Has DAoC enhanced your life?



I know it has mine - I can't sleep without dreaming of DAoC.

I don't want to go see friends or family anymore because I want to play DAoC.

I wish I was unemployed so I could live in a small hut with my PC and an electricity supply and hunt on DAoC. Work interferes with DAoC.

I save time in my real life by not eating or showering so I can craft in DAoC.

I save money by not eating or drinking either in or out of the pub or in or out of the game. I don't have to buy other games cos of DAoC.

I don't have a girlfriend cos I'd rather play DAoC.

I thank my lucky stars I discovered a game that'll keep me interested for the rest of my life.

My life has truly been enhanced.

Givf DAoC.

Givf givf givf GIVF

<shakes head and rolls eyes, watching the dribble roll to his desk>


Cos I've been at work for 5 hours and only been able to play it for 1 hour during lunch.

I'm missing it :-(

Cap'n Sissyfoo

I feel your pain...metaphorically speaking of course. Sell your accounts and free yourself of the cuuuurse!


find a gf that also likes daoc - all the daoc goodness without the sad geekiness of being all alone ;)


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
find a gf that also likes daoc - all the daoc goodness without the sad geekiness of being all alone ;)

I am not all alone - I have children (honestly!).....

.... and my characters of course.


Nice sarcasm Naewae. At least I hope it was sarcasm. :)

I don't think DAoC has enhanced my live, I definitely still enjoy it though. I do think it makes people withraw slightly from real life (Like you!) even if they don't want to believe it.

I mean, how many people have ignored those phone calls from friends who haven't yet given up on them, asking them to come out for a beer, but they can't because they are in the middle of a big raid? How long have people sat with their backs to their partners because of this game?

But seriously it isn't these points that bother me about DAoC. It isn't even the constant feeling of gripping a mouse I have in my right hand because of this game, that bothers me.

But aproaching 100 days of DAoC play time it's this that worries me...

1) 100 days x 24 hours = 2,400 Hours Daoc Playing

2) 1 x 60 point course with the Open University = 15 hours per week x 26 weeks = 390 hours

3) 2,400 hours / 390 hours = Just over 6

4) 1 Undergraduate degree from the open university = 6 x 60 point course.

Therefore: 100 days of DAoC play time = 1 undergraduate degree from the Open University.

In the time I've spend building up future athritic problems in my right hand; making my eyes become short sighted by incessant staring at a daoc computer screen; become distanced from real life friends by ignoring their phone calls; I could have instead, had an undergraduate degree in what ever I liked, Computing, Philosophy, Quantum Physics, what ever! Leading to a better career, higher earning potential, deeper understanding of the world, more fulfilling life etc etc.

Just think, instead of knowing all the details to the n'th degree of making a virtual sword, in a mythologically mixed up virtual world, you could have been resolving shrodinger's equation for interacting quanta, be an expert in political philosophy or be a graduate in any foreign language you choose.

I'm not ready to give up on DAoC, and don't think I will be for a long while, I enjoy it. But I do have a guilty feeling that I should be doing something more useful with myself instead of another 8 hour session on DAoC.

Am I the only one that thinks like this? Ok maybe I'm wierd. Anyway, back to work, and see you in game. :)



What a fantastic post - I was hoping this thread would start a debate between those addicted for the wrong reasons, those addicted for the right reasons (is there such a thing) and those just playing casually.

/hat off

I did think that my comment "<shakes head and rolls eyes, watching the dribble roll to his desk>" would tip the scales and make people realise it wasn't entirey true. But in case you're still not sure, please let it be known I do not dribble on my desk (I aim for the groin area.)


Problem is playing with all these 1's amd 0's is alot more fun then getting a degree, and not as difficult.


It is not a game !!!!!!!!!!!!!! stop telling that !!!!!111

it is a way of live :clap:


Originally posted by Sohan_THC
It is not a game !!!!!!!!!!!!!! stop telling that !!!!!111

it is a way of live :clap:

word :D


I prefer to think of it as spending time with my online friends instead when I turn down an offer of a beer in the pub....


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
I prefer to think of it as spending time with my online friends instead when I turn down an offer of a beer in the pub....
And lets face it ...how often do we get to kill our friends irl ??
ok once or twice but they kept making me go out :)


its not daoc itself that is that makes me/you addictive. its the community. without BW, IRC, guilds, daoc, friendslist wouldnt be as half addictive.


Originally posted by TBF[Pazuzu]
Nice sarcasm Naewae. At least I hope it was sarcasm. :)

I don't think DAoC has enhanced my live, I definitely still enjoy it though. I do think it makes people withraw slightly from real life (Like you!) even if they don't want to believe it.

I mean, how many people have ignored those phone calls from friends who haven't yet given up on them, asking them to come out for a beer, but they can't because they are in the middle of a big raid? How long have people sat with their backs to their partners because of this game?

But seriously it isn't these points that bother me about DAoC. It isn't even the constant feeling of gripping a mouse I have in my right hand because of this game, that bothers me.

But aproaching 100 days of DAoC play time it's this that worries me...

1) 100 days x 24 hours = 2,400 Hours Daoc Playing

2) 1 x 60 point course with the Open University = 15 hours per week x 26 weeks = 390 hours

3) 2,400 hours / 390 hours = Just over 6

4) 1 Undergraduate degree from the open university = 6 x 60 point course.

Therefore: 100 days of DAoC play time = 1 undergraduate degree from the Open University.

In the time I've spend building up future athritic problems in my right hand; making my eyes become short sighted by incessant staring at a daoc computer screen; become distanced from real life friends by ignoring their phone calls; I could have instead, had an undergraduate degree in what ever I liked, Computing, Philosophy, Quantum Physics, what ever! Leading to a better career, higher earning potential, deeper understanding of the world, more fulfilling life etc etc.

Just think, instead of knowing all the details to the n'th degree of making a virtual sword, in a mythologically mixed up virtual world, you could have been resolving shrodinger's equation for interacting quanta, be an expert in political philosophy or be a graduate in any foreign language you choose.

I'm not ready to give up on DAoC, and don't think I will be for a long while, I enjoy it. But I do have a guilty feeling that I should be doing something more useful with myself instead of another 8 hour session on DAoC.

Am I the only one that thinks like this? Ok maybe I'm wierd. Anyway, back to work, and see you in game. :)


yeah but i've never seen a degree wtfpwn a group of mids


You have psychological problems, but heck, we all do :).

It seems DAoC is not your number one choice, you want something else, but for some reason you won't get it. Hence you make it the ideal lifestyle (the things you do actually want) and you throw dirt at your current lifestuation (eventhough it's probably very exaggerated).


Originally posted by pez
yeah but i've never seen a degree wtfpwn a group of mids


u guys are sick...

i only lost my gf for playing daoc
i only lost my job for playing daoc
i lost a few pounds for not eating to play daoc
but a bath ?? OMFG u pwn the mids/hibs with irl smell


lol guys


When i was single i actually had thougts of quitting my job to get more online time... Sad but true...


And for the note, we need to stop blaming things. We need to start blaming oursleves. Why do I play DAoC instead of being with my gf, for example. Is DAoC just a reason to "explain" and confirm the fact that you don't like your girlfriend anymore. From my experience it must be, human touch and love itself should be a stronger addiction than DAoC.


Originally posted by MesS°
When i was single i actually had thougts of quitting my job to get more online time... Sad but true...

This is only a outplay for the fact that you don't like your job, or that you don't like todays society, maybe you wan't a different society, meaning a different situation at your job.

But you were *FORCED to stay at your job, which u realized, hence u learned to both play daoc and go to your job.

Sidenote: *FORCED = we are not free in this society, we are forced to work.


i find it strange that more ppl arent getting bored of it now, surely uve seen everything and done everything, i only go on to chat to ppl mainly seeing as i dont have any chars that are accepted into random/guild rvr grps or any buffbot... its getting kinda boring


Women are EVIL anyway... who needs them :D


hmmm what did daoc do for me...

kept me happy whan i were in the military, was really something to look forward to in the weekends, and the exercises felt like torture.. 4-5 days without :/ for months...

i wouldnt like a girlfriend that played daoc too, we would just get to fight about the buffbot, pl, money and stuff :D

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