Have a read at this....



Now this whole incident started after some "BWTFCL prem div lpb solja" went into a clan called [DNCN]'s server and told them that eH were one of the worst clans in the BWTFCL and that they should arrange a friendly with us. (Hey ok they were maybe right but its not nice ok.) :rolleyes:

Anyhow, these guys seemed alright and wanted to arrange a 5 v 5 friendly with us. Why i dunno, these guys were probably from the Netgames league or something, cause they certainly acted like it and basically kept acting as if they were l337.

Yada yada yada to make a long story short the friendly ended up at 3 v 3 because they didnt have the server booked they said they would, bla bla bla, they lost even when 2 of our guys lagged out on their shocking server. Afterwards we found out they had actually been gay enough to claim that eH had forfeited on their site. Now to even put a 3 v 3 friendly result (that wasnt even correct) on their site is pretty gay enough methinks.

AHAHA wait here comes the maximus gayness part, the l337 Hax0r leader of DNCN seemed to be a bit paranoid when approached and started coming out with the equivalent of "j00 suck 1 wi11 hax0r u"

Heres the link

Basically, in the end the guy from eH who was receiving these threats started gettin worried about whether the gimp could actually nuke him or something. Point of this post is basically then to find out what should be done about these type of gay threats (cause people round here should know their stuff), and i suppose maybe to provide the vets out there with a bit of a larf at the state of DNCN. (and maybe eH but dont please cause there could still be a slight risk....)

Btw the DNCN site is http://www.DNCN.co.uk

There you go... :confused:


I tell you what you do with such threats........you laugh and ignore the infants that dish them out. After all, what's the point in getting so worked up about such trivial things........


Heh, if that transcript is untampered and basing my information that the person in question is their clanleader then the following is my mission statement. If not I apologise to DNCN in advance.

Just a few issues to raise :)

DNCN.co.uk says: and u better not call me sad again m8
DNCN.co.uk says: I have an I.Q. of 192

Considering that the fella claims to have an IQ of 192 he appears to have absolutely no common sense. What is the point in arguing over a 5 v 5 match? Just because eH dropped 2 doesn't mean they won't reconnect back to the server. Most high IQ people have social problems and this appears to be a classic case of a young man with a large chip on his shoulder.

DNCN.co.uk says: I had an argument earlier with a fucking stupid driver in a BMW and i aint in a good mood so u will have to excuse me

Aye right, sounds like he pranged his pram in the nursery and had a tantrum until the nurse gave him a slap.

DNCN.co.uk says: i have been hacking for 10 yrs m8

If this is true he must have been about 7 or 8 years old when he supposedly started 'hacking'. Call me cynical but that's total crap.

A more likely scenario - he was the primary school bully and enjoyed crippling tots on the football pitch. Now that's pre-pubescent hacking for you.

Scanning their website throws up some interesting reading, most members are <18 with the exception of a 28-year-old and a 36-year-old. Perhaps these older members could give some much-needed advice to these younger lads.

Not too bad a webby though, some nice content.


It ended up being a 3 v 3 matchup though, which is when 2 players dropped out and couldnt rejoin after they passworded the server :eek:

Plus i noticed last night DNCN are on the BWTFCL waiting list.....


hehe 8O)

Reading the text file I can't ignore the "I did not sleep with her, I was up all night" guy who entered the room, said "hey" then immediately left !
That guy probably got scared, as he left just after this :

DNCN.co.uk says:
if u screw me and the clan
DNCN.co.uk says:
i will screw ur fucking balls like a blender

I agree with u guys, this boy seems to have problems.


Well i cared cause i didnt want this guy to get away with possibly the most gayest behaviour i have ever come across online. I suppose its the whole principle of it.


:clap: enough bitching..... they are lame and not worth the bother, although it was unfair to say the 2 players forfitted ( 1 of which was me ) i was confused by this, considering i lagged out and counldn't go back in because of a password no one told me about.......

ANyway it doesn't matter, as long as we don't cross paths again everything will be fine ........ hehe

mAc (mofo)


From reading as much as I have I could say the DNCN blook looks a right twat but according to some comments in other thread's no one gives a fuk how many twat's come into this comunity and people arn't looking interested in being prapered to make that kind of attitude clearly unacceptable .

Maon all you want but unless your an 1337 online g33k then your moaning is falling on deaf ears


Hehe I remember something like this happening ages ago to us, [GOD] had challenged *eVa* to a game in MORAT and on the day, 8 of us went into the server to see 2 of them. Mildly worried that the game wouldn't go ahead, we suggested to them that they needed a few more players, at which time they told us pretty much the same thing as you experienced with the other clan, that they would hax0r our server and us and that they had our IP's etc. and that we woz well screwed in general.

We just added the two that showed up to our ban list and got a one-map friendly against GT. :)


HAHA nice log....... hehe i can't believe they would acuse that log of being fake ! I think they where quietly worried about this thread indeed, the name changing point was quality. Nice one wreck.

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