Guessing it wont be up until monday night/tuesday morning?



Well.. Patch day monday/today, its now 4:00 CET
So, im taking a wild stab in the dark here that GoA's techichans arent exactly working atm.. Rather at home asleep.
And tomorrow down for patching, so... with the lack on info, i can only guess that DAOC wont be up until maybe Monday evning/afternoon, or tuesday.

GoA-Europe said "Patch-day, no-play-day", and ...
Servers would be down for "several more hours"..

Ohwell, I really hope there's some more info up for
the few poor geeks like myself that sits here waiting.


Sadly I think it's true.

With the lack of info going on other than being told the hardware is bust, I'd guess one of a few things are happening

1. They are waiting for a replacement part
2. They are transferring what they can to a backup PC
3. They are using the opportunity to patch early so the servers may be up earlier.

Bearing in mind what time it is, I'd put money on the fact they have some hardware support contract going and there will be people there now trying to fix the hardware.


I think u right man :(

a shame we have offline servers all day before patch day and then patch day aswell. sure aint no play day :m00:


I just hope the crash yesterday dont affect the patchday today so it get delayed... :/

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