Healer SC struggle...



I was wondering what skills to cap...

Ofc mending is allways good. But what do +Pac and +Aug really do? Worth spending imbue points in? :)


read trines guide. +pac does nothing. +mend reduces variance on baselines +aug reduces variance on buffs. will find link for you.

http://www.pogel.demon.co.uk/Trine Aquavit Sings/Healer Guide.htm

Mending Items
Items that have +Mend have only one effect – to help reduce the variation on unspecced heals. As most healers don’t use unspecced heals +Mend items aren’t very useful. If your mending spec is lower than half your level then it’s probably worth getting some +Mend items as you are more likely to be using unspecced heals
Pacification Items
Mythic have openly stated that increasing Pac through items confers no benefits to the healer and +Pac on an item is currently worthless and all items that were +Pac have been changes to +Mend/+Aug. It’s still possible to spell-craft +Pac items, though, and they might appear as randomly generated drops, but +Pac is still useless
Augmentation Items
Items with +Aug decrease the variance of effect of baseline, unspecced buffs, but not by much. It’s generally not worth increasing your Aug to more than 2/3 your level with +Aug items

copyright Trine :D


kk thanx.. Only need mending as I thought then :)


mending doesnt do a squat unless you're pure pac.
basically - mend/aug spec doesnt need + skill at all, pac/mend needs to cap out aug for base buffs.

old.Trine Aquavit

If you're really determined to max out your baseline heals then you'll need to cap Mend, but it hardly seems worth it for anyone specced to half their level or more (most Healers).

I would definitely try to max power, though, as Mythic said in the TL feedback that changes to +power are likely (chances are that +power will change to work more like +hits).

Max PIE, CON, DEX, resists, hits and power as highest priority
Max STR, QUI, +Aug as secondary (don't bother going over 34 total Aug - it has no effect).

You can put your +Aug on cheap stuff that you swap in when you buff (i.e. a cheap pair of cloth gloves and boots), or alternatively build a suit round a 2H hammer and put the +Aug on a 1h hammer and shield and swap weapons before and after buffing.

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