Guilds, guilds, guilds!




Hi all,

I recently moved here from Pry/Mid (was getting bored with the game, usual story I guess) and have one low level character here in alb excal (19 armsman. Yes I only chose it for the stereotypical Knight in Shining Armour image. Yes, I do talk continuously about how good I look in plate with a scimitar and shield. Yes, you do have every right to punch me in the face).

Now, like every aspiring newbie, I'm hoping to join a great big guild. However, the guilds that I have seen running around appear to fall into one of two categories. They're either utterly unorganised, no-hope newbie guilds (don't get me wrong, some of my best friends are utterly unorganised, no-hope newbies) or (and here comes the point of my request) the only low-levels they have are alts and, as such, they don't provide any content for us lowbies. (By "content" I mean grouping, drop hunting, etc. By all means, prove me wrong, tell me you frequently organise trips to barrows for level 3 acolytes - just make sure you have a space in your ranks for an armsman who looks great in plate armour).

So.. My request: Are there any big guilds out there (yes, big. The last guild I was in, on Mid/Pry, had about 9 people. Wonderful chaps but I think the atmosphere almost destroyed the game for me) who offer content for newbies and also happen to be looking for an armsman to recruit? Then look no further! I can become a valuable asset to your guild, I swear! I mean, I look good in plate armour and make a mean fruit salad! How sick is that?

Adopt me!


Hmm if we adopt you can you teach my boyfriend how to make a fruit salad too then?

I'd love to have an armsman in our guild that can cook too!


Well, depends what you mean as BIG guilds. CF is getting reasonably large, and w're not a newbie guild anymore. The highest percentage of our members are now approx level 20ish, with some higher and a fair few lower as we aim to try and recruit new players quite a bit.

I'm also going to start pulling the guild into organised hunts ect now, seeing as we're kinda off the baby steps now :p

If you're interested in more info, drop me a tell in game. I'm rarely anon :)

There's only one condition of joining, tho, and that is you have to like hedgehogs and worship dave. (Don't ask)


Hello there friend,

if you still havent found a guild you are welcome to join our family at anytime.
We are around 25+ members. The range is all from lvl 5 to our lvl 50s. Mainly we recruit young members and let them develop and feel like beeing part of the family. (By young I meen low lvls.)
We have our own crafters and help the low lvls in every way we can to lvl and on regular basis we help power lvling eachother.

We have guildhunts every sunday where there is no lvl limit and we see it more as a gathering event rather than xp/drop hunt.

Lots more to tell if you pm any of us ingame.
Hope to see you around and that you enjoy your time in albion. :D


Sadly joining Celestial Fury would be like mashing your nutsack with a hammer, just by reading the boards :/


Originally posted by old.Eleasias
Sadly joining Celestial Fury would be like mashing your nutsack with a hammer, just by reading the boards :/

Excuse me?

What brought that on?


Originally posted by IsrafaelCF

Excuse me?

What brought that on?

Guess he's referring to

Karam Gruul
50th lvl Armsman
Celestial Fury

My guild has stopped recruiting for a bit but think the lowest non alt we have is 32/3.


Well, just because Karam gets up your nose isn't any excuse to dismiss the rest of the guild outright.

It still amazes me that you take him seriously and don't realise he's just taking the piss.


-Steph-, I need to make about 300 more rhubarb crumbles before reaching 'Master' level. At that point I'd be delighted to teach your boyfriend to cook, via a series of mind-numbingly dull consignment tasks.

Israfael, I've yet to catch you online. I'll look out for you this evening though and give you a quick /send. My armsman's name is Twenty, as an aside.

Zerathol, I'll keep you in mind. ;)


Well, just because Karam gets up your nose isn't any excuse to dismiss the rest of the guild outright.

Yeah, we're alright really..

And things are really beginning to kick off , were getting our mains up and over the level 40 mark and have a thriving set of alts too. We hope to be actively participating in RvR as a guild in the not too distant future (i.e. before the rush to capture keeps patch)



The board would be a lot more boring without Karams post.

Celestial Fury don't seem to be a bad giuild either :)

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