Has Anyone done this with a Minstrel?

  • Thread starter Madonion Slicer
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Madonion Slicer

49 Instru
44 Sash
4 Stealth

I really dont get on with stealth, i find it to slow to move around, a spot of lag and you are seen anyway, you have to spec it above 30 to be anygood, detect hidden will be in.

So if i specced all Instru and Slash, and being a highlander would i make a pretty good support and battle ready Minstrel or be gimp of the year??

I will do this spec anyway as i dont mind not following the trend, and besides there are many ways to sneak up on a target.

Well what do you think?

Hit ^_^

think they use this template in mid. its called skald or something.
^^ not sure it will work for us tho.

Madonion Slicer

Ah yes i see now just looked up Skald, but they have the option of Parry over Stealth, and i doubt many dont spec in parry.

But would a HighLander Minstrel spec to 44Slash damage be close to that of a Pally or dare i say Armsmen, if i was to collect items that focused on Str and Char??


if ur gonna make a wannaB tank and wanna kill chainwearers as u call urself "battleminstrel" i suggest u dont take up slash ...

Madonion Slicer

Well thought out answer there, i guess you better let every slasher in Albion know about how much of a noob they are for training slash, being that is going to be about 75-80% of the tanks in the game.

Do you think before you type or just try to be funny?


ummmm no

if u say slash = noob
-> what u actually mean is : "i am a noob and have no idea what i m saying, please kill me"


i m slash minstr with high stealth BECUZ I LIKE IT
i d like to see u pass thru amg with 4 stealth and going to camp mmg alone waiting for middy reinforcements....

and yes i know stealth will be nerfed in 1.50 , but LOL my minstr has been 50 for months ; and i ve played it accordingly -> with high stealth cuz it isnt nerfed yet!?

bring on the respec , cuz the respec will be there faster then u can use ur "uberthrust" 5 times

i believe next patches (after 1.50 RA) will be much faster becuz there just isnt much to translate and work out

and then there WILL be a respec and i will see what i do then , but thrust wont be as good then anymore due to changes in melee , so i still think i did the right thing ....

flame meeeeeee

Madonion Slicer

Mad, you having a go at me????, FIN said Slash=Noob, all my characters are slash, i prefer the styles hit harder and more anytime styles than thrust.

Mate i am not saying stealth is rubbish far from it, it is invaluable if that is your style of play, i personally would prefer to have greater Melee damage and be more a tank than a rouge, except i will be a tank with dd and mez and charm and all the other nice things we get.

My style of play is my choice, no worse than a full smite cleric(wannabe wizards), i will still be very useful and will hopfully be able to hold my own in melee.



possibly on character creation...

However in 1.52 the 'Crush is the only damage type' thing goes away...

Slash will be perfectly viable...


How about 50 slash 43 instruments... let stealth autotrain (if it does? :) or leave it at 2

Madonion Slicer

i did look at 50Slash and 43Instru, but it means i miss out on the last DD, leaving me with a lvl26 and lvl37 DD's instead of a 37 and 44, damn them last few points, come on GOA just give Minstrel 40 more spec points and i can go 50Slash 44Instru and 0 points left woo hoo

So i guess i go with 49Slash and 44Instru, i wonder if stealth will autotrain?


It's a tradeoff on 45 pts damage on shout for Diamond slash...

apparently Amethyst then Diamond Slash is about similar to
two amethysts (but less endurance I think?) so hrm :)

Madonion Slicer

I can see what you mean.

Luckly i wont have to confront this problem for a few lvls yet, at them moment i am max instru and then slash as much as i can saving spare points for next ding, stealth is at 1


No stealth doesn't autotrain.

You're original 49 instru spec is gimped, if you're going over 44 instru, you have to go the whole hog and get 50 to get any benefit.
For a combat oriented minstrel why not go 44 ins, 44 slash/thrust, 21 stealth. You get decent DDs, decent melee, and some stealth.

On the damage thing. With 50 spec slash and uber str items, your damage will still suck arse compaired to an armsman or paladin. They are fighters, and hence on the fighter damage table, minstrels are rogues and hence on the rogue table.

Trying to make a minstrel a tank is gimping yourself. They aren't, you cannot tank, so don't try.

Madonion Slicer

All that is left Dannyn is for you to spit on me:rolleyes:

Nah only messing thanks for the imput, think i will still go full instru and slash, i can always adust and review when i am lvl44 as to if i take slash and instru further or i spec in stealth, depending on how i find rvr.

Oh well as time goes on we find out if it is gimped or just different, hell live be boring if we all the same.


I've been considering my spec as I'm currently 43i/28t/18s and about to hit level 44 so I needed to decide on which way to spec. Given the upcoming see hidden nerfs on stealth I'm reluctant to heavily spec it like mad has, so I'm currently going 44i/39t/29s. I did consider the 44/44/21 route, but the extra 5 thrust buys me very little extra damage and the 44 style isn't really that useful (chains off the block style). 50 instruments gives a nice pwoersong, but you severely gimp your weapon and stealth specs to get it, not really worth it IMO, especially with serenity coming in soon.


Minstrel with no stealth

Well, i'm lvl 41 minst at the mo, and i'm not going stealth route, the stuff yet to hit these shores makes it pretty pointless, i'm prolly going 45 Instruments, 44 thrust, leftover into stealth.

Perhaps they will actually make something of the ae mezz, if not well, its only stealth that i've lost.

shadowbank 41 minstrel


Originally posted by Dannyn
On the damage thing. With 50 spec slash and uber str items, your damage will still suck arse compaired to an armsman or paladin. They are fighters, and hence on the fighter damage table, minstrels are rogues and hence on the rogue table.

Except pallys are on same damage table as clerics :p Which sucks bigtime.

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