Handy for repairs.



Found this and thought it very useful.

"I found it very, very convenient to carry caster staves with me in my inventory, they are light and when salvaged before a door they provide incredible amounts of wood. In fact the upper level staves, provide higher level woods such as ebon or dusk wood which for door repair is extremely efficient. I normally carry about 3 to 5 staves (level 45+) with me at all times, and salvage them one at a time to repair keep doors, and usually I can take them from level 1 to 10. "


2-3 df staffs would be enough material for doing a few doors.

eg 2 emerald staffs totalling 60 seals will give enough wood to upgrade and repair a door from 1-4.

1 diamond bow (19d seals) is enough to upgrade + repair a door from 1-5. Which is equivelent to 69stacks of ironwood (20per stack) or 172lb weight.

btw 10 diamond bows is enough to upgrade + repair a door to level 8.


Llix truly is the master,
He didnt roll a caster,
But he knows whats wot,
And stamps out the rot,
When he puts albs in plaster.

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