Healer or Shamen



i have decided to start a seer, but i am not sure whether to go for a Healer or a Shamen. I know you can only go a healer with the norse and dwarf, and shamen with the other 2.

I was wondering what the dis/advantages of each were, and if anyone could give me any tips?

i am new to Mid (have a lvl 11 eldritch on Pry Hib) so i am new to "healing" classes.

any help is much appreciated.

thx in advance.


Something a lot of Healers find frustrating at later levels is the complete lack of offensive (ie. damagedealing) spells.
The Healer is a true supportclass.
Most often specced high in Pacification (for the CC abilities) and Mending (for healing).

The Shammy got some nice DoT's, Snares, a Bolt (!!!!!), Diseases and other assorted offensive spells at its disposal.
But it _is_ a support class.
The Shammies are the beloved buffers of Midgard, since most Healers sacrifice Augmentation for Pacification, the speccbuffs of a shammy is better.

Ive played a Healer far enough to be able to fool around in Thidranki, and love it.
The feeling of rushing up from behind, AE Mezzing 15 albs and watching the tanks and casters slaughter them one by one is.... a good feeling :D
PvE will give you a heartattack though, as you are both primary healer _and_ mezzer, so unless yer bloody quick with them fingers, you will be screaming in frustration pretty soon ;)

No personal experience of playing a Shammy.


gonna start a troll shamen, due to the fact it has offensive spells.

thx for the info m8



Make a kibi, you won't regret it!

in the BGs you can be like a submarine, big = bad.


bugger... already at lvl 6

supose it aint too late to start a kobold



it always seems like shammies are less wanted in grps than are healers. thats wrong. imo a grp needs a shammy who is cave specced for the pulling (and if a troll the rez-machine, seeing as i have more hp with my troll shammy than a norse skald @ 24, as they are last to live from the guys who run ;))

and also, during the time i have been in bg i have been stabbed like 3 times but i have seen kobold shammies get stabbed more. i have even seen kobold warriors get stabbed more than me :)

just wear chain and look bad-ass (if a troll) and u will look like a tank while being a healer inside.


kobold = Please take me from behind Mr. Gimpiltrator.
troll = NUKE ME HARD!!!
Your call. ;)


When you get to PvP, you will notice that the enemy has their race and realm rank over them instead of thier name, this is also true with Mids, with the exception of Healers, above a healers head thier is a large neon sign saying TARGET.

I'm convinced.


Re: shamans

Originally posted by fl3a
it always seems like shammies are less wanted in grps than are healers. thats wrong. imo a grp needs a shammy who is cave specced for the pulling <snip>

You don't 'need' a cave shaman to pull, lots of classes can pull (runey with nearsight anyone). In fact you don't 'need' a cave specced shaman at all in a group, if you have one its a bonus. But most groups would rather take a mend specced shammy, or a mend/pac specced healer over the cave spec any day (in PvE). Cave specced shammys are good for RvR groups though :)


Re: Re: shamans

Originally posted by old.chesnor

You don't 'need' a cave shaman to pull, lots of classes can pull (runey with nearsight anyone). In fact you don't 'need' a cave specced shaman at all in a group, if you have one its a bonus. But most groups would rather take a mend specced shammy, or a mend/pac specced healer over the cave spec any day (in PvE). Cave specced shammys are good for RvR groups though :)

yeah, well, i didnt mean NEED but i meant need as in it is a bonus, just as u said. and also, with nearsight yeah but a kobold caster pulling a mob and then getting nuked to death just that second can happen also, while troll shammies have got more hp ;)

imo it depends on ppl already in the grp and on the shammie also ;)

very good to have any shammy around anyway ... if u aint goin for like 50 cave u can also get friggs which is very good in RvR also, after rez for example.


I would say that shaman's shine when there isnt a healer around, they can CC, but not as well as a healer, they can heal, but not as well as a healer. Uber buffs, but people dont really notice that as much.

The other and most important disadvantage a shaman has over a PAC spec'd healer is the lack of a Power regen buff. Groups love healers for this and downtime is far lower when your group is Power user heavy (casters etc).

Shaman's group acceptance will increase dramatically when we get our endurance regen buff.

The big plus to a shaman though is that, although a support class, in RvR we can turn aggressive every so often, bolting casters and dotting them to kill them. A healer in RvR is still pure support, alll CC and healing.

One last thing, shamans can solo in PvE if they wish, where as healers stuggle a little more (shamans can take out most yellows with care)

old.Trine Aquavit

Healers are the best crowd control class in the game, especially at higher levels. At higher levels of pac (at least 38) a Healer has:

AE Mez
Insta Mez
Insta AE Mez
AE Stun
Insta Stun
Insta AE Stun

A Shaman has:

AE Root

Healers also get better up-time specced heals, and better rezzes:

Major Heal
Greater Heal
Insta Heal
Insta Group Heal
Group Heal
3 levels of specced rez

A Shaman has weaker up-time heals, but better down-time heals:

Major Heal
Group Friggs
1 level of specced rez

Friggs can heal 5-6 times more power-efficiently than the best specced heal IF the injured party is out of combat and sitting down. Tip: leave as much healing as possible till after the fight and then cast Friggs while people regain end and you'll keep down-time nice and low.

While it's generally thought that Shaman have the best buffs it's actually a lot more even as the Healer has probably the two best buffs in the game: PoX (for casters) and attack speed buff (for melee). The Shaman has better stat buffs. From the next patch Aug specced Healers will also get Celerity - a short duration, high value attack speed buff.

As a pure support class there's probably none better in the game than the Healer (which is why they're liked by groups). Shaman sacrifice a fair bit in support value for a bit of damage.

Overall, the Shaman class needs some more love from Mythic to be 'balanced', whereas the Healer is pretty much alright as it is.

The Healer is, in my opinion, one of the most well-balanced classes in the Realm at the moment, along with the Skald, Runemaster, Spiritmaster and Shadowblade.

The Shaman is, in my opinion, one of the classes that needs most attention, along with the Warrior.


yes, shaman & warrior really need attention.

both can be made into very cool classes, just need attention from mythic. maybe a self combat-only speed buff for warriors (to get into melee before they are nuked down or mezzed/stunned) and more rewards for speccing heal for shammies.

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