Sorry - just giving a personal bugbear an airing - recently started a healer alt but I've encountered this as cleric so I dare say its a problem all realms suffer from
You know the situation - single healer in the group - aggro jumping from char to char then some muppet starts spamming group chat with heal me - lol!
Why??? - do they think the healers asleep / afk or incompetant - does any other class get demands during a combat (except mezz it!) - do I shout use your styles use your styles at the melee's?
Healer classes get enough crap from people bugging them for rezzes without this as well - cherish them or youll find em gone!
Have you hugged your local healer today
You know the situation - single healer in the group - aggro jumping from char to char then some muppet starts spamming group chat with heal me - lol!
Why??? - do they think the healers asleep / afk or incompetant - does any other class get demands during a combat (except mezz it!) - do I shout use your styles use your styles at the melee's?
Healer classes get enough crap from people bugging them for rezzes without this as well - cherish them or youll find em gone!
Have you hugged your local healer today