Halo 2 ending... (duh...spoilers)


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
What happened ? Where is the Prophet of Truth ? Who is the tentacly-thing ? Who rules the covenant now ? What is Master Chief doing ? Did humans build Halo ? Why did the covenant not expect any humans on Earth ?

I don't understand ! :eek:


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
Not sure But the humans on earth thing, I think relates to the Fall of Reach and that strange metallic crystal orb thing in the book first strike. I think there is one on Earth but the Cov didn't know Humans were there.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Halo 3 on XBox 2 will undoubtedly explain all.


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
Maybe we will finally know what happened to Kelly and Dr Halsey and the metallic orb, I think Eric Nylund needs to write another book. Mind you I like this Civil war idea of saving humanity, they did it quite well I was praying that they didn't have some kind of new weapon that would wipe out the cov, this way it makes more sense. Plus with the inclusion of the flood the Cov are fighting a war on three fronts and two these can wipe them out with ease (elites and flood), also I wonder if Cortana will go insane in the next game, will all the info she has DL (halo index and cov database) but the bungie seem to be staying away from the bulk of the books with only references to them. Only time will tell I suppose.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Off the top of my head (dont comment) -

The network of Halo's were built by the Forerunners, an ancient race. The Covenant have adapted small parts of Forerunner tech and are using their ships as a power source. The Prophet of Truth has nicked off with a Forerunner ship (master chief is hanging on to said ship).

The swamp thing is the hivemind of the Flood.

We know the whole network of Halo's are now powered up waiting to be activated from The Ark which is also built by the Forerunners.

I cant remember if the Prophet of Truth is headed for the Ark or for Earth (for some reason). The covenant expected the flood to have wiped Earth.

did that help cockbadger? :) pretty much what I made of it anyhow.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
I think the Forerunners were Humans, but they were all killed when they activated the rings to prevent the flood from mutiplying.

This leads on to why the covenant didn't expect any humans on earth. One of the 'Oracles' (Guilty Spark and the other one) told the prophets they could find the Ark there. This lead the Covenant to belive that Earth is a forerunner world.

I can't really guess where the story could go from here though. The whole Gravemind thing was really unexpected.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Thank god I wasn't the only person at the end of Halo2 scratching his nuts and asking the missus "What the fuck happened there?"


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Dax said:
I think the Forerunners were Humans, but they were all killed when they activated the rings to prevent the flood from mutiplying.

This leads on to why the covenant didn't expect any humans on earth. One of the 'Oracles' (Guilty Spark and the other one) told the prophets they could find the Ark there. This lead the Covenant to belive that Earth is a forerunner world.

I can't really guess where the story could go from here though. The whole Gravemind thing was really unexpected.

finished the game on saturday and from what i saw i thought the fore runners were human and as the influx of the flood got too much they activated the halo rings knowing they them shelves will be eliminated as well.

guess in halo 3 master chief will spend the game on earth while the arbiter and the other covnet an marines will spend the game trying to heutralise the other remaning rings


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I got the impression from the 3 books that the Forerunners were human as well.

Haven't played H2 yet, and won't do until it's a PC release.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
heh there are books?

any good by the way?


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
The two by Eric Nylund are great Fall Of Reach which creates the entire Halo story (set b4 halo) and First Strike (between halo 1 and 2) The third one The Flood is okay and is a good way of learning what happened to everybody else on Halo and not just the MC. U can pick them up at amazon pretty cheap.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2004

if your talking about those aliens with alot of tentacles , if youve read the fall of reach , youl know it says in there that there like , the coventents scientest sicnes the coventent are made up of a few diferent creatures


Actually, Bungie didn't put the engineers in Halo 2. They couldn't figure out what to do w/ them.

K, here goes...

As Xtro said, there is a network of 7 (6 after Halo 1) halos, built by the Forerunner to kill off any food that the Flood may have. However, only High Charity, the Covie homeworld, had a Forerunner ship powering it, as the Forerunner ship was the only thing pumping out enough energy to keep a planet-sized ship active. In First Strike, just an 11 km (or was it 8?) long ship needed two sets of 800 (about that) reactors to power it... now imagine a ship the size of High Charity.

The tentacly thing is known as Gravemind, and yes, it is believed that it is the hivemind of the flood.

The remaining halos are now primed and are ready to be fired, either from a remote location, the Ark, or one of the halos themselves. The fact that the Ark is conveniently located on Earth gives rise to a lot of answers. Truth was going to Earth to activate the Ark. The Ark is located on Earth most likely because that is a "blind spot" to the waves of destruction emitted by the halos; they're positioned so as not to hit the earth. If the halos were activated once before, this would explain why humans aren't dead; humans are actually an evolved (or devolved, however you want to look at it) form of the Forerunners who holed up there.

I have so much more I want to write... I'll probably write a story analysis later, seeing my brain feels kind of fried actually writing Halo stuff down :eek6:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2004
turtlator , nice post.. but what where the humans? devovled would have been they went backwards in evolution , becoming a "lesser" form of the forerunners , if they evovled from them , then they would be going forward in evolution meaning they were the greater form of forerunners ~.~ or somthing like that , lol , anyways .. good explaination! id like to read that story anylise ((typo)) when your done with it! ive only read the fall of reach , which comes next? the first strike , or the flood?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Evolution has no forwards or backwards btw. At least not on the macroscopic scale.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2004
hmm , i see what you mean , what i ment was , if they evolved it would mean they were somthings along the lines of a "greater" form , devolve along the lines of a "lesser" , btw , sorry for the mistake ^.^


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
uganin said:
ive only read the fall of reach , which comes next? the first strike , or the flood?

The next one is The Flood followed by First Strike

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