This is an interesting thought i came across a few minutes ago. i was just wondering, as you know all healing classes in the realm usually have
1 line for heals
1 line for buffs
1 - 2 extra lines which make them more than just walking heal bots (e.g - Pacification, Cave magic, Smite)
Now i know most people genrally have the majority of their spec points in either the buff or extra lines. but my question is this...
How many people are heal line specced? this applys to all healing classes of all realms, because to the best of my knowlage i'm the only lvl 50 high mend specced healer in midgard. Am i a rare and special flower? or just an idiot that wants to be different so badly he'l gimp himself in order to do it
I await your responses, because i know that the majority of healers in midgard are Pacificatin specced with only enough in mend for the weak ass insta heals.
1 line for heals
1 line for buffs
1 - 2 extra lines which make them more than just walking heal bots (e.g - Pacification, Cave magic, Smite)
Now i know most people genrally have the majority of their spec points in either the buff or extra lines. but my question is this...
How many people are heal line specced? this applys to all healing classes of all realms, because to the best of my knowlage i'm the only lvl 50 high mend specced healer in midgard. Am i a rare and special flower? or just an idiot that wants to be different so badly he'l gimp himself in order to do it
I await your responses, because i know that the majority of healers in midgard are Pacificatin specced with only enough in mend for the weak ass insta heals.