Has the romance gone from our love affair with Tribes?



What`s this? Advertising your own column now? I`ll read it if ya send me a fiver.

Crunchy on the outside,
Chewy on the inside.


A bugger, I read it for free.

And you`re right. It`s the same maps over and over. The WPTL I think done well to introduce C+H games and the current funcup mods are top fun (last nights clay game was one of the most fun I`ve ever played, cheers DD btw). But public wise we rarely get to see mods and new maps. The Quake leagues has put up with d`loading client files for maps for years now but the impetus in Tribes is to avoid client side stuff at all cost. But what cost? client side maps, like the Xtreme pack offers something new and if we`re going to be a bunch of diehards then we might as well bite the bullet and use them. If only to save our sanity.
I strongly think a bigger variety of map or gametypes should be included in the standard leagues.

Crunchy on the outside,
Chewy on the inside.


There are some good maps arround there so give them a try. Whether it be on Teds Cesspit server or the Wireplay Alternate CTF.

And don't say the levels are shit because there are some very good ones, especially that huge skiing one, with 2 bases in the air, hmmmm whats it called? Valley of two bases or summat


Biggest mistake the wptl made was to include c&h maps.
We were forced to play EM on peak performance and it was completely boring. You can't integrate teamplay into a map with respawn points located all over the map!

[This message has been edited by Fusion (edited 15 October 1999).]

old.{ velvet }

Think you forgot an 'IMO' in there somewhere Fusion. Just cause you're incabable of teamplay when you don't start in a cosy base with plenty of chance to get into heavy armour doesn't mean others don't enjoy it. The feedback I had on the C&H maps, and the feedback Poker had on the Fun Cup suggests you're way off the mark. Perhaps you should start seeing Tribes as a laugh rather than worrying about your CLQ or that you have to play on a map where you can't guarantee heavy armour.



Sos velv i feel i need to correct you on a few points there.

Fusion has been playing light defence for a while now and always works very hard for the team.

You can play Heavy O on many C&H maps like citadels and anthill which were both in the WPTL. Fusions point about peek performance being a bad map is because the re-spawn points make team play difficult.

Fusion has never given a toss about his CLQ score, as he knows CLQ scores are complete bollox.

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