


re-rolled to hib yesterday with my lurkiz rogue Solaris really fun to play.

however i found a problem that i didnt come across in alb.

is it really this hard to get money in hib?

in alb i was knocking on 30/40g en route to lvl 20. (had no guild then)

is there a good money camp spot for a lvl 5-10 anywhere? o_O

thx if you give some input. :clap:

j000 d000d

Send me a tell if you need any help or money :)


Several times when I've played my alts I've come across ppl who are new to hib that say that money is pretty hard get here :(

But there are many nice ppl here and if you are lucky you might find someone who will give you some help on your money problem ;)

All new and friendly people to hib should feel welcome :)

msg me if you need tips or little funds to help you on your quest for glory :clap: :clap: :clap:


I seem to have that problem too regarding money in the game..i havent bought armour since lvl 16 nor a weapon beening saving to get good armour :p

At 23 now i am getting ready to go to BG and wanted to get meself a new armour and weapon(about time too :p) Ask crafters for price and they asked for around 88.5g not sure if thats alot but hell i barely have 70g (and remember i have bought stuff since 16) and i still need a new weapon too

Its nice of u ppl to offer money (if i see u ingame i am sure to msg u heehee ) but i think it would be nice if we could get some info on where is a good place to hunt for $$$$


Try here

this subject came up a little while back
try this thread
Not sure if it came up with any low level areas and if it did I will be going there when i get back to the game:D



checked out the tread but thats for high lvls thks for trying anyway : P


You started wrong from the beginning. Should have chosen albion :)

Now I have to kill you sometime, and I hate that. Lurikeens are so cute


He did Shani ... one of the growing number of people to move from Albion.


I also find it hard to earn money in this realm, maybe it is cause i spend loads of em on arrows :eek6:

Originally posted by Turamber
He did Shani ... one of the growing number of people to move from Albion.

I used to be an Alb also :touch:


To be honest, after witnessing the language and aggression directed at someone - on their own side - in RvR today I can see why people are leaving Albion. Too many people think paying a monthly fee to play a game gives them the right to treat others like dirt, I don't like it.


First of all welcome to Hibernia.


In general it is said that leveling is a tad harder in Hibernia. You don't get free weapons and things early on and the mobs aren't very generous. I'm no expert on that.


Lvl 1-3 or so around your starting town.

Lvl 4-10 you can moreorless camp Mudmen/Waterbeetle collectors/Water Beetles at Ardee.

Lvl 10-12, change of scenery, go Howth across the stone bridge and kill the Large Eirebugs/Sprags/Lucraduanes. Don't kill clurican trips, leave them neutral otherwise this place is an agro infested pit.

Lvl 10-14 You can xp near tnmbeo on wolves/badgers/lunatishees/blackthorns/curms/siabras/wild lucradans. This is a group spot from about level 8, but don't do curms at that level. Most of those mobs BAF, especially Curms.

Howth has some baf mobs for groups, Siabrian Archers/Eriu Fischere. A full 8 group has good xp at the Siabs across the bridge, probably around lvl 15.

After this depends, Muire tomb is groupable fairly early, 10ish and for 3 or 4, 15 onwards pretty good.

Kill/consignment tasks to level 20 of course too.

Maybe move to Moher for lvls 17-23, then walking rocks/irewoods near TNN for 23-30, depending on group.

Spraggon Den from about 20 if I recall.

Treibh Cailte dungeon is good I'm told, I never went there. That might explain why I was in grey armour at lvl 30.

In Hib I always struggled with cash and armour. At around lvl 30, Corus changes that. By level 45 you are overhwhelmed with cash and at 50 you are broke.

Once you get in Corus in a group, usually late 20's, early 30's, you start gaining xp hand over fist. The pit yields good xp in large groups from 30(with higher levels)-40. Lower the numbers in the group after 38/9 when odd mob turns red and xp stays good. You have loads of armour drops and stuff.

I suppose the rule is to get in dungeons when you can and try and kill humanoid looking characters for more cash. Things like Moherans and Siabs tend to drop some decent loot, but are almost always serious baf.



some dude chased me from MM to curms because he wanted to give me money(i was semi afk so i didnt see him:p)

But thats how nice peeps in hib r:)

thnx for the gold!:) you know who u r! (because i dont remember:p)

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


Thk aure for the reply...unfortunately thoese where the places i hunted more or less...still find my self broke :p i have a total fortune of 52s now myself a new set of scale yesterday : )

Second damn u lucky !!! when is something like that going to happen to me haha

Back to money hunting for my and when i reach 24, albs and mids in BG watch out hahahahaha



Kill trees.

Very good money.

At level 11, solo the blackthorns/lunantishees (10 if you are a 'chanter).


Of course, you can always ask for a loan from a guildee :)


Also at lvl 23-26 kill Dumpwood mites near Innis carthaghis or Ceannai. they drops good amout of money, easy to get few golds there.

But if you really want money, go to Darkness Falls when it is open. Money drop there is INSANE. :)

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