Haste, DeHaste, LA questions for Pin



[03:15:17] <Sharp|> [04:12] <Garny|FFXI> Mel ask Pin on BW

Ok few things i want to sort out.

Imagine im a warrior, im swinging my hammer at 4.0 speed

My base damage will be off 4.0 speed and so will my style damage, correct ?

Now if im ASD'd and now swing at 5.0 speed

My base damage will be off 5.0 speed and so will my style damage?


My base damage will be off 4.0 speed and my style damage will be of 5.0?

If both style and base damage come from the new swing speed, then i have a nice idea for Shadowblads.

Imagine your Shadowblade, using a 4.0 main hand and a 2.4 off hand. He swings at 3.2 speed, so his main and off hand base damage comes from 3.2 speed, and his styled damage comes from 3.2 speed. But he uses 4.0 swing speed end usage because end usage is calculated from main hand on dual wield types.

So now take your SB and swich his weapons around, hes now 2.4 main hand, and 4.0 off hand. He still swings at 3.2 speed, his base damage for both main and off hand comes from 3.2 speed and his main hand style damage comes from 3.2 speed, yet he only uses the end usage of a 2.4 speed weapon. Of course none of this is true if Haste and Dehaste does not affect base damage.

Anyway, theres my little idea. But if base damage is unaffected by haste or dehaste, then that means ASD actually does decrease damage, which alot of people dont seem to think.


So far what know, then if your attack speed is debuffed..then your style damage will be higher and not your base damage.


For example you have got a 4.0 speed weapon in your main hand and 2.4 in your off hand and you have got 38% haste on you (by quickness/haste buff). Than your actual swingspeed is 2.48 off your main hand and 1.50 off the offhand and with an average swing speed of 2.0 .
So you are swinging every 2 seconds and the styled damage is based on a 2.48 sec delay and the base damage of your main/off hand is based on 4.0/2.4 speed weapon.

So base damage isnt effected by how fast you are actually swinging but your styled damage is.


base dmg figure never changes no matter how slow or fast you swing. style dmg is a dps add based on swing speed so the slower u swing the more style bonus u get _per swing_ altho style dmg over-time is the same. hence the only way u can actually increase your dmg over time is by swinging faster for more base dmg in less time.

if u want big numbers to wank over and screenies to impress your friends run 0qui and refuse dex/qui buffs (and do real shitty dmg-over-time but have a hard hitting 'first strike')


Originally posted by K0nah

if u want big numbers to wank over and screenies to impress your friends run 0qui and refuse dex/qui buffs (and do real shitty dmg-over-time but have a hard hitting 'first strike')

Fear fumble! :-P

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