Had my first RvR experience last night.



Took in my 36th level Cleric (Albion , Excal) for the first time for some RvR to Hibernia.

As it turned out, I picked a busy time to try out RvR,
I went to Castle Sauvage and then took the jumpgate to Hib.
Pretty much as soon as I got through the jumpgate and out the castle gates on the other side, there was action...

The hibs had fought their way quite close to our border fort.

After about 1 hour of fighting back and forth and gaining a few RP's and doing a lot of rezzes, I finally got killed, and by the way things were going I was not gonna get a rezz soon.
So after waiting quite a while, eventually released.

All in all, it was interesting experience playing RvR.
It seemed to me to be largely down to magic using classes with ranged type attacks and those classes like scouts with bows and stuff like that were doing much.
The bit I don't get is, since I'm a cleric and spend most of my time healing/rezzing ppl.
How am I supposed to get RP's?
I managed to get a few via using smite every now and then, but I was largely running around rezzing/healing etc which doesn't seem to give me any RP's.

All in all, it was quite fun, But I think it would be more fun with a spell caster or scout.


Well, in a way, you're a bit lucky being a cleric, because your first big RvR experience lasted much longer than they usually do. Any frontline class going to RvR at level 36 has a life expectancy of about sixty seconds tops - remember, for the most part, the people you will be meeting out there are level 45+ and you con green to them, a 1- or 2-shot kill. The frustration at not being able to really participate in RvR until reaching very high level was what prompted Mythic to create the battlegrounds, and recently (in version 1.52) to lower the "to-hit penalty" to allow low levels a better chance to hit high level players, although they still don't do much damage.
The bit I don't get is, since I'm a cleric and spend most of my time healing/rezzing ppl.
How am I supposed to get RP's?
I managed to get a few via using smite every now and then, but I was largely running around rezzing/healing etc which doesn't seem to give me any RP's.
Yes, this is somewhat of a bone of contention. Mythic have tried to compensate by increasing the amount of RPs that are shared in your group. The official line is that, as a support class, you are supposed to group up with some ranged attack types and some tank types, and as they kill the enemies with your healing/mezzing/buffing backup, you share in the RPs that your group earns. But as you say, it's can be frustrating at not being able to kill those pesky elves yourself, and often your realmmates' attitudes can be less than helpful (ie. "you chose to play a support class so rez me and stfu ffs kthxbye"). It has been suggested many times that rezzers in RvR could earn RPs directly by rezzing their realmmates, but so far Mythic have chosen not to implement this.

Anyways, be aware that RvR is a very mixed bag, there are days when you will go out and have your army slaughtered by huge enemy zergs with no chance to defend yourself, there are days when you will be part of a huge zerg laying waste to all in your path, there are days when nobody shows up and you wait two hours just to find one grey con to kill, and there are days when you get really fun battles of evenly matched armies that go back and forth with each side gaining and losing ground. Be aware also that RvR will change for you when you get 10 more levels or so - when there are no more red con enemies, and when you can take a few hits and still stay alive to fight back.


How am I supposed to get RP's?
Try to find a nice diverse group with tanks, mezzers, casters and a minstrel.
Smiting won't do any good at your season. You will be able to find a group more easy then a tank of your season. My cleric got himself 1433 rp's in groups.


Well, I wasn't really complaining that I died, coz I stayed alive for about 1 hour b4 I got killed. Which seems to be pretty good, considering I was on the front line rezzing ppl.

More that I wasn't really doing anything else and I wasn't getting anything back for the work that I did do..

After saying that, I could accept more easily being considered a support class, if the work that I did was rewarded in some way..

Regarding joining a group to get the RP's well, after I joined a group, that was pretty much the last I saw of them.
It was so busy and with all the running around, it was impossible to stick together.
And I didn't seem to get any RP's from them anyway...But I guess they didn't kill anything either.

All in all , I did enjoy the RvR experience even if we were on the run most of the time.
In fact all the running around was kinda fun.
I just wish there was more in it for me RP wise.


Being only lvl 40 and a merc... zerging ain't particularly much fun :)

I'm either lucky and don't get attacked, or I die in 3 hits.

Wish they'd put in some more scenery.. a ruined city would be cool :) somewhere you can get in range without getting splattered...

It reminds me of the battletech MUX I used to play... long range and speedy mechs were the important ones... the short range heavy damage mechs generally were useless unless the terrain was heavy...

unfortunately there's not much in emain to hide behind :)


heheh :) I tried that... but the elves keep nuking me :(


One thing I tried was, since the trees are segmented into 4 sections..
Just hiding bwhind a tree in the 1/4 facing away from an incoming enemy seems to work.
I tried it once and they ran past me..

Was it a good idea?

Or is there some tricky way (apart from turning around and looking) of detecting an enemy nearby? (for example will pressing F8 pick up a nearby enemy in RvR?


One thing I tried was, since the trees are segmented into 4 sections..
Just hiding bwhind a tree in the 1/4 facing away from an incoming enemy seems to work.
I tried it once and they ran past me..

Was it a good idea?
Of course! But you got lucky, because those trees are usually crawling with stealthers. They are particularly favoured by archers. ;)
Or is there some tricky way (apart from turning around and looking) of detecting an enemy nearby? (for example will pressing F8 pick up a nearby enemy in RvR?
It will, but you have to be quite close for F8 to pick up an enemy, so close that you will probably see him first... or he will see you first. And F8 doesn't work against stealthed enemies.


Actually, the main thing I'm looking forward to, is making it to one of our keeps and being part of depfending it against some enemies.
But I thought I'd try out attacking last night.
Maybe tonight I'll goto one of our keeps and sit there for a bit.



please... makes RvR much more enjoyable.


Originally posted by Alrindel

And F8 doesn't work against stealthed enemies.

sorry to correct youbut f8 does work vs stealthers . if the stealther is sneaking up behind u and is close enough and takes his time to line up pa and your tapping f8 "which i always do" it will target him . cos he was behind u you wouldnt of seen him 1st but f8 2lock on" /face /stick whack him one works a treat .

btw you were correct to a certain extent you cant f8 a enemy if they to far away , ussually only if they got sucky stealth or they get to close .


Originally posted by kr0n
please... makes RvR much more enjoyable.

I don't understand the point you're trying to make.
R U saying that what I did or am doing is not "fun" for everyone else?

Regarding "Zerging" (which I'm not entirely familiar with the exact meaning of the term)
Yes, I joined an attacking group, which rather quickly turned into a defensive group..
If Zerging means overwhelming the opposing forces. Then WE were the ones being overwhelmed...

Either way, As I posted earlier, I was more keen on defending keeps anyway.


F8 will only work if the stealther is slow and exceeds the detection 'window' time (and effectively is now 'visible' to you)- most stealthers would be able to get in and hit before this elapsed, to be honest, assuming their stealth was specced well enough...

Glad you enjoyed your RvR though :)



Originally posted by -yoda-
sorry to correct youbut f8 does work vs stealthers . if the stealther is sneaking up behind u and is close enough and takes his time to line up pa and your tapping f8 "which i always do" it will target him . cos he was behind u you wouldnt of seen him 1st but f8 2lock on" /face /stick whack him one works a treat .
An enemy sneaking up to PA you will be approaching from in front as PA is use from the front, not behind. :p I've only ever spotted an enemy about to PA me about 0.5s before he hits, you almost never have time to hit them unless they suck.


I knew vestax was gonna try to PA me, so I timed my pbaoe and uncovered him while he was lining up

You prepare to perform Havoc
Smack! You perform your Havoc perfectly! you hit vestax for 250 damage!
You hit Vestax with your screaming Ghastly Axe for 470 damage
You hit Vestac for an additional 40 damage

Vestax pokes at me for a few seconds
Smack! (se above)

You just killed vestax
You gain 670 real points
You gain 58 bounty points

and he was orange con to me at lvl 43
Damn I was proud


Any frontline class going to RvR at level 36 has a life expectancy of about sixty seconds tops

Thats a little optimistic, or are you counting the time it takes to buff up? :D


Well i know small grp againsed small groups can be alot of fun (because you dont get the affect of all > one person killing) , but the game is made to seport lagre army's , the one whit the most ppl wins , its kinda logical too.

Ofcourse mythic could do alot of things to make zerging fun for every1 (for all classes,both sides), but maybe they will later , after all this game hasnt seen that many patches yet.


Originally posted by Kagato.

Thats a little optimistic, or are you counting the time it takes to buff up? :D

I'm wasn't playing a front line char.
But actually I spent about an hour on the front line rezzing ppl b4 I got killed.

Just a matter of judging the spell ranges and so on.


Being a healer u'll have more use in a group, a small group can happily go around and find other small groups to kill. Emain is bad for small groups tho its the zerg capital.

In the typical zerg u get in emain tho the people with ranged attacks fare better. But even in a zerg u can get a group and heal them.

Personally I prefer small hunting parties, you get the fps to actually act properly.


as a stealther i should be enjoying joyous and bountyfull solo rvr experience. rite

How am I supposed to get RP's?

groups are, as has been said, probably the best way unless your an archer, although for them now with see hidden they are better off in groups aswell. i find groups a lot more fun that soloing because although when i kill in groups i get less rp, its a lot more fun, i last longer, get buffs, get rezzed, sometimes healed, and to top it off usually get more rp than i would ever get solo ;) groups rule :D zergs suck, but a gank group is good :)

at level 36 in emain though i dont think you stand much chance of staying alive long, but you can keep on trying :)

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