Guild BP's disappeared!!!!!



This weekend my guild claimed our alliance keep, Hurbury. We took it over from Humberton Guard since they ran out of BP to keep it at highlevel.

As soon as we were in the lord room with our FG, Humberton Guard released the keep and we claimed it...

Now this is what happened:

I claimed the keep cos i was groupleader at that time, and that went succesfull... then we decided to make the keep level 5. The thing is that both me and a guildmate, Gremon did the /gc upgrade about the same moment...shouldnt be a problem....but...

Our guild bounty points instantly dropped by almost 14000!!!

We had 53500ish before we claimed and upgraded... and 1 min after we claimed and upgraded there were 40000ish BP's left... Gremon made pictures and will make a Rightnow report... 14000 BP's is a lot of keepclaiming time/RP to lose.

Anyone else had a similar problem?


Its a bug, reported on the current european news issue... they warned about claiming frontier keeps and highlighted that there is no way to bring back the lost bps.

The Fifth Man

This has happened to at least one guild on Prydwen too. Contact RightNow. It is very unlikely that they would say you will not be compensated for significant losses resulting from a bug.


Odd seems to be not mentioned on the english friday newsletter:

Here is the english versîon

Here is the german version:

Please note the paragraph initiated by "Nachtrag" in the german version which is explaining the bug your guild is suffering from and which is more important that goa currently has no way to return the lost bps to you. Seems to be technically not possible. They even go that far to explain that if your guild goes negative in bp there is no other way to get back positive, by either re-earn the bps in standard rvr or, by re-creation of your guild which would mean that your guild loses all rps and bps.

Maybe someone finds time to put up a short translation don't have much time currently.

Don't know why goa didn't also put the warning up for the english server population :((

Nachtrag : Leider werden momentan beim claimen eines Keeps mehr Kopfgeldpunkte abgezogen, als angemessen scheint.

Es werden anscheinend immer genau 13,000 Kopfgeldpunkte abgezogen. Bitte claimed keine Grenzfestung, wenn Ihr nicht über genügend Kopfgeldpunkte verfügt, um diesen Verlust zu verkraften. Sollte Eure KP Anzahl unter 0 sinken, muss die Gilde neu gegründet werden.

In einem Fall bekam die betroffene Gilde einen negativen Wert an Kopfgeldpunkten. Einzige Lösung : Neugründung der Gilde. Seid also bitte vorsichtig, wir werden es umgehend überprüfen und beheben. Gilden, die über ausreichend KP's verfügen, können - auf eigene Gefahr - weiter claimen. Leider ist es uns technisch nicht möglich, Euch nach einer Neugründung mit Reichs- oder Kopfgeldpunkten auszustatten. Ehrlich ! Zwar können die Werte geändert werden, jedoch werden die Änderungen überschrieben, sobald ein Spieler neue Punkte für die Gilde sammelt. Bei Kopfgeldpunkten sieht es noch schlechter aus. Eine Änderung führt zu einem Überlauf (z.B. -203453456 Kopfgeldpunkt


didn't think I'd read it anywhere...



The babelfish translation is as amusing as ever:

Supplement: Unfortunately momentarily with the claimen Keeps more points of head money are taken off, than seems appropriate. Always exactly 13.000 points of head money are apparent taken off. Ask claimed no border fortress, if you do not have sufficient points of head money, in order to bear this loss. Your kp if number under 0 should sink, the gilde must again be created. In a case the gilde concerned got a negative value at points of head money. Only solution: Reestablishment of the gilde. Are thus please careful, we it will immediately examine and will repair. Gilden, which order over sufficiently KP's, can claimen - on own danger - further. Unfortunately it is technically not possible for us to equip you after a reestablishment with realm or points of head money. Honestly! The values can be changed, however the changes are overwritten, as soon as a player collects new points for the gilde. At points of head money it looks still worse. A change leads to an overflow (e.g. -203453456 point of head money




we had this same problem while claiming Nged on sunday we had 19000bp`s claimed keep have 6000 left :S

so instead of a rock hard level 10 keep this hibbies found only a level 5 stupid game

well there were 112 hibbies present to evict us anyway so not that it would have changed things


Templars have had same problem with Sursbrooke recently i think

dont know many of the details, but its definitely same sort of thing

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