Harasser - have you got any No Claims Bonus?



Quick question - who has written off the most Harassers through their own careless or dangerous driving? Being shot-up by reavers doesn't count - user-inflicted damage only!

So far I've managed to total 14. Most have ended up in the drink, doomed to rust away in a lake or the sea. Some have been totalled in spectacular rolls, or end-over-end flips, finishing up undriveable on the roof. A few have just expired through massive crash damage. One flew off a very high cliff - which wasn't a problem; but landed a bit heavily - which was. One went over the edge of a bridge - I blame the MAX I was trying to run down. And one just got stuck in a hole that it was impossible to drive out of.

I insist on always driving between two points in s straight line -is this a bad thing? And why can I never persuade anyone to sit in the gunner's seat?


I hear you.
Driving dangerously is....dangerous.
Although you'd think the quad-bike (Wraith/Basilisk) would be able to handle 20ft drops without exploding.
If only it was like being in the Dukes of Hazard (Yeeeeeee.....haaaaa!) or Knight Rider. :)


You have no idea the problems i am gonna get because of this thread :(


Quite a few, but thats probably due to the fact that i like driving at very slow speeds up very large hills, then plummeting as fast as i can down the other side :)

Roads are for ANTs, right?


Originally posted by Scarloc
Quite a few, but thats probably due to the fact that i like driving at very slow speeds up very large hills, then plummeting as fast as i can down the other side :)

Roads are for ANTs, right?

actualy i found Harassers pretty strong when i had the cert only wrecked a few of em

ANTs lets not mention them after yesterday
(for those that werent there ... i was droping an ANT out of a GAL to resuply a base that was at 30% , it hit samething on the way down fliped over and landed on the roof)


Well its not an harrasser but Ive killed my squad in my Sunderer before now when i drove off a cliff. Oh, and I've ended up on the second floor of a tower in it aswell once:)


I've seen more destroyed Harrassers than moving ones.


Harasser cert = Kamikaze.
I usually end up dead, either shot in pieces by someone or driving full speed into something because the peep I was trying to hit moved into safety. :p :p :p


the biggest problem i ever had was getting my basalisk of the roof of a base when i hot droped it out of a gal:puke:

i was sort of hoping id be able to mow down a few enemy but unfortunatly i could get the damn thing off the roof


Ceryshen = Deathtrap for anyone with a 'wheels' cert. It's like..
"hm that road goes a long way to get to this base, I'll just go this waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay" *crash* *boom*
"ah, big cliff, must remember to follow road next time" :rolleyes:

Is anyone gonna say something about women drivers to make this thread more fun? or do no real women play PS? :D I know one of my mates always makes female avatars on whatever game he plays :eek7:


I was impressed when I drove my Harraser off one of the big cliffs in Searhus, hit the bottom and rolled it 360 x4 times and ended the right way up....

.... in a lava lake :D


Originally posted by Tenko
I was impressed when I drove my Harraser off one of the big cliffs in Searhus, hit the bottom and rolled it 360 x4 times and ended the right way up....

.... in a lava lake :D

That does, to be fair, deserve recognition :)


Originally posted by Omniscieous
Is anyone gonna say something about women drivers to make this thread more fun? or do no real women play PS? :D I know one of my mates always makes female avatars on whatever game he plays :eek7:


I am female and all my chars have at least 1 vehicle cert.

So not one word.


And most of the time I do OK.. certainly better than some MALE drivers in Sunderers that I shan't go into detail about :p


Harasser is way too stable and tame (boring), if you want fun get a quad :)


Originally posted by Faeldawn
Harasser is way too stable and tame (boring), if you want fun get a quad :)

If you want real fun, race basilisks with Darklight switched on.


Originally posted by Omniscieous
If you want real fun, race basilisks with Darklight switched on.

We had this convo before, try it with low lvl mossies :)


Is anyone gonna say something about women drivers to make this thread more fun? or do no real women play PS? :D I know one of my mates always makes female avatars on whatever game he plays :eek7:

I'm pretty nippy in my lil'tank and Ive only destroyed it myself erm..<mumbles>...amount of times.Now the amount of times I have destroyed it by suicide running into a occupied enemy base because I got bored is a different matter...


I was happily driving my Magrider in Ceryshen, then I meet this harasser that was just too determined to play chicken with me. I think the harasser drivers are their own breed, cooked up in some kamikazee lab.. anyway, I just strafed to the left..

..straight off a cliff..

the harasser dude spent the folowing 5 minutes to spam me with insults on my driving skills...

moral: always strafe right while driving magriders.



Originally posted by [PS]Angel

And most of the time I do OK.. certainly better than some MALE drivers in Sunderers that I shan't go into detail about :p [/B]

All I can say here is "Watch out for that tree"

Me and my ickle wraith dont fall out much - yes I have experienced speeding up the gradual gradient and falling off the other side but I know how to deal with that without killing myself now :) The only problems I sometimes have is turning to quickly to get on a bridge and flying into the rivers :rolleyes:

Other than that my driving is just fine :)


Personally, I think its more fun if you try to kill yourself.. you normally survive anyway and it gets whoevers my passenger to spam "Weeeeeeeeeeeee!" in /o chat :)


I was once driving a Harasser on Ceryshen and crashed it rather badly. Came up over a rise, hit a bump and completely flipped it over. It ened up heading in a westerly direction down a slight slope on it's roof. So I jumped out, ended up, I think, under the ground with PS deciding it only wanted to update the mouse every 40-50 seconds. It stayed like that until about 8 minutes later when I managed to finally hit all the "Yes I really do want to quit!" buttons.

Whats even odder is when I logged back in, still part of the squad, I was on the other side of the continent, still alive, in the middle of nowhere and not a clue how I got there! Even if I had respawned, and somehow randomly walked about there wasn't a spawn close enough! Try working that one out!

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