Hand to hand damage


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
What is hand to hand damage based on?



Strength + Dex?

Finally something for you to get your teeth into. Is a Troll a good Savage?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Strider said:
What is hand to hand damage based on?



Strength + Dex?

Finally something for you to get your teeth into. Is a Troll a good Savage?

not 100% sure, but i think its str/dex.

and if it is so a kobold that seems to be the most standard race with lets say 10 str and 10 dex at creation should have 150str/200dex at 50.

and a troll with spent start points same way should have 200str/165dex.

so a troll should do higher dmg, but ofc hit slower aswell (not 100% sure thats the way its calculated, but saw it like that on some webbie long time ago ). guess its mostly a matter of taste then race.


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Yeah, H2H damage is based on Str+Dex/2.

So if you look at the races that can be Savages, you get:

Norse 85 Str 95 Dex = 90 50 Qui
Kobold 65 Str 115 Dex = 90 70 Qui
Troll 115 Str 80 Dex = 97.5 35 Qui
Valkyn 70 Str 110 Dex = 90 75 Qui
Dwarf 60 Str 50 Dex = 55 50 Qui

Remember that Str isn't a rising stat for Savages (Dex is the primary rising stat), so what you have at creation is what you'll have at 50.

The off-evade style chain is one of the most useful H2H chains (probably closest thing it has to an anytime), and Qui governs evade rates (some figures claim Qui and Dex together govern evade rates, not seen a definitive ruling one way or the other), so might be wise to take stock of each race's Qui too. Even my Troll evades quite a lot at 50 (certainly much higher than any of my other Troll classes), so I suspect a 50 Kobbie Savage's evade rate would be very high.

Going by the numbers Dwarfs look like the worst choices for Savages.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
Thanks for the info folks. :cheers:

I have tried Valkyn Svages and given up, but my Troll (lvl 11 at the last count) seems to appeal to my sence of humor and certainly seems to kick ass. :D


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 9, 2004
Svartmetall said:
Going by the numbers Dwarfs look like the worst choices for Savages.

Um Allakhazam say that Str there 3rd stat so raises 15 point at level 50.

At level 50 with 10 points into ST/DEX/CON
Norse 95 Str + 105 Dex/2 = 100, QUI = 73, CON = 80
Kobold 75 Str + 125 Dex/2 = 100, QUI = 93, CON = 60
Troll 125 Str + 90 Dex/2 = 107.5, QUI = 58, CON = 80
Valkyn 80 Str + 120 Dex/2 = 100, QUI = 93, CON = 55
Dwarf 85 Str + 105 Dex/2 = 95, QUI = 73, CON = 90

Norse seem to have the best balence between damage, attack speed and HPs. A Troll could probably put 10 into Qui in stead of CON (or 5 off CON and STR into Qui). I would say that Valkyn are the worst because at level 50 you have same damage/QUI as Kobold but with less CON/HP. Also the Kobold would have a slightly higher Dex and therefor a slight defencive advantage. Dwarves while having the lowest damage output would have the 35 con more than Valkyn and about 140 extra hits ( i think savages get 4hp per CON, not sure though). Valkyn does have a 5% extra magic resist.

Note addeding item caps would just increase everything by 75 and difference would be the same.

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