Happy to have kicked my Daoc habit



After playing Daoc for 16 months (i first played in the open beta in november 2001), im kicking myself for not having spent that time playing something better.

The whole time i was playing, i found myself questioning the system. I wondered if i was meant to accept that instead of unique monsters living throughout the lands, they appeared to simply be using the same models as the lower mobs, only increased in scale to appear larger and more experienced.

I wondered if i was meant to accept that within the first 8 levels of the game, i had seen everything the monster AI could throw at me (baffing mobs, wandering mobs, er - anything else?).

It almost looks like Mythic designed the game to make people play it for insane amounts of time to reach the goals (lvl 50 characters, lots of gold and decent armor) without actually spending too much time on creating content.

Mythic need to add more content, they need to change the way you lvl so that you gain thru the skills you use rather than killing 100 monsters then gaining points to spend (its a lame system, and feels like diablo - what would be wrong with a hero using sword and shield, gaining skill in those weapons through use?), they need to seriously consider finding new ways for people to make money (alternate professions rather than "monster killer" and "monster killer armorer"), they need to resolve the issues of solo play gaining such little amounts of experience compared to being in a group and they need to sort out the goddamned rvr engine, so that you dont experience zone crashes ever, and so that 200 people on the screen at once isnt a complete showstopper.

The only thing that i really respect Daoc for is its grouping system. Its badly implented rendering solo play rather pointless, but it makes partying with people easily accessable. The best moments in the game for me, have been healing my group during decent rvr battles, and acting as the nutter hero leading the charge towards the amg. The graphics arent bad either, but anyone can make eye candy, and Daocs cant cope with the phsyics of the game, especially when large amounts of people are present.

Apart from that, i feel ive wasted 14 months of my life playing the damn thing. I didnt go so far as wiping my characters, so in a few years time ill buy a months sub and look around. Maybe after all that time the game will be better, the content will be stronger and i might find it a satisfying experience. As it is, i stopped playing halfway thru march, then the other day i decided id have a go since the 1.60 patch had gone live.

I paid my cash, logged in, walked from Darkness Falls entrance to Drum ligen, and logged out :) I always knew it wasnt up to my standards (im pretty picky, but when i find a decent game, i ll give it all the time and praise in the world) but for some reason i kept playing. guess i kept believing that it would get better. Well, after Shrouded Isles (lovely maps, but the same monsters repeated throughout again) was so utterly dissappointing (updated rvr engine allowing many people on screen without slowdown - a complete lie from mythic) i dont know when ill ever play again, if i ever do. and if i dont like it that much (well, enough to be writing a daft rant at 4.26am) i dont think i ever should.



Thing is, not much else to play atm.

Hopefully that will be rectified soon.


Do enlighten us as to which MMO is different, particularly?

Roo Stercogburn

To a farmer AI is Artificial Insemination, which might explain what all those trolls were doing with mammoths after SI got released :D


Well, currently im playing Ultima Online. I played it before I played Camelot, but i did nothing more than lvl a mage and a warrior, and i was playing Counterstrike too, so it wasnt receiving all my time.

Well, now ive started playing it again, and its everything i could want currently in a game. Daoc just wet my appetite for this genre, and Ultima seems mature enough to satisfy my every desire. There is PvP, PvE, grouping, housing, a proper economy - at the moment im working on a Blacksmith/Miner/Tailor to support my characters. I travel about, digging up different metals from caves, to use to enhance armor. I can already make all the armor my characters will ever need, and can make money by enhancing other peoples armor, or by selling ingots. Whatever, im self suffucient, and if i didnt want to , i could support myself without killing a single monster. Of course, i wouldnt get the nice magic item drops, that i can enhance using my smith :)

There are new areas available to the 2d client that were only 3d before (and the 3d client sucks), there is proper roleplay (Crossroads of Yew) if thats your preference (and its really good fun, kind of how i imagined my first Daoc guild would be), theres regular updates and improvements, and theres in game support, where you call a GM, and they show up in person and talk to you about your problem.

Obviously this is my preference, and if you are enjoying Daoc, like some of my RL mates still are, then thats great. As i said, ill look in in around three or four years, when hopefully the content will have been increased 10-fold, but looking at the new /level system, the new players arent going to have anyone to group with, so i cant see the player base increasing for a while, and by then all the other games will be out.

Anyway, you asked me what the alternative is, and thats one. There are others, but seriously i wouldnt reccomend playing Daoc purely because theres nothing else to play. 14 months is a stupid amount of time to play to come to your senses and think "wtf did i waste all that time?".


Problem with DAoC is its just too simplistic.

The simplicity was great when we were all new and it all seemed so nice and inear, aka you group, you have fun exping, exploring new areas as you level, gaining items, gold, speccing up you character and then finally hitting 50.

Once its done once, thats it, tbh the fun in exping a second character is simply not there as you know what to expect, you know the limitations to the customisability to your char specs, whats gonna take ages (aka the horrid malmo lair sessions 43-50).

RvR was even a nice simple mass PvP implementation, and the simplicity lent itself to fun, esp in the early months, pre SCing, pre uber resist buffs and silly good SI items.

Problem is after 6 months, nothings changed, sure a few bug fixes, some PvE content is added (but PvE in general being boring as hell, adding more of it simply gives you more options to be bored). There is nothing revolutionary in RvR, and since it was always so simplistic to begin with, it just became a mass rp frenzy, as typified by the SotL, Warders, NP gank squads marauding Emain day after day after excruciating day.

DAoC is deffinately a MMO, but no where near a RPG, and for those that ridicule PlanetSide for being MMO CounterStrike, DAoC is not that far off, there are really only 2-3 viable specs for each class, beyond that its pick you class, play your role, gank all day till the sun sets and beyond.

Granted for all them CS players that love to gank all day, its fun, and thats reflected by the fact EU has so many high RR players so fast, but for your average Fantasy Genre fan, DAoC is a very simple game.

I mean how many Wizards of alb feel "wow I can see how Gandalf would love being Gandalf" compared to those that feel "WoW I am a portable Missile pad with giant napalm turrets for hands"

Problem is everyone has diff fancies as to what makes a good MMO-RPG and Game Companies are bound by their main goal, to make money, which lends itself to catering for as wide an audience as possible.

Who knows what the future of DAoC is all about, but the trend seems to be that those that like to immerse into the world of the Norse Mythos, or Arthurian Legend, or Celtic Lore dont really get much out of the game, those that see their char as just another tool in a gank squad can get lots of joy out of this game.

Anyway DAoC does seem to be at the stage where many people have made a decision as to if they stay or go, mostly the RvR pappy and the newer player base are gonna be around for months to come, but their is also a exodus of players who sought more than the gankfest that is "Mass Scale RvR" as Mythic coined their signature feature from day 1.

Anyway i seem to be typing for the hell of typing now, am at work, got nout much on, feel like babbling so off I went :D


Originally posted by old.Jable
Apart from that, i feel ive wasted 14 months of my life playing the damn thing. I didnt go so far as wiping my characters, so in a few years time ill buy a months sub and look around.

You'll be lucky, they wipe your chars after 6months mate.


Re: Re: Happy to have kicked my Daoc habit

Originally posted by Adale
You'll be lucky, they wipe your chars after 6months mate.
only when they need the space but so far no chars have been deleted yet.on the other hand i doubt the game will still be running in a few years :p


Re: Re: Re: Happy to have kicked my Daoc habit

Originally posted by kalgarn
only when they need the space but so far no chars have been deleted yet.on the other hand i doubt the game will still be running in a few years :p

I agree, I`ll very surprised if the game makes it another 18 months.

Too many silly things going on with it, like the /level command.

the new people to the game will hardly have anyone to group with from L5 up, most new toons I see now are peoples alts or guys come over from other servers, not REAL new people.

I`m getting bored of it as well, whats the option?

Quit or go roll an alt on another server and play hib/alb?

No thanks, I dont fancey the level grind again.

It has turned in to a "I must have capped everything an only be in a l337 rvr group"

But to be fair, thats all you can do at L50, all drop are shit, ALL drops, nothing is better than Sc'd gear so why bother with killing anything.

The only reason any epic mob will get killed now is for respec stones, not items.

Used to be good though, I remember my first Dragon/Legion/WoW hunts when everything was new.

now it just kinda, boring......


the newest version of ultima online costs just £15, and comes with a free month if you open a new account. i hope mythic dont wipe my characters, but if they do, they'll be saving me money. what are the chances of me deciding to play another character to lvl 50 when atlantis comes out? zero, as much as i loved the people in the community, absolute zero. ill be vry surprised if atlantis has anything interesting to offer, apart from new places to stand and gank forever-spawning low intelligence monsters for hours and hours.


amen... im scared, you think like me ! :p

tho im not such good writer so i could go BW and tell how i feel about daoc :)

anyways i also played since open beta (had a lev 32) and played daoc non stop to march, sold acc and wow i missed alot of life :) well back on track now :)


I can compeltely sympathize with your post. I've been playing Daoc for about a year now. I play it whenever I have a free moment... maybe a little too often... but I agree that the game is becomming a little predictable.

I honestly don't know how many people play it to be with friends but that's the only reason why I didn't stop playing it months ago. I still have friends that play this game and as long as they stay I will be here as well.

I am rather upset about SC in general... it has, as you say, made farming for drops quite pointless. It has made epic quests pointless.... and hey, u can just buy someone's unwanted epic anyway once they have enough money to get SC armor.

What's depressing to me is that with SC armor and weaps, it renders most side quests pointless unless u can't afford SC. This is a real shame because the quest plots (as badly translated as they are sometimes) really can be entertaining to do - but ofc who can be bothered now when they can just go to Aegir and ask for something crafted/SC. Well, there goes a major chunk of the playability of Daoc down the drain.

The game doesn't require much effort... just handouts these days it seems.

Oh well, I'm still having fun at the moment so I'm not going to leave too hastily. I'll wait for all my guildies and friends to quit before I move on.


Pretty much what Nichneven said...ever since crafted stuff came out I've been saying that drops should get pretty radically up-specced to keep them as desirable as they were before. I find the social parts of the game satisfying, and I still enjoy wandering about new areas, which is why I'm pleased about the new expansions still to come.


Pretty much every bad point you make about the game was 10 times worse in Everquest, after playing that for almost a year this seems like heaven ;) Sure it's flawed in places but an mmorpg is a damn hard game to write and the genre is still in it's infancy really (as are most of the games, even after all this time I think I'd be lying through my teeth if I said EQ was anything moe than a beta) but personally I think it's the best mmorpg out there and I'll keep playing it untill another game grabs my attention, which will no doubt be quite sometime seeing as most new games are coming out with ridiculous rule sets.


A lot of good sense in this thread, kinda sums up why I quit. :p


Originally posted by Danyan
A lot of good sense in this thread, kinda sums up why I quit. :p

Because daoc is boring? ;-o


Quit just under a year ago and tbh havnt played another game better than DAoC since then i quit because after reaching a certain amount of Rps i knew were the game was going and that wasnt very far.

Lot of Great people play DAoC it is a very very good game imo and still is when you look at what else is around but it wont be like that for much longer...

Regards Nicky..

ps . btw UO pwns DAoC in everyway apart from Trammel and the gfx.


just curious but....if DAoC is so bad, why did you play it for 16 months?

I admit, it grows stale at some point (can't remember the last time I played) but that doesn't make the fun I had with it before that any less real, or 'wasted' as you put it


Belsameth i agree with that the time i played DAoC i will never see as wasted as it was a blast..

Regards Nicky.


Originally posted by Belsameth
just curious but....if DAoC is so bad, why did you play it for 16 months?

I admit, it grows stale at some point (can't remember the last time I played) but that doesn't make the fun I had with it before that any less real, or 'wasted' as you put it

Can't speak for him, but I know that for me at least (and for a lot of people by all accounts), addiction figures in there quite heavily.

The people also kept me coming back in the last few months, also...


and mirieth thats is also so so true..

Regards Nicky


Although I agree with a lot of arguments here, I honestly doubt that some company will ever be able to design a game which has every ability you propose....it simply won't happen. It's impossible to please everyone, and even more impossible to keep everybody pleased...


WoW looks like it has everything i want

Just hope and pray it has a decent community (need to pray alot from looking at those forums...)


There were alot of times where i tried to stop playing, but i didnt do very well. I wouldnt say the entire time was wasted, i enjoyed chatting with people - id say the community in Daoc is alot closer than in UO (the non-roleplay community anyway).

I also spent alot of time playing Daoc waiting for the next patch to come out, each one promising some form of improvement, dangling a carrot if you will, and dammit, i couldnt resist those carrots.

However, now i've broken the cycle, done the cold turkey and got away from the game, I wish i'd spent more time playing something else instead. I can see how for periods of time, i was not enjoying the game, rather i was just logging in to chat to my friends.

Camelot - bad MMorpg, great chatroom. not saying it isnt a good mmo, but i dont believe you can call it an mmorpg. id compare it to a class based fps requiring a subscription and a pointy hat :)

anyway, its cool to chat with a few of you guys n' gals again. the law of averages says i'm sure to meet a few of you in the next few years in some other virtual life, and i wish you all the best. anyone wants to see me before then, i live on Fire Island, just south and east of the Demon Temple, Europa shard

feel free to come hunt some dragons with me

Nagumo - Mage/Tamer
Reznetus - Macer/Paladin


Well there is alot more content to come

Housing, improved RvR, greater mobs, more drops, new add on Trials of Atlantis

You just have to be patient the American client has loads of new adds including the current make a new char which starts at 30 if you already have a lvl 50 char

Saves the 0-30 slog of a alt

You have to give it time, for the new stuff to appear

On the other hand just move on


If DAOC was a game where you could with not too much trouble get to 40 solo, it would be a lot more accessible.

What about players who play at irregular times? Non guilded people? People who don't get invited by players with buffbots or get denied by guild only groups? IMO the frustrating play if you solo is the biggest drawback of DAOC...


Originally posted by -Lonewolf-

Housing, improved RvR, greater mobs, more drops, new add on Trials of Atlantis

I hope they are really good, but they look like carrots to me :)


imho DAOC would benefit immensely by add collision check to chars..

we all rdy have it on walls and tree's so why not on chars ?

with that RvR would change 98749847395% ...

zerging would be anoying for all...
9843687 new tactic's cuold be use in rvr..
the feeling of each class would be enhanced
archers would be real archers ..
tanks was the meet shields they are supposed to be ...
etc.. etc..


Originally posted by old.Filip
imho DAOC would benefit immensely by add collision check to chars..

we all rdy have it on walls and tree's so why not on chars ?

with that RvR would change 98749847395% ...

zerging would be anoying for all...
9843687 new tactic's cuold be use in rvr..
the feeling of each class would be enhanced
archers would be real archers ..
tanks was the meet shields they are supposed to be ...
etc.. etc..
Yes also these "benefits":
Only about 15 people could port at once - good for relics raids to be sure.
Only about 50 people could fit into a keep, and only a handful of them could defend it.
Only about 80 people inside a relic keep - again problems with numbers defending.
You could only attack epic mobs with about 5 people in melee.
You could only get about 20 people into a dugeon safely at all.
3 people could block a milegate - not good if they're from your realm. :p

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