller heals than with 1 big heal in PvE (in fact it's generally easier to manage) and the big heals are no more power-efficient. Put points into pac for PoX while levelling. Don't bother with Aug beyond 5 (for run speed) unless you're running with a lot of melee-heavy groups, in which case get it to 18 for the first celerity asap.

The progression I'm following with Torben (my second Healer) is:

Level 10 : 5/5/6 MAP
Level 20 : 11/5/15
Level 30 : 15/5/25
Level 40 : 18/5/35

My final spec will probably be 30/23/38 MAP, a balanced Healer to compliment Trine who will, by then, be a High Pac Healer.


At the moment I've managed to get Moodiness to Lvl 9. She is full Mending at the moment, and it works very well indeed. She has a great stun, which I find is extremely useful in groups and of course she also has a castable mez.

The heals are awesome, so I think I shall just stay full Mending for now...

The Rune Master I rolled is not working out at all - absolutely crap solo because I went full Supression. I think I shall probably delete him (Lvl 8 ATM) and roll something more useful - a Shaman or something else...


My current spec for lvl 50 is 38 pac 27 mend 27 aug, gives a nice allaround spec with instaheals from mending, resistbuffs+clerity from aug and instamezz+stun from pac line.


Don't bother with Aug beyond 5 (for run speed) unless you're running with a lot of melee-heavy groups, in which case get it to 18 for the first celerity asap.

XPing on snowcrabs in Upplands, I got the runeys using their staffs cos my pox was so low but we were melleeing the crabs into the ground with no downtime (who needs end for styles when you have celerity? ;))


oh btw, original final spec

45 aug 25 mend 16 pac

would be great if celerity wasn't casted (and hence intteruptable)

now going

37 aug 25 mend 30 pac

so I get insta stun and mezz in order to get the tanks off me and celerity/stun/heal

[BTW this is a gimp spec, but then my mains a thane, so this gimped healer is uber compared to him ;)]


well i dunno yet again just breading more jack of all trade healers in midgard seems pretty pointless to me...

u arnt great at either CC or Healing why not just pick one? for the RvR engame?

50 mending uses the same power but so what its 2.5? second cast time for a full 670? hp heal with chance of a crit heal... its pretty nice for RvR..

and before u go blaring on about inturuptions and stuff from RvR you know its a team game and u have to work together to stop the so called "interuptions"


Would be wonderfull if we could just specc one line to 50 and be good at it.. but when did you last see two healers in a group ??


Seen it quite often in guild groups, in random groups it´s very rare.


We have 2 healers in guild grp over 50% of the time when only running a fg, often 3 healers if 2 fg :)


Originally posted by Damon Doombring
Would be wonderfull if we could just specc one line to 50 and be good at it.. but when did you last see two healers in a group ??

yep you are right, but when was the last time u saw a midgard rvr grp do well with only 1 healer in its grp?

we lack support classes and we have to fix it or lose it. hence im trying healer in exchange for my useless warrior/hunter


and before u go blaring on about inturuptions and stuff from RvR you know its a team game and u have to work together to stop the so called "interuptions"

You attempt to cast "decent heal" on teammate 1
You are being hit, your spell is interrupted
teammate 1 dies


instamezz shout
attacker is mesmerised
You attempt to cast "decent heal" on teammate 1
teammate 1 lives
you cast celerity
you instastun attacker
group beats the crap out of attacker in 2 seconds flat

Which sounds more like working with the team?


Originally posted by mid_Efour
well i dunno yet again just breading more jack of all trade healers in midgard seems pretty pointless to me...
I agree with that, similar to yourself I have mothballed my Skald and SB to roll a Pac Healer (I know Skalds are needed as much as Healers but I cant bring myself to play mine again until Mythic get their finger out of their ass). I'll be going 24/6/48 for the big AE instastun and hopefully reduced chance to resist CC. With a corresponding high mend healer we should do OK I think.


I can't guarantee having a mend or pac healer in my group, and I like the benefits of the aug specc (although I would like them tweaked)

Yes I want to help my group/realm but I want to do it in a way where I actually have some fun, in a playstyle that I enjoy, while still providing decent support. Hopefully my specc will do this for me, if not, well I'll have to save up for a respec stone, and I know my specc is perfect for PvE since I've been playing it so that won't be a problem.


im curently leveling a healer 37 atm ..

Gonna go for 41mend / 35 Aug ...

manly just to try it out see how it works .. Should work great when i a grp that got a pac healer =) ..

I dont get any good CC or Power regen .. so might not be good ... but hell think it will be nice =)


I am pleased that my spec seems to be quite unique :)

Ok, it is a spec from before celerity and spreadheal, and even groupheal but I still kinda like it anyways.

So what is my spec? Ask someone who knows! :p
It's not a secret but it will be fun to have you guessing :)

Kharok Svark

My Healer Rendon is going Full Mend.

Level 25 ATM, so still a way off though.

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