


Is it just me? Or do guilds nowadays only recruit characters who are a high enough level to RvR? Never seem to find one to recruit me :(

It's a right pain solo-ing stuff in silence...

I know why... It's because I'm an Infiltrator isn't it? :great:


We recruit lower levels but only those that can be vouched for by Guild members who know or have grouped extensively with the individual concerned.

Same rules apply for higher levels.

I think most Guilds are probably the same.


When I start a new character (I started one a week or so ago), I get offered to join a guild a few times.

When I joined ASq many months ago with my Armsman, I was invited to join and I was not even 10th level.

Maybe it just depends on the guild you want to join.


Makes sense... guess I'll have to get lucky and parade a bit :) Strut my stuff along the paths between cities and try to impress - instead of running for my life away from bandits and boars and dying lots.


Think the problem is with so many high lvl players now guilds don't take low characters because 90% of the time they're like 'Can someone p lvl me plzzzzzzzzzzzzz' etc


Originally posted by kuragari
Makes sense... guess I'll have to get lucky and parade a bit :) Strut my stuff along the paths between cities and try to impress - instead of running for my life away from bandits and boars and dying lots.

I think I was levelling near Camelot with my Arms when I saw a high level character and asked some advice about Armsmen.
We struck up a conversation.
By the end of it, I was given some nice magic items AND I got invited to ASq.
A very nice guild I must say..:)

I reckon though, a lot of the invites I got were from smaller/newer guilds just starting up and desperate to get members.

But still, being forward and just asking would probably get results.
And TBH, I don't think I'd want to join a guild that was level conscious anyway.


Just two advices for you:

1) Group & group & group and even more Group some.

2) Talk to guilded members and how they're guild is, most likely you like the guild that one of your on-line friends is in for the simple reason, they do the same things the smae way as you.

If I am with a low level alt in a group and I see an unguilded player, and that player plays well or is ready to learn (and not a a$$hole), I often ask if they are intrested in a guild......

But a guild does not solve your problem. An infiltrator is a class just like a necro you SOLO. Why? you are not usefull in any group, even a scout if much more usefull. And in RvR most infiltrators SOLO or group strickly with other stealth classes.

For a guild counts the same? Nobody in any guild is obligated to take you with you in they're group.

Most guild do not even accept infiltrators or ask them. Most do not stick to they're character till level 50, and the ones that do, leave the guild for another after they did recieve the help they needed.

Infiltrator is the worste choice you can make when you start playing DAoC as your primary character. Play an other class with fun, get a guild and have fun in there. And then make your Infiltrator alt. The guild will accept this becouse they know you, and most likely even support you well.

As a last thing, if this does not put you down, mybe you are you are the right kind to play an infiltrator. Then, and mybe then keep the infiltrator as your main char and find a guild that does accept you.

The guild I am in only accept new members that other guild members have suggested they are oke. We do not look at the class, level, appearance, language they speak but to the person behind the computer. Also most members take all classes in the groups they form. We play for the fun and not the xp, drops, rps, etc.



Hehe put me down from my infiltrator? NEVER! :flame:

Sneaky rogue classes have always been my personal favourite in RPG's and I will never part with one just to join a guild. I'll solo if I have to and learn the game the painful ways if I have to.

If any of you see Rolento the Infiltrator around Prydwen Keep / Camelot / bridge say hello :)


some guilds may think a low level infiltrator is just some alt of a RvR-addict wanting free PL :)

HG's like SS - only invites on recommendation.


Oh no no no no... no PL for me thanks. Want to play the game, get used to it. Know my stealther and work my tactics out around my playing style.


Infiltrator lacks style...............

Find blues, kill them and heal up (this counts for RvR & PvE).



Originally posted by kuragari
Know my stealther and work my tactics out around my playing style.

Not after style, I'm gonna try and not be seen.


In my opnion its better to start and infiltrator as your first character anyway :) If youi made a cleric first, levelled super quick, then decided you'd rather have an infiltrator the slowness of the levelling would get on your nerves (does on mine, anyway :) )

As far finding a guild.. Just group, look around, make friends with people and eventually you'll find a guild that suits you. A good thing is if you group with someone who is nice, helps you out etc. just stick 'em on your friends list before you log and grou with them more often. A good one to look out for is alts of guilded and higher level people, impress them and you may find yourself with gold, items or a guild invite :)


Lvling an inf is by far the worst pain ever....

... and I know !

Soloed to 50 (almost), at some 45+ I met another infil soloing, and we teamed up whenever we both was online, and that rly helps !

I know its not Roleplay etc, but if u can, buy a buff bot of somekind, or grp up with another infil with a buff bot - u still learn ur class tactics etc, but u lvl soo much faster when u can solo ora and reds - and furthermore, if u have a buffbot teamup witrh another infil / scout and u can even duo low purps (hard but possible ;) )

When ur done, the reward speaks for itself... the only class that can solo in rvr rly (from albions points of view)

And its fun in the end - guess the saying is true :

"All good things comes to those who waits!"

Happy Hunting...

Eagle Knight
Elite Brother of The Brethren


There are plenty of guilds out there ready to invite.
I know for a fact "The Phoenix Syndicate" is inviting anyone who asks etc. at the moment. Although some other guilds are level based or recommendation based.

As for Infiltrators in PvE.
Poison is not group effective?
- Wrong. It acts as DoT, Stat decrease and speed decrease among other things. Infiltrators have very high damage output and a well played Infiltrator can control the aggro in PvE they get so as they do damage but don't get it themselves.
Whoever made up this Infiltrators-never-group rule should get a slap around the face.

As for Infiltrators and Scouts both struggling, do what I did once. I duo'd in SI with a Scout, using my Infiltrator. The Scout would pull from long distance, then I would jump out of stealth with PA. Very amusing.
Maybe people should start Stealthers-Anonymous or something.

But in my opinion even though many people class Infiltrators as a Solo-only class, either mainly or always; I will have to disagree. Sure, you may want an extra Armsman in your group. But if you see that poor little Infiltrator standing in the corner next to where you are XP'ing with a tear in it's eye, and you also have some space... maybe noone else is around?
- Invite them. A happy Infiltrator will shine your shoes for free. Quite frankly it's sad to to see the amount of people who walk past an Infiltrator when they need space in their group, because they think they'll do better with a non-complete group.

Bah. Everyone hates Infiltrators PvE, but what's this... Everyone LOVES them in RvR.


couldnt agree more !

Im just happy im over this solo crap !

And that I had a Buff Bot - Maked life so much simpler and FASTER !

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