Hanky Panky - Yanky Spanky



<Pushes open the saloon door and the piano player stops - three trolls and a rather drunken Dwarf losing heavily at cards to a shifty looking kobold dressed in black all turn their eyes, some bleary, some sharp as razors, to the figure in the doorway>

"Howdy Barkeep - bottle o'yer best red-eye" She tilts back her stetson and brushes the last memory of the long trail across the prairie from her overcoat.

"Gen'lemen" She clears her throat and hauks in a nearby spitoon. Its DING sounding like a churchbell in the silence. "Time has come fer me ta be amovin on, Im gonna be mosyin along down the trail awhile. I hear theres gonna be some choice pickins soon ter be got in a place called Atlantis so Im gonna set mahself up in the good ol US of A so Im a good n ready when it comes - yes siree!" The first shot of whiskey bites hard on a throat not used to such unrefined liquor, stifling a cough she continues on, her voice more than touched by sadness.

"When I hit this ol trail way back when, many friends were on the road. Now, it seems most ride a different trail or have hung up their spurs fer good so nows as good a time as any I guess. Well, I've handed the ranch over to mah good friend Rhia, who I know will look after it well. As fer me, well... I guess I got a couple more days o'ridin ter do but Im ridin towards the sunset."

<The gold piece spins on its edge as the sound of horses hooves grow dim and distant. As the piano player struggles to find a tune the barkeep shrugs and lights a cigar.>

Thank you all for making this game an enjoyable waste of time, friends and adversaries alike. Within the next few days me and Svidge will be playing on the US servers and all our EU characters will have been deleted. We are looking forward to ToA and wish to enjoy it as much as we can before the release of WoW. As there may be at least a 6month gap between US ToA and EU ToA we feel it makes sense to make the move at this time especially as so many of our friends have either gone their seperate ways or have left the game entirely.

Furthermore, and to be brutally honest, we feel that we have given GOA enough of our money and that we have to "vote with our feet." Whilst we havent been more directly affected by the growing litany of unfortunate incidents which have dogged GOA than the majority of you we believe that on principle we have to say enough is enough, anything less would be the equivalent of burying our heads in the sand. When GOA took the franchise they were a young and enthusiastic company and people were willing to give them a chance, allow them to make mistakes sure, we all do after all. Well our patience has finally run out and we can no longer make such allowances and no longer in all good conscience support this company. If it turns out that things are no better in the US well... at least they will be no worse.

/Respect to Midgard Prydwen




bb noita :(
wish you all the best, been very nice to meet you.


Well what can I say..the next drink is on me ???

Hope you have fun on the US servers , I would love to switch to US..But dont have the patience to lvl from 0 again, Instead I'm gonna document how GOA infulences on my health and sue the pants of em :)

/Bow's with a sweaping gesture

Kharok Svark

Best of luck on the US Servers Noita, hope to see you in WoW


So sorry to see you go Noita, we know each other for a long time and you are still on my friends list.

Give a big kiss to Kolja, he stays Kolja to me.

Hope to meet you in WOW.


BB Noita, was nice knowing you - I hope we will meet again in WoW :)


We *were* enemies and so i never got good chance to meet you good but what i seen when we did meet you indeed are a nice person and Midgard/Prydwen will mourn your loss :( Without further addo goodluck on US and hope you came to see us sometimes.

OT: Slaps Cami for forgotting to add his FOTM for his sig :p


BB Noita, thanks for the time here and I wish you the best whereever you may go.



Bye Bye Noita :(

Have fun on the US servers and enjoy ToA :)


Oh bugger. Well.. take care with them yankees and keep yer weapons in good condition. Will miss ya ;(


Mid - Kirinia

oh :(

Bye bye Noita, was nice to know you, and I wish you all the best.

<big bye bye hug>



bb Noita...

having been your first "homeland", the Amazons of Midgard salute you and your dear Kolja wishing you both the best on your forthcoming trip through the US Servers...

We will meet again in WoW...



you owe me a beer if you ever would come to belgium ;)
cya around noita

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