Grrrr Goa



"Once the US version PvP server is live, we will see if we will add one to the European servers."

Hot DAMN I'm pissed at GO"we'll see if we will add one" fucking A,
Just prepare for it, were not going to live to see the PvP server here in europe, just look at how long they use on the patches that they have to implement, u really think theyll bother to get us a PvP server?


On the pvp server

To explain the quote a little further:
Everyone here at GOA want to have a pvp server. It sounds like a great idea and alot of fun. However, we know very little about the pvp server and what it will contain at this point. Maybe it wont work, maybe it turns out entirely different than everyone imagined, maybe there are issues involved that we cannot see at this point. IF it turns out really bad, and we have promised we will have one, then its a big waste of resources. For all of us.

We do not expect this to be the case and we very much want to have a European pvp server, but with the knowledge we have about it currently, we cannot make a committing promise.

I hope that cleared it up a little.


I don't think GOA want to put themselves in a position where they have to supply a PvP server if the american ones aren't being played. :)
I'm more concerned with what I'm doing with my current characters tbh. If/when it comes I'll probably stay midgard, maybe Hib/luri if I'm bored of mid when it comes :)


Zargar: kthxinfo~
Seriously, thanks alot man, it really cleared things up, they were looking pretty glum
It seemed like we would _maybe_ get the PvP server in half a year or so, but thanks for at least shedding a bit light

old.Sion Verdox

I am one of 12 people who are leaving the day the US PvP server opens and that’s just me and my guild thousands of people will quit the GOA servers to play the pvp server and because of your track record they probably wont look back.

If we do not have a firm date for the European pvp server you will lose thousands of players and subsequently thousands of subscriptions. I am not waiting in the vain hope that a year down the line we will have one - looking at your patch history we can see the sort of delays we can expect.

Release a date before the U.S release of the server or thousands will leave and that’s not a threat that’s an obvious fact.

Edit: I just wanted to add that yet again you have not looked at industry history. Here’s another prediction from uncle Sion (so far all have been bang on) The U.S server will be packed to the point of refusing connections for a few weeks – people will make bizarre characters and try and play in the style they have been used to. The hardcore Pvp elements present in all MMOGs will level like crazy and very soon the role players expecting some sort of free and open world will be slaughtered and tell story’s of verbal abuse and l33t c00l DudeS. Thousands will quit leaving a small community of dedicated pvp players. The server will gain a reputation as being a c00l DuDeS sandpit and will constantly have lower player numbers than any other server.

Look at UO Siege Perilous – AC darktide for further examples of the normal outcome. It will be a fun small community but will cater to a very specific style of play that the majority won’t find appealing. It will also be a necessity if you wish to keep hold of your share of the pvp market as there are several titles all nearing release that cater specifically to this style of play (exactly my Mythic are introducing one themselves) however you have another hurdle which is the ease of switching to the U.S version (Shadowbane will introduce methods to stop the switching after reviewing the Camelot situation).

I am sure you wont realise the significance of the situation until the U.S server is released when you will lose a lot of subscriptions and you will further be even more alarmed when more titles open up causing you to lose even more of your share of the cookie while you will be sat at your desks wondering what in gods name happened and put it down to experience.


Ok this is a bit out of topic, so sorry for that:

loved your work at AOB , you always wrote interesting and intelligent news there and for that reason it was my nr 1 site to check up on while I played AO. Thats why I'm wondering: Do you now write about DAoC? If so, where? (is there a DAoCB?) If there isn't there should be! ;)

Hope you haven't brought Cpt.Fallout with you over here tho. :p His posts sure knew how to suck the fun out of a game :(

Edit: Some smiley animation made the post look messy

old.Sion Verdox

I currently would class myself as a slightly jaded reporter. I am not writing about anything for anyone out of choice. The reasons behind that are partially to do with GOA.

Reporting on issues is all fine and well if the people who you are reporting on take note - in the past that approach has been effective but I personally feel in the case of GOA it would be a complete waste of my time. Putting that aside I am considering an offer and might appear on a European DAOC news page but to be honest I wouldn’t hold your breath =)


To explain the quote a little further:
Everyone here at GOA want to have a pvp server. It sounds like a great idea and alot of fun. However, we know very little about the pvp server and what it will contain at this point. Maybe it wont work, maybe it turns out entirely different than everyone imagined, maybe there are issues involved that we cannot see at this point. IF it turns out really bad, and we have promised we will have one, then its a big waste of resources. For all of us.

We do not expect this to be the case and we very much want to have a European pvp server, but with the knowledge we have about it currently, we cannot make a committing promise.

I hope that cleared it up a little.

So basically what your saying is that your going to "watch" the USA pvp server for a few months to see if it works. Well if this is the case you will lose virtually 75% of your customers to Mythic, because 75% want to play a pvp server and will not wait that long.
You may think "ah but theyll come back when we open ours" but how wrong you will be. Once they get "into" their character on the US pvp server and get settled into the community there then youll have lost them for good.

Mythic have the balls to try one, so why not GOA too at the same time? Even if it doesnt work, then at least youve got that 3rd server for us English players :D


I know this won't be the most popular opinion but wtf eh...

Personally I'd rather GOA spent the (obviously pathetically small) resources/manpower they have getting the normal servers up to scratch. By that I mean getting the patches up to date, providing better customer-support, getting more GM's and implementing events and such.

When (if?) GOA ever manage that then fine, go for a PvP server I say, but if doing that delays getting everything else sorted out then I say no way, leave it.

Madonion Slicer

I would have to agree, i would rather they spent there time and (our) money getting the servers up todate because you only have to read whats coming in the next few patches to see we are missing a whole lot goodies.

If i knew where to get a US version of the game i probably would of done a long while ago, as Mythic is a lot more on the ball and are making a good game a great game.

GOA you need to show us that you working on things and not just posted once in a blue moon. Even if you released the patches one at a time instead of these large jumps, At least then it would come across that you are actually doing something.

I dont mean to have a go, but you must understand that you only need to read a few sites about the US servers and it leaves you no choice but to accept that thier servers are better run, and it wont be long before all the euro gamers see this and go to Mythic simple as that.


@Sion Verdox

You should sell vacuum cleaners from door to door - rofl! Seldom read such a pathetic bullshit....

By the way... im one of the thousands peoples who are leaving the carebearworld and joining the army of non roleplaying griefers... im looking forward. Unfortunately, being there doesnt transform me or anybody else in a l33t c00l Dude - we are just little, poor griefers without to much life in the real world. Thats the price of success, being part of "the great mythos", the community of hardcore players.

Yep, after a while this community will be small, but shall this be a reason to be proud of? But dont listen to me... im a little care bear who is only scared of the big, bad PKs with no dignity at all....

"Item me me me! Pk PK PK!"


Rook the first and last


Would just like to point out a fact that not everyone wants to play on a pure PvP server. It usually sounds like fun, but may really screw up the game big time.


Me for one - I like the realm based, team-based warfare.

PvP server sounds seriously dull to me :sleeping:

old.Sion Verdox

Originally posted by Rook

We are obviously dealing with an intelligent individual here so people step back and watch your backs I am sure his display was an attempt to confuse us. Your starting sentence makes a passing reference to selling vacuum cleaners – after some long and hard thought I have managed to attribute the comment to my comments on the pvp server. I take it you were trying to claim that the information posted was incorrect? Lets see how you went about doing this.

By the way... im one of the thousands peoples who are leaving the carebearworld and joining the army of non roleplaying griefers

You start by saying that you are one of the people leaving – I do believe I stated that people would be leaving the GOA servers for the U.S servers – thanks for providing a text book example.

Yep, after a while this community will be small

Exactly what I said thanks again. I can only assume that you took me statements as being in some way an insult and you could only of came to that conclusion by either a poor grasp of the English language (which you did display) or a complete lack of intelligence. However thank you for providing the readers with a text book example of a c00l DuDe confirming another comment in my original post.

To help provide Rook and those like him with a more digestible statement let me say – I am an avid PvP player I play MMOGs to fight and I am looking forward to the opening of the PvP server. Does that clear it up for you Rook? With some intelligence you might be dangerous.


rofl - nice try, oh avid PvP player. So, step back everybody and listen to our guru! Fall on your knees, mates... the great Sion Verdox is talking to us! Great words of wisdom and he is right...

Actually i have a poor grasp of the English language and showing - obviously - a lack of intelligence, guess what? Im not a natural born speaker, despite of this lack i know when somebody is trying to sell me cheap and rotten vacuum cleaners.

Use big words, nice phrases and try to build up a mythos - all of this wont change that you - and i - are little griefers without to much life in the real world. Hrhr, i know a lot guys of the great PvP-hardcore-im playing-to-much-scene in real life... people like me who are sitting a way to much in front of a screen and playing funny games... and people who are trying to cover a sad life with "intelligent" statements and flames. You want a proof? Look in a mirror and take this as an insult

Its not enough to be dedicated and gifted - you will be in need of a lot of training and this is: wasted time. Your little dreams in real life will be fading, friends are vanishing, your familiy is knowing you as the pizza eating furting mob in the upper rooms, but at least... we are avid PvP players, known in a fast living community who gives a shit about when you are gone - welcome to the real world, oh master of pain and destruction.

One free advice, my mentor: Puke in the moonlight over your shoes and dance 3 hours around a tree and you will see the wisdoms in my words - otherwise be silent, my lil boy.

Nope, im happy with my life and im loving games - despite of the fact that im wasting a bit to much time with them.

P.S: and i cant stand peebs who are selling vacuum cleaners

Rook, the poor lil misunderstood human being <--- hug her

old.Sion Verdox

Rook what in gods name are you on about?


Interesting...I was pondering moving to a pvp server but I dunno...we'll see ;)


Oh Sion,

nothing special - just trying to practice some english language again, im a bit rusty.... so, ive thought a little flamewar could help, work today was kinda boring :)

Rook a nice girl, 10 minutes a day

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