Has behaviour plummeted?



I am currently playing my Sorc alt, 24th season at time of post, and I cannot believe the general standard of behaviour at this level.

When I ventured to Mithra I was greeted by XP leeching and abusive language, this was sadly the case in Keltoi to. The alts stand out by a mile, fair play and good humour abound, so is it just the nOObs, or has my memory dimmed from when I first joined the ranks of Albion?


Mithra was just as bad as that when I was a lad... ;)
(this was a fair few months ago...)

so nothing's changed ;)


Well, it *should* get less and less... Mithra was bad, I mean, in the guardroom... People kill-steal like there's no tomorrow...

I try to avoid Mithra with my alts, I also try to avoid Keltoi (only spend 2 levels with my Wizard there, 21 to 23, ant room)...

Catacombs was nice though, no kill-stealing and when it did happen, a 'sorry' was never far away... (since it was mostly on accident)

But Mithra, its a disaster... But please try to explain to those 'noobs' that its not nice, etc, etc... Instead of just shouting it out... ( the number of times that happend :( a guy has been playing the game for 2 hours, finds mithra by 'mistake' and people are shouting at him because he hit the same mob, no idea why it is 'wrong' )


bad behaviour

I tend to agree - bad behaviour does appear to be the norm rather than the exception - some of the behaviour / language at Prydwen bridge the other day was appalling, and the general level of group interaction is mind boggling! I have a ffew alts from lvls 6 to 20 and to be honest I'm very rarely going to group them until they get to about 30ish, unless of course I know the people involved. Sad, but there you go.

Worth noting also that when I take my 45 cleric into noob areas I have a full set of tattered leather armour to put the beggars at bay.....


Re: bad behaviour

Originally posted by araq
I tend to agree - bad behaviour does appear to be the norm rather than the exception - some of the behaviour / language at Prydwen bridge the other day was appalling, and the general level of group interaction is mind boggling! I have a ffew alts from lvls 6 to 20 and to be honest I'm very rarely going to group them until they get to about 30ish, unless of course I know the people involved. Sad, but there you go.

Worth noting also that when I take my 45 cleric into noob areas I have a full set of tattered leather armour to put the beggars at bay.....

yeah, when i was playing my wizard alt the other day at pk bridge, all they could say is "gimme buffs!". And when i sometimes go to cammy with my main all i get is: "give me some money! you have plenty of it".

very sad indeed :(


I have given plenty of ppl a little cash, don't mind really. 1 Gold at lvl 5 or so can make a lot of difference while it just sits in your pocket at lvl 50. But if you come begging for money with an attitude as if I am obliged to give it to you forget it. This does not mean I am planning to give away 5 gold a day to ppl but occasionaly I give it away. Thx to recent events I'm gonna put a stop to the free cash though. Give ppl 1 gold and your the hero and if you group with em 3 weeks later with your alt they think they are God's gift to Daoc and have the right throw all kinds of profanity at you. My oppinion on the whole thing is that it has become far to easy for certain classes to level, there is plenty of gold available for good items, there are plenty of drops compared to the early days of the game and any fool can get powerleveled to a decent level even by ppl who don't really have a clue what they are doing. All these things make the ppl who would never have had the courage in the early days of the game to lvl to 50 stay in the game. I am talking about the immature fps players who only play this to get to RvR as fast as possible "to hit the shit out of other players" as to them this is just a version of quake where it takes a bit longer before you can enter the arena


Of course I forgot the begging, which IMHO has become a bloody pain. I dont mind giving but when u are told "gimme 10g" "gimme your old stuff" I feel the need to punch someone.

On the subject of Pryd Bridge I now have a macro which clearly states "SORCS DONT BUFF".!!


Casu usually offers them the choice of str/con debuff or dex/qui debuff

although the lvl 50 cabalist I asked for debuffs from on the sauvage portal didn't get the joke ;)


Went in Mithra a fair bit not long ago with my alt Friar and never really had a problem there, heck when bored at 14/15 I used to just stroll around in there with my Friar rezzing people and healing the ones who got to much aggro or bit of more then they could chew, gives you a warm feeling inside and is a relaxing change from levelling the main at tanglers lol.

As for beggers, i'll usually give 1 G to the ones that ask politely, a bit more to those who ask very politely or roleplay lol as its amusing. And seeing as I gave a load of gold to my alt when with an especially friendly newbie group I occasionally give some of the newbies 5 G to help them get started.

As someone said above it can make a huge differance to a starting character, wish I had that when starting lol, didn't get my first gold piece till between 15-20 lol.



everytime i am at the pad in cs there is this lil scout beggar ( /anon of course) who comes up and says: 'some coin for a poor scout my lord?'

who is this guy? he is there loads


dont see why ppl have to beg, by the time i had my alt to lvl12 i had 2g in my pocket and a decent wep and armour.

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