Guide to DR Champion Tasks


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
After numerous questions from guidies I decided to sum up the information on only till now uncovered topic of the last expantion. Hope it will be usefull for all you leveling geeks out there.

I heard that DR adds another type of xp quests, is that true? Some person says its a myth.

Yes, it is true. DR adds another mean to speed up your leveling - champion tasks.

Woot! How can I get them?

You should seek the help of King's Lieutenants. They are Lieutenant Edwin in Castle Savage (guy with DR scout bow), Lieutenant Purgis near porters in Camelot and Lieutenant Drenna near portal to SI in Cotswold.

Uh, they give so many choices, what should I pick?

Everything. Really everything. The lieutenants offer you 3 types of tasks, delivery, dispatch and combat. Unlike the tasks of the old times, you can have 3 DR tasks in the same time if they are of different type.

But what type of tasks give most exp?

Naturally combat tasks gives biggest exp rewards, which is typically more than half a buble. Dispatch and delivery exp may vary between 20 and 50% of a buble at the level of the task. Delivery into DF seems to give biggest exp reward among them.

So shouldnt I choose combat tasks only and ignore unhounorable courrier work?

You shoudnt. :) Again, unlike the old tasks, there is no limit on the number of tasks you can do at the level. There is just limited number of tasks :) So at lvl24 Lietenants can give you 1 (one) combat task, 1 (one) dispatch task and 2 (two) delivery tasks, for example. If you do a combat task first you will not be awarded another combat task, as it would be the case with old school kill tasks. So pick them all and do them together, often they send you in the same zone.

WTF, its just sent me to END OF TEH WORLD!

Hehe, it can. Champion tasks can send you in any part of the game, be it old epic zone or catacombs underground. Actually its a feature, cause it often points you to nice unoccupied camps of your lvl.

Hm, why that dumb lieutenant asking me to do assignment for local taskmaster, I dont feel like doing instances now, its boooring!

Did I told you to pick everything? Press the assignment keyword, it'll give you quest to speak with taskmaster, which is a fastest exp quest in game, if you are 41+ and take task from Lieutenant Edwin in CS. :)

Greedy Lieutenant Edwin does not give me any more tasks! I want more! Should I speak with other two?

No, if one doesnt give any more, others will follow. They all drag from the same pool of tasks.

How often should I check lieutenants for new tasks? Every 3 levels like for catacombs mini quests?

Uh, thats a good question. I believe it was planned to be so, but it looks bugged at the moment. Currently you can pick up champion tasks only at the level of the task, so you should check those mean guys every lvl. Not every lvl will give you new champion tasks, mind you. Its every second level at best. Normally when there is no tasks, the lieutenants will say you so. But sometimes they will just not react to keywords, and this is happens, in my opinion, when there is no task any more at this level but there are at previous -3 lvls which you missed. But because of bug you cant pick them up.
Cant confirm this, obviously, but thats my feeling.

So is it worth it at all?

I my opinion yes, you can get between 1 or 2 bubles of exp rather fast, also you get to know or recall nice leveling places and its makes leveling not so dull. :)

If you have something to add, or other question you want to put it, post it in the thread and we gonna try to figure this out. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Bah, sorry for all those morning typos :/ cant edit the post for some reason. :/


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Update with few questions from yesterday:

Sounds useful, How much Champion exp do these tasks grant you ?
(cause frankly thats the only thing im interrested in atm )

None, cause you starts to get champion exp only at lvl50, and at this level there are no champion tasks anymore.

I heard that next patch brings some changes to the tasking system.

True, there are 3 changes that gonna influence your champion tasks (or Royal Expeditions, as they are called). First, instead of 3 lieutenants we shall have 3 groups of 4 NPC, each of them awarding tasks for his set of levels:

Players from 5 to 15 receive Expeditions from their realm's Sergeant.
16 to 30 - Lieutenant.
31 to 45 - Captain.
46 to 50 - Commander

Another change is addition to porters between SI town, which gonna reduce time for doing time in SI greatly and bring even more value to the tasks. Porters will be able to port you between any of these towns:

ALB : Caer Gothwaite, Wearyall Village, Fort Gwyntell, and Caer Diogel.
MID : Aegirhamn, Bjarken, Hagall, and Knarr.
HIB : Grove of Domnann, Droighaid, Aalid Feie, and Necht.

And the last change is that possibility to choose level of task will be added for the last tier of tasks. So at lvl46 you will be able to choose tasks of any level between 46 and 49.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Found out yesterday that you can have simultaneously few tasks of the same type as well as long as they are of different level. This means that you can try to stock them up at 40+ levels and complete all at lvl50 to get a solid bunch of champion exp! I’m yet to confirm how much of CLexp it is though.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 8, 2004
omg thanx for this guide, insanly fast xp, just got over 3bill xp at lvl 49 in 5 minutes


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Oboy said:
omg thanx for this guide, insanly fast xp, just got over 3bill xp at lvl 49 in 5 minutes

Thanks for the reply, Oboy. Was already thinking that maybe everyone know this already and the guide is of no use :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 8, 2004
Serdan said:
Thanks for the reply, Oboy. Was already thinking that maybe everyone know this already and the guide is of no use :)

only sad thing that there isnt that many tasks for each level but u can always do these first at each level then go back to cata things

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