


Hello fellow individuals.

I've just ordered my version of daoc got it this morning and highly excited.

I've read upon the game and even sat and watched my friend play daoc for several hours.

He just recieved the game and created an archer under the name Etheron, but like me he doesn't know the alot about game, just the basics.

Anyhow... I've just stopped playing AC after 2 1/2 years loyalty to it and only have vesions of characters and thier strengths in mind from AC.

So far I'm thinking of creating a Frier after seeing this type of character in action at level 4 in game, he seemed to be able to buff others and heal and still hit things in some of the best animations

I want to be able to heal and buff (have good magics) YET be able to hunt solo when there is no-one to turn too, basically Hybrid.

Any advice on the Frier class or others are muchly appricated.


And hopfully hunt along side some of you.

... sadly I can not get in to the game BECAUSE the subscription page is bugged!! ARRGHH!!


Friars are a damn good solo class, pretty much a hybrid like you want.

You get heals and buffs which although not as good as a clerics make a difference, you get evade, and a kickass staff skill. A friar going into close combat is a flashy thing, only really beaten by an infil doing a crit combo.

Also, it's great for RvR, everyone thinks you're a caster because you're in a dress with a stick. Makes a nice surprise for all those assassins trying to kill you.

Give me a shout in/out of game if you got any questions :)


hey welcome matey , and welcome to Albion :) and the forums :0 :clap: :clap: yea friars do rock and you will soon pick up all the tricks of the game :):)


Friars are not uber or anything. We are ok and its a fun class to play. It takes real skill to play a friar to maximum potential: i.e. switching bewtween healing and fighting at the right moments.

check out http://www.drunkenfriar.com/ for tips etc.


and remember a friar's best friend is the nearest barkeeper


Just promise me you won't do this whole "drunken friar" shite, you're a soldier of god for f0k's sake
Do me another favour, don't go 0rejuv either. The American servers are full of wannabe friars who want to be uber melee gods and thus can't heal for toffee...


I have a lvl27 friar and so far I've had a lot of fun with it. Currently my spec is 15 rejuv and enchancements, 9 parry and rest in staff (23 if my memory serves). Gonna leave rejuv to 15, or maybe raise it to 18, where we get a new heal. Still thinking about final template, maybe 44 staff, 41 enh, 15 rejuv and 22 parry. Any comments on that template?

Anyways, have fun with your Friar. I think it's worthwile to spec in rejuv a bit at lower lvls, since you're bound to heal once in a while in a group. At higher levels people don't even expect healing that much from friars (at least I hope so :)).


hmmm less parry more enhance (at least 45 for the final dex buff in the 1.51 patch) I played around with the catacombs thing till i came up with : 18reju 41staff 47enhance 11parry but thats my opinion and I expect everyone else has a different idea :)

I found the elemental resistance buffs are really nice as well :)
I got something like 35%cold resistance atm

And yeah Landshark is right PLEASE dont try and be a uber melee god Friars just aren't :)
I mean Feac has 25reju and he still fights real good

even I hit a orange zerk for 300+ (non crit)


Well friars got one problem...they have no ranged attack which is really a bad thing in RvR where you defend from keep walls and mile gates 60% of the time imo. On the other hand you are good when it finaly comes to melee combat and then you will "own" them :).

But i would recomend speccing mostly staff and the rest enh up to lvl 20...now it depends on how you want to play but if you want to do it the fast way you will want to do kill tasks/solo up to lvl 20...then it can be worth speccing some in rejuv so you can be backup healer but you will mainly be a tank. If you want to be a pure healer you should chose a cleric instead. Still the friar really is a fun class with all the styles...well whatever you choose: Good luck and have fun :clap: .


Unfortunately there's not much benefit from speccing high in rejuv yet (the TL is working on getting that changed though...) so most stop at 15 or 18 (or some even 25 for better heal variance).

The more rejuv you have at the earlier levels the better I think, easier to get groups :)
That said the funky bonus spells from enhance, and the staff styles are handy to get too...

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