having alts on pryd (idea)



so a lot of people have all kind of alts.... But i started to wonder. Why dont make an alt on hib/prydwen instead?

They certenly need more people, all classes will have no problem getting groups since its so hard to get a group anyway.

Having an alt is just another way of having fun with the game, so why not help an entire realm that really needs the help instead of twinking your armsman_47.

So, I would like to get some of you and maybe start an alb/excal guild in hib/pryd. Point being the alts of alb helping out hibernia.

Whatcha lot think?



Am i the only one who has alts on prydwen? My sister made a mentalist (level 18) and a druid (level 12) and i tried out an enchanter (level 6). I can use all the chars cus... well... I!!! am paying for it, not her. Sounds like a nice idea, but im a painfully slow leveler and im not sure if midgard will still rule in 2003.
The mentalist is in a guild called Marsch Horde but the other 2 are free for guilding.


i am currently an office in a hib/prydwen/alts guild called the hippy dipyyy tree huggers, its great...


:puke: to hibbies ;)

Middies are really funny to play though... The biggest reason I'm not really big on the idea of playing a middie on Prydwen is, because their already owning :rolleyes:

Balance is(was?) really screwed on that server... Oohwell, so far I like albion chars the best... Havent got enough time to play all my albion alts, let alone a mid alt(s) on prydwen too...


I got couple middie chars on Prydwen, all below 20 and not intending do any RvR with them, even if they were 50, before mids stop dominating the server.


mid's ownage on prydwen is not lasting long, alb took 3 relics back without mids even getting them back

Madonion Slicer

I have a Cleric and and a soon to be Minstral. But i think i will be deleting them and trying out Hibbie as i do like the magic classes, have been on both Mid and Hib for very short times, just cant seem to get into there lands, and it seems much more friendly on Albion.


Well i started my alts on pryd as a middie but it got boring so i deleted them and now im a hib there :)... hib is GREAT fun.

And quite often when i group with someone there we find out that we know eachother on alb/excal. So far i have found 4 friends that i know from excal, and alot of ppl i have seen often. So i think there allready is alot of albs/excal in hib but they dont dare to admit it :p.

Btw if we could start a alt guild <Reinforcements from Albion> or something :) i would like to join. Making a 8 ppl well balanced group of experienced players from alb in hib so we can lvl fast and maybe later help hibs in RvR would be great fun...

This is making no sence but im in a bit of a hurry so...


Yeah, hib/pryd is fun :) shame I have to do this work thang or I'd play my little Lurikeen Champion a bit more...


<Reinforcements from Albion>

what a great name!

We'll get this train started in a few days then :)

more info to come


Im there...

Reinforcements from albion sounds like a great name, and i must say im not that experienced as a druid, or enchanter, or as a matter of fact any hib class. Finding my way around could also be a bit tough, but im up for the challenge ;). Btw what level are your alts there?


i just started there so we should be a lot of lowbies, working our way up :)


You can count me in i think it would be a laugh and beside i think that the hibbies need all the help they can get. msg me on there im ghuda on there.


My bard is currently lvl 17 but i expect him to be 20 in a few days... I think that the lvl range is currently to big so here is what ia suggest: We agree on a date, and all that want into <Reinforcements from Albion> meet at the guild register with a lvl 5 char, not higher lvl and not lower lvl. I can pay the needed gold :). Then those of us that want to can split into groups and hopefully we will make 1-2 full groups.

What i hope to get with that is nice well balanced groups that meet on a regular time basis...preferably every day or something close to that. Then we hunt like h**l and if we do this right we will prob be pretty high lvl soon :). Still...you should make another alt cause if we want this to work we cant solo with the group chars since we all must be pretty much the same lvl to work properly and even a little hunting beside the "group" might make u out lvling us :(.

SO it will be tuff but im in for the challenge...are you?

ps. We might wanna decide on what chars to play before we make them so we have well balanced teams...


hmm what char?

i think i might try my bard or something


Ok from the little experience i have with hib i would say a good group would look like:


This group is meant to be good in both PvE and RvR... But basically we have 2 bards for both mana and end song and speed+end song later on, a druid as prime healer, a warden for tanking and BT. The hero is supposed to be the prime tank. And i think we need a ranger in there to keep us informed in RvR and long range pulls in PvE. The eldrich and enchanter are just there for buffs, DD and nice aoe DD :). Any hibs that sneak in here once in a while are welcome to correct me if u think i missed something :rolleyes: .

We should try to play chars that is quite the opposite the chars we have on excal so we wont get bored so fast... personally i would like to play a bard or Ranger or maybe the warden if noone else wants him :). But since i think this project would be fun if we get it going i could play the char noone wants to play...

I suggest u head to Classes of camelot:


or any other site where u can get information on the classes and find the char that YOU would like to play...

Madonion Slicer

I am well up for this, i would love to play an Eldrich or Bard, but i think i prefer the Eldrich.

This sounds like a good idea.


The idea of a balanced lvl group sounds good to me. Ill go the ranger if thats the group we're gonna go for, tell me wen ur gonna make it and ill be right there.(unless u dont want me that is)


Havent played a bard type class so...

... i would like to try it (although i am starting a bard on stonehenge to join a friend from switzerland). Havent played a bow class either, but that somehow doesnt appeal to me (i also find it incredibly hard to spec a class like a ranger because you wanna spec more then you have points).
If 2 people wanna be a bard (me excluded) i will go for enchanter, as i have already started one on pryd just to test (i hope mana spec is ok?)

Madonion Slicer

Damn them Bards look hard to play , just been checking out the character builder, and by the looks of things you need to spec in all 3 lines and also a style, make the Minstrel and Skald look easy.

Think i will go with the Eldrich, unless i can be convinced otherwise.


Just as long as you don't make Hib too powerful :)

I like playing the underdog... :)


Can we just get this organised?

Theres no point talking about it if we aint gonna acctually do it so lets do summin


How we will spec is a very hard matter... It seems like we have alot of interested and it will be hard to decide what chars to play here...i think we need a chat. We can make a chat group in game or someone can make a chat in mirk or someting...but someone else will have to do that since im not very skilled in putting up chats outside DAoC :).


Ok i agree we do need to organise it a bit ill admit but lets do it soon, ive got a lvl6 ranger that ill put in the guild if u dont mind and gwandyn sed he'd pay for the guild so every1 start a char and get it to lvl5 then post on here then we'll organise a time and place to meet to form the guild. k?

After that we'll arange time's and dates when the guild will meet and do as gwandyn sed and all try and keep within 1 lvl of the others in guild.

Madonion Slicer

End of the day i have two character asleep til Battle Grounds comes in and i am working on my scout, my fourth slot is taken up by my GF Cabbie that she never plays but i am not aloud to delete it.

So i am making an alt any on Prdy, so that i can have a break from the scout, dont want to get bored of him.

I am now torn between Eldrich and Bard, so i think i sod it make 2 alts one of each take them to 5 and then wait to see if anything come of this post.

Anyone who wants to contact me, you can either /send Draw, or email me martin_J_russell@hotmail.com or get me on MSN.

Looking forward to this.



Only problem is that you cant change class :). Getting to lvl 5 dont take long but if we want well balanced groups we need to discuss who play what class before we make the chars :). Is today at 22.00 cet (21.00 gmt) to early to discuss this?

I will be on then and all that want in /send Gwandyn so i can join u into the chat group and we can discuss it there.

If u cant make it post here...preferably before 19.00 cet so we can set another time if more than 2 of the 6 that have showed interest here cant come...

btw i think i can get a few mates to join us to...dont count on it though.

Madonion Slicer

Why dont we have a pre-guild meet at the roundtable, say 2100 GMT or when ever i will be on pretty much all night.

Gwandyn, i will contact you in game tonight mate.


Fine by me, why dont we meet at 2100GMT at the round table 2night, dont worry if u cant make it we'll do it agen soon, prolly.

oh and 1 other thing, whos gonna be guild ldr or are we all gonna be equal?

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