Guilds in Albion.




I've played DAoC for 5-6 months now and still think it's great fun.
So far I've played in Midgard on the Prydwen server.

I have played lots of diffrent characters in Midgard and have gotten a taste of diffrent types of playstyles: Thane, Skald, Berserker, Hunter, Shadowblade, Runemaster, Shaman.

Now I feel it would be fun to try a new realm and therefore I've been joining Albion on Excalibur.

The questions I got is if it's easy to find a guild to try-ut for?

I'm looking for a guild with enough members that grouping wont be a problem. I also would like to be in one with players that have fun yet still approach the game in a somewhat serious way.
Since I'm swedish I woulnd't mind alot of swedes in it as it is in mine but that aint at all something important.

Feel free to help me find a guild that seems nice. For info...the stuff in my signature applies to the Prydwen server.

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