Guard Pull



This has been talked over and over, and last night made me wanna start this thread.
Oh yes, a Hibernian lame pulled Guards, all the way from Relic keep, i believe.
00:20 or so was the time. We (mid) were preparing for some MFG wars, between Alb and Mid.
Alb forces were seen on other side of MFG.
all was normal.
Then came a Hib running like a biatch and halted in middle of our forces, a mob caught up on him and on the mob some Man at arms.

Well i dont have to paint u the picture, of what was to follow.
hack and slash.

The bottom line i dont give a fairy a*ss damn moment of care, if ALL do it.
If all do it u all suxxor
I suggest. We work together in getting rid of this annoyance.
Since mythic cant fix it.

Any guild having a member behaving in this manor should kick this person out of the guild in the blink of an eye.

it is clear that:

It is not supposed to be that way.
No side like it.
It ruins the overall fun.
It isnt fair play.

From now on, i will work actively to report each individual that does this to mythic. it is possible that wont do much, but i will do it.

I have heard many versions, and just that there are people making excuses to why they pulled their guards intentionally, makes me wonder of the age of many of the players here.

I have heard, "i thought it was so lame that u camped the Tele keep, thats why." Solution: Get yer people together and drive em back.

"we were so few we couldnt take u ourselves" Solution: ponder the word DUH.

"We simply wanna kill all invaders invading our lands" Solution: then U kill them, the guards function is to guard the keep, or in some occasions they have a patrol route. They arent supposed to go out and hunt invaders. U are.

There is no excuse, and the lame attept of an excuse well u did it, or they did it or ALL do it is not acceptable.
Suck my a*hole dry of moist! is my response to that.
i am not that a political person, in writing. I say what i feel.

Conclusion, give it your best in trying to counter this, if it is a guildie, kick the individual or if u absolutely cant do that set the person straight.
Whatever the case, i will report the ones i see to mythic.

Hornbrytare Lvl43 Skald, Midgard.

P.S guards pulled by AE spells or pets attacking of course not included in this anti lameness movement.


first how could the hib run without getting hit by the MaA? is it possible to out run a MaA? secondly why wasnt the mob dead from the MaA?


Ask the hib.

i cannot say i didnt see the actuall event i was spying ontop of the MFG myself watching the movements when all of a sudden man of wars kills started popping up in status window, kills by 30+ or so.
i never got killed by the guard, my team was dead sat at tele atm, while i who was alive followed the main force.

All i know for shure is that it works, and that i was told by reliable source what happened.

i did btw get killed moments later by a alb mage.

All i know that it was a HIB and that he had a mob on his tail when the Man at arms came.


2 bards, 1 doing speedsong 5 the other endurance regen = speed5 + sprint? Dunno if it works but from what I've seen of the endurance regen songs you can pretty much do anything and your endurance don't even decrease.


True, 2 bards, one end, one speed can go like lightnin. Specially with top songs. But.........
Correct me if i'm wrong, he said "a" hib. That's one hib folks, not 2.
Btw how are we supposed to "discipline" this person if u don't give us a name?
Surely sum 1 must have caught it? :p

Just a thought also, many people complain about xp killing and the like and get shot down with "it's war, live with it" type arguments. I'm surprised i haven't seen any of them here yet. :p

Don't get me wrong, i aint defending this hib. I for one am all for chivalry and honour in fighting. Some, however, are not, u just have to get used to it.


Originally posted by herjulf

I have heard many versions, and just that there are people making excuses to why they pulled their guards intentionally, makes me wonder of the age of many of the players here.

I have heard, "i thought it was so lame that u camped the Tele keep, thats why." Solution: Get yer people together and drive em back.

"we were so few we couldnt take u ourselves" Solution: ponder the word DUH.

"We simply wanna kill all invaders invading our lands" Solution: then U kill them, the guards function is to guard the keep, or in some occasions they have a patrol route. They arent supposed to go out and hunt invaders. U are.

I once heard of a complaint, some guy was saying smth like

'Oh yes, a Hibernian lame pulled Guards, all the way from Relic keep, i believe.
00:20 or so was the time. We (mid) were preparing for some MFG wars, between Alb and Mid.
Alb forces were seen on other side of MFG.
all was normal.
Then came a Hib running like a biatch and halted in middle of our forces, a mob caught up on him and on the mob some Man at arms. '

solution - time to kill the guards or die :)


Man at Arms are realm guards and don't chase mobs. He was probably just trying to get away from the MAA himself and agro'd a mob while running from the MAA.

But on the other hand, WD :) One solution stay out of emain and go RvR in your own frontier. :)


So we got Men at Arms guarding our relic-keeps now ?
Something is seriously wrong here i think...


not getting hit by the mob, who obviosly outruns the MAA to, all the way from ATK to Albwall must be very hard, so my /salutes to the one who managed to do this. :clap: :clap: :clap:

I think the story you have been told just isn't true. I think that Verena is much closer to the truth.:clap:


think about this logically. when you attack a mob it trails behind you, and so you need to be in front of it. to lead the mob into guard radius you must be there first. hibs dont have a charm, so cannot charm the wildlife and send it up, and only druids and chanters have pets.

all in all it makes the scenario pretty unlikely, because i dont see a druid outrunning a keep guard, even after the quickheals, nor do i see an enchanter lasting past the first blow


Yup, MAAs dont chase mobs, that would be 'elite guards'
impossible to outrun a MAA from the TK.. maybe stay away from it with speed song and a bit of spritnting but that dont sound like it happened! :)

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