Guilds, are they worth it?



I've only been playing DAOC for about 2 months.

I have a 9th lvl Wizzie and a 10th lvl Cleric on Excalibur...

I've noticed that quite a few people are members of guilds..
Although most are not..

So, what's the advantages of being in a guild anyway?
I know there's guild chat which I gues could be useful and I guess people in guilds will offer support info etc..
But I find that people are generally willing to help out regardless of whether I'm in a guild or not...

So, what's the opinions here..
To guild or not to guild?


Hvorfor skulle jeg prøv det?
Jeg kan bare spørge her?


1. Du møder mange venlige personer i guilds pg får nye venner. plus det er meget hygsomt :)

2. Det er lettere at få ting, penge og bedst af alt Power lvl =D

og grunden til at du ikke har set så mange der i et guild er sikkert fordi du kun a lvl 9/10 næsten alle høj lvls er i guilds.


Power lvl = ex. dig (lvl 10) og måske 7 lvl 17 (hvis du er MEGET! heldig) = dig lvl meget hurtigt =D


Hmmmm ... yes .... no ..... agree .... whatever ...



want a full translation? is not like I have anything else to do :)


Translate :clap:
(man I'm also BORED as hell on my work)


Originally posted by old.Icy


Well, you know my first question..
The first answer was "try it"

My answer was..."Why should I try it when I can ask here"

The next answer was
1: You get to meet lots of friendly people in a guild
2: You can get items and money from a guild and assistance with power levelling.
3: There's lots of high level chars in Guilds.

Then I asked what powerlevelling was.

The answer was...Power leveling = you level more quickly..


I'd say most people in guilds rather than not. Very rare to see anyone above about level 5 not guilded these days. :p
As for whether it's worth it, well that depends on you and the guild, try it, you might like it. :)


Originally posted by Dannyn
I'd say most people in guilds rather than not.

Well, judging from when I'm online around the Prydwenkeep , cotswald, West downs area.

And I'm assuming that Guild members have the extended text in vbrackets to signify their guild.
To me it seems most are not in guilds..

But then again...probably most of the people in those areas are rarely above 20th level or thereabouts...
Maybe that explains it.


My first reply was

prøv det, prøv det

this is taken from an OLD libresse commercial, (7 years or so I think) so danskmacabre not knowing that means he is prolly below 16 years old (that commercial was the laughing stock in denmark at the point everyone was making fun of it :))

oh well my joke kinda fell through do to his young age then ;)


Well, it's mostly a level issue... We (for example) have an entry level of 20 for our guild, even then we expect that you have grouped with at least 1 other person of our guild... Exceptions are only made if 2 Brethren recommend a person to the guild...

The higher you get, you'll see less and less ppl that arent in a guild...

I'm in a guild (actually GM of a guild ;) ) because I wanted an easy way to chat with friends... It's easy to help each other out that way... And when we get enough ppl above 40, take(and claim) our own keeps...

It'll happen, might not be this week, but give us a bit more time, and you'll see The Brethren guards at Arvakr or Fensalir...


Originally posted by Octanion
this is taken from an OLD libresse commercial, (7 years or so I think) so danskmacabre not knowing that means he is prolly below 16 years old (that commercial was the laughing stock in denmark at the point everyone was making fun of it :))

oh well my joke kinda fell through do to his young age then ;)

Actually, I'm 36....And I live in Denmark, but I'm not Danish, I'm Australian..
And I've only lived here for 2 years(which explains why I didn't get the joke) , and yeah, I can converse in Danish as well..Courtesy of my Company paying for Danish lessons.
Which explains why you thought I was Danish...:D


Dun worry dude i didnt get the joke either and im 100% Danish (at least thats what my parents say). I weakly remember the commercial tho i was only 9 years at that. (yes im only 15 years old atm!)


Originally posted by Elvo
Dun worry dude i didnt get the joke either and im 100% Danish (at least thats what my parents say). I weakly remember the commercial tho i was only 9 years at that. (yes im only 15 years old atm!)

I'm impressed with your english then for a 15 year old Dane..
I know that most Danes speak English, but they don't usually START learning English until around your age..


Btw, Elvo, on another note... Why dont you proudly advertise that you're a Brethren?

And I'm not Danish, so I didnt get the joke at all... ;) But if their anything like our libresse commercials... I can make a guess...

As for English, I found (with my vacation there a LONG time ago) that Danish ppl speak pretty good english from a young age...


Sry bout that, just made my Sig 2 hours ago :)

And i think we danes learn English in school when we are 12 years or so. Tho cuz i have played a lot of games since i was pretty young i knew as much english when i was 12 as some in my class do now :D


Originally posted by old.Icy
As for English, I found (with my vacation there a LONG time ago) that Danish ppl speak pretty good english from a young age...

Well, I live here and I know that yes, their English is very good..
But even so, English lesson don't normally start until 12-15..
And from the very yound Danes I've met around that age group, they donot normally speak english very well..

The exception to this rule is when you have 1 parent who is from an English speaking country. Then the kid usually leans English at the same time as Danish (like our kid).


Thats another (and probarbly a lot easier) way to learn English. But thats ok, your child gotta learn german/french anyway when he hits 14(thats age, not lvl). Wish that i had learned english that way. And btw if ya talk to Wedge (Icy) and maybe get lvl 20 or make a special deal i wouldnt mind if ya joined Brethren :), and as you dont have a sig, what your chars names, in-game?


Originally posted by Elvo
Thats another (and probarbly a lot easier) way to learn English. But thats ok, your child gotta learn german/french anyway when he hits 14(thats age, not lvl). Wish that i had learned english that way.

Yeah, he's only 2 yrs old and he says a few broken sentences in English to me and in Danish to my wife.
Kinda funny actually. (I speak English to him all the time, my Wife speaks Danish all the time to him)

And btw if ya talk to Wedge (Icy) and maybe get lvl 20 or make a special deal i wouldnt mind if ya joined Brethren :), and as you dont have a sig, what your chars names, in-game?

Yeah, I'll look you guys up when I hit lvl 20ish..
My characters name on Excalibur is "Cambrensis"


You get to talk with people, make friends. Depending on the guild they might actually be people you want to talk with ;)

Tis nice to get a guild group together, if you all play at similar speeds it means you can level up together, knowing your group-mates aren't complete morons :)
(we in the HG are only slightly moronic, complete morons aren't allowed)

Events - some guilds do events... the Humberton Guard had a guild meeting (and there was more than just me talking to a mirror! wow!)

I'd say the level where everyone seems to become <guilded> is lvl 15...

lvl 1-5 almost noone is guilded
5-10 you get the odd one or two
10-15 it gets more common
15+ almost everyone is in a guild.


Personally I've only seen one person over lvl 20 in the past week not in a guild, so yes, most are guilded


I just had to have my husband explain the prøve det prøve det...I didn't get it either, tho I live in Denmark, not long enough I suppose. Your 2 year old probably speaks better danish than I did when I was in denmark for the first yer hehe, probably better english than me to tho it's mother language lol. And yes, thank the gods for those awful Danish lessons hehe.


Originally posted by -Dreama-
I just had to have my husband explain the prøve det prøve det...I didn't get it either, tho I live in Denmark, not long enough I suppose. Your 2 year old probably speaks better danish than I did when I was in denmark for the first yer hehe, probably better english than me to tho it's mother language lol. And yes, thank the gods for those awful Danish lessons hehe.

Well, I originally went to the Government funded Danish Lessons..
But I got into a big argument with one of the lecturers because she was a racist b1itch...(She was making racist comments to a Somali person in Danish and thought noone could understand...I did) and got booted out of the classes..

Anyway, after that my Company paid for Private lessons for me which went a lot better..

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