Healer/Runie Team spec




I would just like a little advice on what would be the best spec for a Runie who is going to be teamed with a healer for lvling. I'm not really interested in specing for the BG's just want to get it high enough as soon as possible for Guild PvE events (so at 40 will be repecing to full Supp)

My main consideration I think will be mana drain, as this seems to be the main downtime (although timers on bolts/if used might also be)

The healer is pac spec and will be grouping with the runie (as same level)

Thanks for any suggestions

old.Trine Aquavit

Unless I'm missing a trick you're basic tactics will be similar regardless of the runie's spec:

Healer buffs
Runie pulls with nuke
Runie nukes's while Healer stuns
Healer roots if runie is in trouble (mez won't work if the mob is heavily damaged - root will)

Stick with orange targets and you should be able to manage this with low risk and down-time.

If you are only ever going to pair up then I would use Runecarving as the bolts are the most power efficient nukes (you get nearly 50% more damage for a full spec runecarving bolt). The problems with bolts won't be too significant in a Healer/Runie duo as the Healer won't be attacking the mob and the stuns will keep the mob at a distance to make up for the bolt cast-time.

If you're planning to sometimes join larger groups I would go full Darkness instead. DD's are more useful in larger groups and teh Darkness DD's are the most efficient DD's.

If you always want to form a group then go full Suppression. A Pac Healer/Supp Runie pair will always be able to form/join groups: /send Tank1 Pac Healer/Supp Runie forming group - want to join?* will usually do the trick. Once you get to level 26 it will be even easier.

*or /send SuppressionSpiritMaster1 Want to start up a PBAE group - have Pac Healer/PBT Runie :)


i would say dark runie + pac healer
imo fast nukes + stun should work better than bolts


Darkness is probably best if you want to duo. RC might also work but always has the risk of bolts missing because of the group. Suppression is best for later levels as pbt will help a lot more than damage spells.

For RvR darkness or suppression will work best, depending how you want to play.

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