Harbour1 map and the TCL



As we are now coming to a close of season3 in the CTFTCL I am considering alternative custom maps for season4. One of the candidate maps is Harbour1 made by HectorInfector.

A few now have played this map and most agree that it is a fun map, the only complaint being that the water is 'deadly' in that it kills you the instant you fall into it (as with lava). I am currently in discussion with both Hector and GODh about the possibility of changing this and they have suggested more of a 'drowning' effect in that the water takes away - say - 1/2 health points per second in order that you have a chance to escape the water and recover.

In the meantime if you would download the map (I have added it in its current state to the TCL downloads page HERE ) and give it a whirl.
We will run it on our server as often as we can and if any other clans would like to ask for it to be added to theirs then that would be appreciated.

We would also appreciate any bug reports that you may find such as bad clipping etc being posted on the TCL thread which has already been started HERE. ALternatively you can email me at a1ias@hotmail.com

Many Thanks


FYI: New version coming soon (if no bugs found) :clap:


Hmmmm, me gots the final final now... but i still have to check it out!


yey! :clap:

(clap smiley spam - barry, DELETE!!! ) :D

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