Has crafting been nerfed?



Myself and many fellow crafters have found it very hard to make 99% let alone a MP item in the recent weeks. I think it started when we had that last small patch. When trinketing I get loads of 99% and several MP hinges/brackets etc, but making armour and weapons at 99% or MP is bloody hard.

Is it the same in mid and alb, and have most hibs noticed this?


no its always been like that for us middies thats why i no longer craft. i am on strike

Pandemic 1159 Armourcrafter
Smallpox 1162 Tailor


220 retries for af51 mp cloth cap ... someone beat this :mad:


273 retries for a mp small shield lvl 51


i have noticed a decrease in mp rate so i asked rightnow and they said, nope, nothing has been changed


on my heartwood heavy shod for my staffshade i got a MP about 3rd try (was trying for 99%)

runewood heavy shod for my l50 chanter MP took about 20 tries

MP af51 boots took 47 tries i think my tailor said

MP quartz dirk which i was asked for for a lowbie came out MP wheh i made the second one (was asked for a couple of lowbie weps so made him 2 quartz dirks, came out 98% and 100%)

guess its all down to luck :)

oh and i think out of 12 pieces of armour ive bought for my staffshade, 1 came out as MP (when asked for any quality)

Elric IA

Two 99% arcanite bastard swords in a row tonight. I just reckon bad luck you tend to notice the bad runs more


200+ tries for a MP item, and still people grumble at the prices ;)


Originally posted by Aeiedil

Good luck with that


Well it might be just bad luck. I know I've had some bad tries for certain items but have to say now the patch has been here for some time my qua is getting better again. Maybe the random factor is a bit better random now... dunno but at the beginning (of this patch) I had the idea also that MPs were (very) rare then normal.


today i had a small request 1mp cobalt sickle good for the bg's. i say to myself that ain't hard lvl 25 items takes only 10 tries max to get mp can only cost me 100g max. well guess again since recently i that 10 tries on lvl 25 stuff to get mp doesn't work anymore bought for a total of 200g craft material and made sickle after sickle salvaging and making again only thing i got was 4 99% sickles and not 1mp. gave the guy 2of them 99% sickles since it would have most likely cost another 200g to finally get that lousy mp thing.

and another thing... i have a crafted 99% blade and a 99% hilt, HOW THE HELL IS IT POSSIBLE THAT GIVES ONLY A 94% SWORD?!!! something very wrong about that crafting


mm i have had at least 2 tries that ran over 400 for mp chain sleeves and boots and many for chain, studded, leather, cloth mp's that ran into the 300's

the random number generator test over a million tries does av at 50 but there was one attempt on it that ran into 800+ imagine that on a chain hauberk mp attempt :)


it might be me being paranoid but....i think most crafters keep the MP's for theirselves when they get one when they are making a weapon for someone to sell it to another player for alot of cash :p

any comment on this ? :p


Some people do that, and some poeple dont. IF I really didnt really like the person then maybe I would, but I have given MP scale and RF to poeple as part of the orders if I got a MP before a 99% qual item. A WCer called Lum(who now left :( :(:( ) gave me several MP weapons which he made whilst trying to get me a 99% weapon.

So no, not every1 is tightfisted as u r suggesting, although I definately know some that would keep MP and sell to others.


Originally posted by jaxal
it might be me being paranoid but....i think most crafters keep the MP's for theirselves when they get one when they are making a weapon for someone to sell it to another player for alot of cash :p

any comment on this ? :p

If I would make a MP before someone's 99% ordered one I would charge some retries xtra (to keep the MP rareness price up). it's my way of handling with MP on 99%+ orders.


If I made mp instead of 99% customer would get that instead because its only due to them ordering the item that I would make it in the first place. All though this has only happened 3 times as I recall - all have been shields that came out mp first attempt :D

Findannain - what hurts most is mp hilt + blade that turns out as 94% :(


I know Elirc recently managed a mp bastard sword on the second attempt or third attempt (have a hazy memory, i blame alcohol) of a 99% order and gave the mp one. Can't remember how much my mate said he had to pay but it was pretty low and i suspect it was just the material cost + the 2-3 retries.


well if i make mp's on 99% orders then i give em hell the buyer doesn't know how much he's gonna pay for the 99% (pay per retry) so i think it's not more then normal that i give em the mp if it's crafted before the 99%


2%.... well fact is, about 10 poeple I have spoken to are having serious problems making 99% or MP armour, but get loads of 99% and several MP trinket items.... I actually counted the amount of 99% or mp trinket items and it was in 1 in 6. That was after trinketing 600 diamonds bars, and longest run of 94-98% I think was 12 retries..... Then I craft armour.... and sometimes dont see a 99% item for upto 40 retries, and as some poeple said several hundred retries for a MP....

So this tells me there is something buggy with crafting, and the fact that most people I asked agreed it happened around the time of last patch shows something was changed or messed up(more likely knowing GOA)


crafting nerfed?
got my MP L dirk on 7th try today :)
buy from martha, she is lucky WC


samildanach-lvl50 inf

Elric IA

Originally posted by Lessurl
I know Elirc recently managed a mp bastard sword on the second attempt or third attempt (have a hazy memory, i blame alcohol) of a 99% order and gave the mp one. Can't remember how much my mate said he had to pay but it was pretty low and i suspect it was just the material cost + the 2-3 retries.

It was indeed.

I always take quality asked for as a minimum. If someone asks for 99% and they get an MP they get the MP for the number of tries it took me to get it.

Last night also made MP carbide pick hammer first go (buyer did not specify quality). Personally, I havent seen any change in the RNG or an appreciable one.


Masterpieces are a bitch to make. Spent 5 platinum making 2 MP AF 102 studded parts, the boots and gloves, which is the cheapest part in the suit!

God help me when making the other 4 parts

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