Heal me!!!



Sorry - just giving a personal bugbear an airing - recently started a healer alt but I've encountered this as cleric so I dare say its a problem all realms suffer from :(

You know the situation - single healer in the group - aggro jumping from char to char then some muppet starts spamming group chat with heal me - lol!

Why??? - do they think the healers asleep / afk or incompetant - does any other class get demands during a combat (except mezz it!) - do I shout use your styles use your styles at the melee's?

Healer classes get enough crap from people bugging them for rezzes without this as well - cherish them or youll find em gone!

Have you hugged your local healer today :)


Originally posted by rynnor
Sorry - just giving a personal bugbear an airing - recently started a healer alt but I've encountered this as cleric so I dare say its a problem all realms suffer from :(

You know the situation - single healer in the group - aggro jumping from char to char then some muppet starts spamming group chat with heal me - lol!

Why??? - do they think the healers asleep / afk or incompetant - does any other class get demands during a combat (except mezz it!) - do I shout use your styles use your styles at the melee's?

Healer classes get enough crap from people bugging them for rezzes without this as well - cherish them or youll find em gone!

Have you hugged your local healer today :)

are you talking about the same people that cant be bothered to look for groups, cause they are too damn unexpendable? (i've actually seen level 50 healers sit on their butt in our pk, when a relic raid left there, "because no one invited them to a group", "had they tried to find a group?", "no they were healers, people are supposed to ask them"..

and if you could take your head out of your behind, perhaps you would notice that there are other's in the group that recive orders too.... "pull", "dont pull", "you are pulling too slow", "dont pull aggro", "save the healer".

Sorry if this sounds like a flame against you, i've never played with you, and it isnt meant as one... its just that i've played with healers that stand inside the courtyard of keeps and chats with other people, while im running around down below the walls trying to kill the enemies while they are busi fighting guards, and when i get hit below 50% health, the healer cant even be bothered to go to the walls and heal me.

if you are playing the game because you want a free ride, go play a suppression specced runemaster, dont play one of the most critical needed classes (again this isnt meant against you rynnor, i just felt like ranting)


Healers Destiny

well, well, well...

first of all, senior warriors please forgive young healers/shammys their difficile learning stages within this game...

playing the diverse character types of this game (like most of you do or should/could be doing :) one realizes that a healer/shammy is THE most demanding class in the game. They are and will always be pure grouping players and as such they actively engage in battle through mezzing, supporting, healing and... ressing. A tank can jump in a bit late, he even can attack the wrong mob once in a while and nothing happens (well, in most cases)... The healing hand makes one mistake and...

healers learn this the tough way !!! -> getting flamed from level 6 onwards, learning to cope with SOME praises and a LOT of criticism being as good or even bad as they are.

so my advice: instead of almost always JUMPING at the throat of your healer/shammy when something went wrong, HELP him in better understanding game mechanisms (as I said, noone teaches healers this, they have to learn it the hard way...).

at this point i will not reframe from stating that healing hands are a bit vain and need lots of patting, nice words and support. i always refer to them as the little primadonas of Midgard, but hey... could we really survive without those ?


I think this is a problem all 3 realms are suffering from... maybe midgard most as you got less healers then us (hibernia) and albion.

Our problem is that we are spoiled with 4 healing classes (Warden, Bard, Druid & Mentalists). Some ppl just dont dare to play wihtout a healer...

And playing a tank isnt so easy either all the time... as Blood said... "pull this", "pull that", "faster!", "slower!", "no! not that one"... alot of ppl expect you to be able to take aggro everytime... mages casting a dd; 200 dmg + 200 critical, healers using there (sometimes) lifesaving instaheals... and then demanding me to take aggro in one hit, im lvl 45 and do an avarage 50 points dmg ffs :rolleyes: (60 - 65 with taunt).

All i can say is; Trust in your tanks, and make sure they can trust in you.

(btw i play a lvl 20 druid too, so ive seen both sides of the coin)

[edit] Mentalists is a mage class with heal spells (among others)[/edit]


Hehe - no worries Blood I am extremely thick skinned and I agree that healers as with everyone else are not perfect!

I have grouped with a healer who performed a Res while we were still in combat with the mobs that killed our main tank - the said res leaving him without any mana to heal the group :)

To be a good healer is tuff tho - particularly a Midgard healer who is not only the primary healer but also the primary crowd controller too!

It must be said that the 'heal me!' shouts usually occur in a fresh group - once you have saved their lives from a bunch of nasty adds it usually calms down :)

The 'rez me' issue is a problem too tho - sometimes its better not to res - for instance the healer in a group I had in Spin was something of a bleeding heart type - we had a group of greens in an area too tuff for them who overpulled and died - he resses them instantly so they stay there and in seconds are dead again and again and again!!! :(

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