


Is it just me being paranoid or is anyone else finding more people trying to access files on their PC. I just installed a new firewall and BlackICE to stop the buggers. 14 attempts in just under 90 mins...scary. :(

Whats the world coming to :confused:


that is mostly a ping,
since blackice is just a backdoor... its very bugged, beaware u use it carfully.


SSQL stack buffer probes, TCP NetBIOS probes, UDP probes.. they all ping cos i doubt it ??!?!?!



There are different Internet Worms out there that cause also this type of connections on ur pc :x

when ms.blast worm came out i got bout 3xx probes on my network per minute :x scary isnt it?:x


those arnt hackers, just script kiddies goofing around, generally they get your ip from irc
Or/and your isp checking if you arnt doing anything your not allowd under their ToS (running servers, my isp does it all the time)
Some other programes like gamespy servers will send sierd tpc ping to you aswell
Some guy in your subnet running a badly installed windows server

The list goes on and on


17 under 90 mins?
thants nothing

i put zonealaram a week ago - 23k intrusions :p

one day was - 20+ intrusions every 2-3seconds, different tcp servers, udp.. etc
got 7k intrusions that day :p

guess i have something valuable on my pc :p


There has been some tests on firewall programs and blackice didn't turn out to be good... I would suggest some other firewall...


Well if it IS script kiddies they didnt get my IP from irc. I dont even have IRC installed :p

P.S. yes. Who won?


If warez blackice then u got more backdoors than a hotel read above

mostly kiddies messin but .....


rather glad im behind JANet at uni, can barely even DL pr0n withotu the feds showing up, i hate to think of what the script kiddies would get done to em if they got busted hacking The Super JANet :D


90% of what firewalls like BlackIce etc show up is just background traffic, yes theres a few hackers out there, but some firewall reports can be a little alarming.

In ZA, just click the more info button, there it will tell you a lot more about your suspected attack, normally that its nothing.

For software FW's, id only suggest Zone Alarm or Tiny Personal Firewall both of which have free trials / cut down versions for you to try out.


if u want ur fw to beam now and then for allarm

trash ms os... is like a chatter os :)

btw i using my self black ice... with a second sw fw

and a pix ;P


If a competent hacker really wants to access your PC they will, nothing you can do about it im afraid, no amount of firewalls will stop them.

The fact is that top hackers dont spend hours hacking home pc's anyway, thats what kids with a hacker toolkit do, big difference.

For script kiddies or cyberpunks throwing viruses and trojans around a good hardware firewall will stop pretty much anything if coupled with a good virus checker (ZA and Macafee are 2 i have tried that seemed to work well, Nortons didnt however).

And sometimes the messages that firewalls throw up on screen are what they are interpreting the incoming signals as, Norton is a classic example as it shows everything as a trojan, even though 99.999999% of them are simply ping or other neutral signals.


Originally posted by Faeldawn

The fact is that top hackers dont spend hours hacking home pc's anyway, thats what kids with a hacker toolkit do, big difference.

only if u are afk :)


Most of the intrusions are pings from web servers. Or try playing daoc and see how many intrusions you will get from goa servers. Over a year of a 24/7 connection in the net i only had 1 real script kiddy trying to hack his way into my system.


keep this fire burning!

apart from that i dont know shit about this :x


I got TPF installed and decided to log attempted attacks one day...

Blaster virus is STILL RIFE out there. in 15 minutes, there had been 500 attempts to connect to port 135 - now that is scary sh*t !!

How many people out there just don't realise how infected they are?


Ignorance is the biggest problem there m8, ppl just dont know what a virus is, who hackers are or what to do to stop it or if they get hacked.

My GF knows squat about PCs, nor does my sister, both of them have bought a PC in the last year, and have XP, no firewalll apart from the shat one Micrashat call a firewall.

If it wasnt for me, they would have no clue about the stuff they help to spread around, they never look atthe big warning NTL give when u visit their web site , attempting to bring awareness to the community. At least ISPs are trying to rid us of the problems.

If someone did hack them, I doubt they would realise.


Originally posted by old.Moriaana
And they cost how much $?

Get an OLD pc p200 32Mb is good enuff and download a linux dist, like for example debian.

Install with iptables, get a firewall script(easier), edit the variables. usually to tell it what interface points to the big bad internet, and which is to the lan.
then launch it, would be a good idea to add the script to one of the scripts that launch on boot.

This give u full control to what to let in and what to dump.
And it is much cooler then a damn wee plastic thingie from shop-e-mart

this would prolly not cost you more then the price of a network card or 2.
ol computers can be found just about anywhere, for free at a local electronics recycling plant for example.


Originally posted by herjulf
Get an OLD pc p200 32Mb is good enuff and download a linux dist, like for example debian.

Install with iptables, get a firewall script(easier), edit the variables. usually to tell it what interface points to the big bad internet, and which is to the lan.
then launch it, would be a good idea to add the script to one of the scripts that launch on boot.

This give u full control to what to let in and what to dump.
And it is much cooler then a damn wee plastic thingie from shop-e-mart

this would prolly not cost you more then the price of a network card or 2.
ol computers can be found just about anywhere, for free at a local electronics recycling plant for example.
only problem is that u must leave computer on for other problems to have acces


Originally posted by knokkie
only problem is that u must leave computer on for other problems to have acces

And having your main computer on isn't? I've got a linux server as well with everything on it, it's even a 486 with 8 mb ram and linux is running fine. All my brother has to do is turn it on and wait a little and he can get on the internet. I turn it off myself when I go to bed or when my brother goes to bed later I put it ready so he only has to press Enter and wait till it's done loading and turn it off. Everyone can use a linux server, it's easy to use. And personally I rather have that linux server running 24/7 then my new pc where all the stuff is on. So now my own pc is only on when I'm behind it.

I really encourage what Herjulf says you will be soooo glad about a good firewall and a network connection that always works if your own pc is wrecked ;) And friends who come around can bring pc and just plug their pc into the hub and surf the web :)


Uninstall NetBIOS, removes one vulnerability. That is, if you don't have any obsolete software using it.

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