Hands up those who like to run a Cleric...and why? (or if not, why)



My main is a Cleric, and I find it to be the most fun class to play..


Well, I know it's not the best character in anything but healing.
Combat wise, pretty average.

But it's always easy to find a group, and the main thing I like is whilst the combat is going on , I can chat away with ppl in group or guild chat while wathcing the orange bars going up and down...


Here here

My little cleric is also my main character :)

And every thing u have said i totaly agre with.

Also other reasons i like being a cleric is the great sence of achievement u get after getting ganked by mob after mob and still manage to have kept your grp alive:clap:

The 2 down sides i have found to being a cleric is 1) Always getting pm's for pls ress me pls ress my m8 ect ect. I dont mind ressing any one but it gets anoying when u are in a group trying to focus on the fight and u get all these blue msg pop up. Thank god for anon :p

2nd down side i have found is how ppl love to blame a cleric for there death's when 9 out of 10 times it was there own silly thought for pulling b4 regen or running of with out saying in grp.

Any how yes a cleric is cool and nice to sit back in rvr and heal whilst our lovely casters and tanks bring home the rp's :D

LVL 47 Cleric


:) I guess the ups are... :)

Getting groups of red players without much trouble at low and medium levels.

Something to do other than spamming the DD or style button. Whack-a-mole might be simple, but at least we get up to 8 moles to whack! And joking aside, aggro and mana management does get fairly involved for a cleric with their small mana pool, and high aggro spells.

Flexibility (healing, buffing, and weak but viable nuking), at least until 1.51 after which we lose what little nuking we have.

But most of all, seeing a demonstrable difference to the group's ability and morale when you join.

:( And the downs are... :(

Inability to solo.

People whining about the smite line.

Buff beggars.

And finally, and most of all, people instructing us to "heal plz". How wonderfully helpful that is, I often forget that helping the group might be wise when faced with an enemy attack. After all, with all those pretty colours and swinging swords it's easy to get distracted. :rolleyes:

Imho, in order to return the service others do for clerics by suggesting to us that we heal, we should all make a macro...

/say Attack the enemy with your weapon and/or spells plz.

Then whenever anyone gives us startlingly useful advice like "Heal" we can return the favour :D .

Clue for all non-clerics:

Your cleric knows exactly what your health level is. They almost certainly have the group window open 100% of the time, and not just that crappy little mini thing either - the proper one.


Have Fun,

Arindra (lvl 48 rejuv-a-mole specialist)


Never been able to play a cleric type, dunno how they do it ... especially the low smite ones. Always watching them orange bars, rarely be in the front line .... I dunno ... just not for me.

Have a great respect for them and I love a good fight where we all strive to slay the mobs AND keep the healers alive. Well, heal chant seems to work very well for holding that last part of the bargain :p

So a big gratz to all out there that could stick to it and keep us (semi) tanks alive day after day after day :)


Originally posted by old.Ramas

Your cleric knows exactly what your health level is. They almost certainly have the group window open 100% of the time, and not just that crappy little mini thing either - the proper one.

You know there's some tanks that need told when the cleric is under attack... and I don't mean the odd infrequent lapse of concentration... every pull!

Myself I always have the group window open... lets me see when the cleric/mage/whatever is getting laid into so I can throw myself in front of them, taunt my third pygmy in a row and get eaten alive.

Oh well :)


Heh luv my little cleric too, lvl 37 and rising slowly when i take a break from playing my main.

Luv getting the can u join my group when your in DF from a group pulling pygmies in Lyoness, lol

Pet peeve is having to tell tanks to put a protect on me and the other clerics/nukers.

I have a tank and its the 1st thing i do when joining a group is find out who needs that protection.

Still heal, heal and the occasional smite when the partys not looking is kinda fun.



:( And the downs are... :(

Inability to solo.

And what the hell are u talking about?? Can be that you choose wrong mobs, you can easy solo any undead mob that is orange atleast (well depends a little if mob is caster or tank mob)

Maybe hard to solo on lower lvls, but then why solo when u often can get a group.

And yes I am specced in smite, but when solo I almost always use baseline smite in combination with stun

My 2 cents


I love my cleric.....why? .... coz I just do.


Originally posted by Rhuric

And yes I am specced in smite, but when solo I almost always use baseline smite in combination with stun

A non-smiter will do <half your damage...

baselines have huge variance unless you spec in that line ... 25%-100% or something instead of 100%-150%


Lvl 50 wake a mole :)

Never killed an orange solo in my 50 lvl's, Been killed by a few tho, an had to use both instants before i lay on the floor.

But yes i love my cleric, It makes my life seem all the more worth- while when say..... You get protected without asking :)


Luuuurrve my cleric for all the reasons above plus more, just thinking of my little cleric makes me smile :D

favorite quote atm - OMG uber rezz ty ty ty

46 Rejuv
<Phoenix Guard>


Orange? Geroutofhere!


Solo an Orange?????

Can I come and watch, please????????????

rofl - try it m8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



EVERYONE knows the ONLY benefit is ou get to pose with a whizzy "glow in the dark" hammer!

(My clerics torch is now forever extinguished!!!)


clerical bliss

I had an infil (my first) and i got him to 30 and it was such a pain the ass to group. So i did what everyong has and became an altaholic. than i started my cleric. and it was so much fun. and since i already knew the realm pretty well it did not take me long to get to 36. Healing and uber buffing is always fun.

alas summer comes and takes me away from my dear daoc.


i just hope 1.51 does not hurt us to bad. at least not as bad as the americans make it out to be.

i feel sorry for all you smiters out there. /cry

Ilmater - 36 - Rej/enhance cleric formerly of Council of the Iron Cross


On the soloing thing, yes, I can solo an undead orange too, but only using instas and practicaly all my power to smite. 15 minutes downtime to recover the insta doesn't sound too clever.

That said I'm rejuv specced and my alt is a Cabalist - so I'm a pretty poor soloer even for a cleric, and I'm used to playing an uber-soloist on my alt. So my comment might well not be representative.

And in RvR we can solo-duel pretty well, thanks to stun/smite, but again, only if we don't mind the downtime.

Still a great class though, and right now it's one of the few that is balanced. As others have said, lets hope 1.51 doesn't unbalance us too much :( .


Re: Orange? Geroutofhere!

Originally posted by old.legaoniel

Solo an Orange?????

Can I come and watch, please????????????

rofl - try it m8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sure mate, any time


Re: Orange? Geroutofhere!

Originally posted by old.legaoniel

Solo an Orange?????

Can I come and watch, please????????????

rofl - try it m8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Done it more times that I can count, often just to see if I could. It was never worth the down time.

One great thing about a cleric is that it's easy to get out of a mess if you are solo. Just mez and run if you get agro you can't handle. Or run and insta heal. Or sprint away, heal yourself and go back to finish the mob.

The other great thing is that if you are any good then most groups will be happy to take you, even if they have 2 clerics already.

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