I just finished this game tod :D YAH! have at you, axe yielding goblin beastie!
T Testin da Cable Guest Sep 30, 2001 #1 I just finished this game tod YAH! have at you, axe yielding goblin beastie!
Y Yaka Guest Sep 30, 2001 Thread starter #2 why the feck is this section so low down ? and wtf waste space fer it the games shite
Y Yaka Guest Oct 2, 2001 Thread starter #4 yus it is /me bitch slaps testin_da_cable wit a dead welsh sheeps foot an mouth infected nob consider yer self sheep shagged
yus it is /me bitch slaps testin_da_cable wit a dead welsh sheeps foot an mouth infected nob consider yer self sheep shagged
T Testin da Cable Guest Oct 2, 2001 Thread starter #6 maybe so btw, that's disgusting Yaka. Don't tell me you collect amputated sheep peni as a hobby uke:
W Wij Guest Oct 4, 2001 Thread starter #9 I think you misheard me. I clearly said:- "I like attractive grils with big tits." Easy mistake to make I know
I think you misheard me. I clearly said:- "I like attractive grils with big tits." Easy mistake to make I know
T Testin da Cable Guest Oct 4, 2001 Thread starter #11 what's a gril? it may well be Wij's found something we don't know about yet