Guilds... worth it?



So anyway I'm guildless and wondering if it's really worth it to join another guild. Anyone got any particularly good arguments for and against?


There are two reasons why a guild is 'nice to have'.

One, you have a quick and easy way to chat with the ppl you like (assuming your in a guild with ppl you like :D )

The other, RvR, you can capture(claim) keeps in RvR as a guild... Ok, your guild has to be big enough for this... But also toys like Siegeweapons are easier, our guild will probably be able to make them either at the end of this week, or early next week... But I'm not sure yet how many ppl are needed to transfer the goods (but we will then have the skills needed)...

Otherwise, in big guilds you might have an easier time finding groups... Small guilds still have problems with that...


I vote FOR a guild, its kinda lonely without one and if u got a nice one (like i do:)) u can pull off bad jokes and just enjoying urself


by joining Guild you can get up to date information on RvR situations, for example 'relic defending/keep raiding',

u get freebies, guild hunts, a sense of community and lots of interaction with people with likely minds.

DAoC is not a soloing game (Decent Internet Games are never solo games). So, you have everything to gain and nothing to lose.

Phoenix Guard


Pro guild definitely.
Can't have more fun then hopping thru the realm with a bunch of people you like to play with while chatting each others ears off.
Can't think of a reason not to be in one ... it's not as if you will never play with other people anymore. Surely you will have guild nights, guild events, guild this n that but there are as many occasions where you can head out with old or new friends and wreak havoc on the lands.

It's also a big help for people that are at a lower level or completely new players ...

Keep in mind tho that you DO have to like each other so team up with some members for a while and if they like you and you like them ... something nice may grow out of it :p

In my opinion, its also better to join a good one then to make guild nr xxxxxxxxxxx just to have the tag you really want or for some other strange reasons I have seen guilds being formed.


Create your own guild, at least you get to pick your own colours :p



imo i think guilds are a must . i know some people like the quiet life and prefer a no guild situation or just dont want to have aname above there head :p ..guilds are a must for many reasons ie makin friends/updates on rvr / guild grps = faster lvling / guildmates passing down items they dont need no more . i know maybe a lot of this can be done solo . but imo lvling solo with nobody to talk to cos u not got guild chat is boring as hell . daoc i think is structured towards makin friends and having fun .some guilds out there imo are well worth it , the guild im in .in particuler cos we love rvr but are not one of the hardcore guilds who only think of rp's and lvls .lots of great folks in lod and im sure if you wanted they would welcome you with open arms :) .what i say to a lot of folks that ask about guilds is "give it a try if its not for you /gc quit and go solo or try find another guild thats fits into what you are looking for"

Bleri McThrust

Originally posted by Talifer
Create your own guild, at least you get to pick your own colours :p


And pay for them. And sort out problems for members. And give advice. And arrange events. And a lot of other things to.

Oh a Guildmasters lot is an easy one :clap:


just make sure to pick your guild wisely

I hate the 1337 talkers and the bullshiters and well.. everyone thats not like me :p


Originally posted by Talifer
Create your own guild, at least you get to pick your own colours :p


Absolutely not. I've been a guild officer and that was bad enough. The day I become a GM is the day I leave DAoC forever. :p

As for siege weapons - it's about 4 or 5 people per weapon iirc. ;)



It depends entirely on what you want.

For instance, I love my guild, great bunch of people, real community spirit, and makes RvR a right laugh. We are only small, but are growing and improving everyday, and having had 2 1/2 years of Guildmastering experience on I had a rough plan before we started, one that is continually evolving.

The fact is some guilds are right for some people, and others for others - and some people are better off without guilds.

I'll take Mindos as an example, he was a Knight (high ranking) member of my guild, but we weren't to the scale that he wanted, so he has left to find a larger guild. We all wish him well in this and hopes he finds a good guild for himself, and that we will see him again in the future.

In contrast to that, we have recruited some people who were in larger guilds but left due to not feeling as involved, something which they do in our guild.

Also I know people who are not interested in guilds because they want to find their own way through the game.

Oh a Guildmasters lot is an easy one
- Bleri

Well, it is if you have a great group of Officers who each have a particular role and so it reduces your workload, and a really good bunch of regualr members. I ran my bnet guild with next to no help a lot of the time n it was hard, with my current guild we all work together, not just my officers, but all the regular members aswell, and it makes it a lot easier.

Of course the fact that my current guild has 20ish people, and my old guild had up to 60 at one time, makes a lot of differance, so I know exactly what you mean. Was just saying it varies, sometimes it can feel like you don't have to do much, whne at other times you're run off your feet.

I hope you find what you are looking for.


I reckon guilds are cool, if only to keep in easy contact with your online m8s.

My guild (PR^) is small and will stay that way as we aren't after recruiting everyone, just people who are reliable and friendly.

No game is worth stressing m8, if u prefer no guild then do it, if u prefer a guild do it, don't ask people to make your mind up for you :)

Gimmie a shout sometime online! :)

Bleri McThrust

Re: Well...

Originally posted by Cloista

- Bleri

Well, it is if you have a great group of Officers who each have a particular role and so it reduces your workload, and a really good bunch of regualr members. [/B]

Hehe dont get me wrong, have great officers and great members. It was just that I think some people (note some :) ) that have never been GM's sometimes think all you have to do is turn up with 8 people at the registrar and go.

And as always ultimately the buck stops with the GM's :(


Originally posted by Bleri

And pay for them. And sort out problems for members. And give advice. And arrange events. And a lot of other things to.

Oh a Guildmasters lot is an easy one :clap:

Absolutely not. I've been a guild officer and that was bad enough. The day I become a GM is the day I leave DAoC forever.

I never said it had to have any members :)
The cost of creating you own guild once you pass level 40 is insignificant.

I find it more important to get to know nice people instead, regardless of the guilds they are in. You don't very often see groups made up of just one guild anyway it's more important to have contacts outside the guild.



i prefer a small guild. why? simple reasons:

1. we know each other well

2. we have fun (see point 1.)

3. guildmates assist (or trying to) each other

4. funny chats ;)

5. and so on

ah yes, i hate sticky guilds with (living) hierachy and daily 'you-have-to-do-that-or-that...'-events.



Bleri, I know what u were saying, was just giving the flip-side, not making any comments about your guild or you or anything mate.

Personally I love having the responsibility of being GM and the fact that, in the end, it all comes down to me. I agree with you on the fact that non-GMs seem to think we have an easy life, I know some people who have tried it for a month or two and have turned around to me and said 'how do you handle all that', my answer is always simple - I surround myself with a good team of people, both Officers and regular members, and it makes things a whole lot easier. In the end, it's all about having fun - if i didn't enjoy being a GM of a particular guild I wouldn't be, which is why I left my guild (that and I got bored with the game and the annoying ppl on the servers).

Originally posted by Gwynith - ah yes, i hate sticky guilds with (living) hierachy and daily 'you-have-to-do-that-or-that...'-events.

So do I, which is why I let everyone do what they want (as long as it's within our code of ethics)- we may have a set 'structure' but the guild transcends that, once a member has gained our trust and friendship, they are as welcome to take a lead in things as the Officers and Myself. One thing I will never do is tell someone what to do - we have organised raids and meetings, but attendance is not mandetory, although if a member misses a meeting they will have to wait to be informed of decisions, and will not be able 2 play a part in them, and if a member misses a raid - well it's their loss, the guild is about helping each other and being a community and being involved - if they want to take more of a back seat that is their decision, so long as they don't whine that we aren't involving them, they are free to do as they wish.

At the end of the day, every guild is different, and every person is different. Do what you want, what you enjoy, and don't let others stifle your enjoyment. If they add to it, that's great, if they make no difference, then atleast you are not loosing anything, but if they stop you enjoying yourself - tell them where to go.


Originally posted by Talifer

I never said it had to have any members :)
The cost of creating you own guild once you pass level 40 is insignificant.

Not much point in having a guild with one member... :p


Thanks Bleri :)

It's always good to find like-minded people :) Hows your guild going by the way? If you are typical of them they must be an amazing group of people.

Hope to talk to you ingame at somepoint, take care m8.

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